gists and administrators in hospitals in their decision-
making process (e.g. better admission control in the
ER, more isolation of infected patients, or greater care
in the movement of at-risk patients). It can also be ap-
plied, for example, in the Objective Structured Clin-
ical Examination (OSCE), where the skills acquired
by students upon completing their medical degree are
evaluated. In these tests, they create simulated sce-
narios and students must make a series of decisions
as doctors.
Our following step is to validate the visual tool
by means of qualitative evaluations with specialized
users to ensure its usability and usefulness.
In this paper, we propose a decision-support visual
tool to help intertwine the spatial-temporal locations
of hospitalized patients with information about their
health conditions during the spread of an infection
by multidrug-resistant bacteria. To do this, the tool
combines several views which include a 3D visualiza-
tion of a hospital, a 2D visualization of the temporal
progression of the disease, and a tabular visualization
to detail the information depicted in the other views.
The interactivity of the created 3D model allows for
a faithful representation of the movements and the in-
fection processes, while the use of widespread charts
can help understand the temporal progress through
epidemiological indicators. The tasks were defined
together with epidemiologists from hospitals from
Murcia, and we consider that this tool is going to be of
utility in different areas (infection control, decisions
in a hospital, teaching). Our next step is to validate
the usefulness and usability of the tool with said users.
This work was partially funded by the CON-
FAINCE project (Ref: PID2021-122194OB-I00) by
MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by ”ERDF
A way of making Europe”, by the ”European
Union” or by the ”European Union NextGenera-
tionEU/PRTR”. This research is also partially funded
by the FPI program grant (Ref: PRE2019-089806).
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Spatial-Temporal Visualization Tool for Hospital Support for Infection Spread and Outbreaks