Figure 9: Classification rates among several value ranges of
tensors for each amount [%] of training data of CIFAR10.
Figure 10: Classification rates of several types of labels for
each amount [%] of training data of CIFAR10.
In this paper, we improved and evaluated the tensor
representation label proposed in (Chen, 2021) as a
different label representation in image recognition.
Specifically, improvements and evaluations were
conducted on image selection of a reference,
complexity increase, and tensor size setting. For the
reference image of the tensor representation, we
proposed sampling directly from the training data and
averaging procedures for each class. To increase
complexity, we proposed the addition of Gaussian
noise and the application of block encryption. We
also evaluated the expansion of the tensor size and the
number of channels. We also examined the varieties
of value range. In the recognition experiments
conducted for evaluating the proposed methods, our
proposed tensor representations with higher
complexity and larger sizes were as accurate as the
conventional one-hot vector for ordinary data and
more accurate than the conventional tensor
representation labels based on speech spectrograms.
In addition, in the evaluation of resistance to AEs and
experiments with reduced training data, we confirmed
that our proposed labels provide higher accuracy than
conventional labels, including one-hot vectors in
many cases. However, we unfortunately found that no
method was superior in all the cases, and that some
methods are not suitable for certain models and
Future works include verification of the
compatibility between label types and the structure of
DNN models, and evaluation using other databases
and DNN models.
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