sidered with 5 objectives whereas the KSP, DLTZ, and
WFG are considered with 4, 6, 8, and 10 objectives
each. To the best of our knowledge, no researchers
have solved these problems as cross-domain together
and the CB-SHH has not applied to any variations of
JSP and KSP. CB-SHH is the best-performing algo-
rithm on 44 out of 48 instances across all datasets and
is the best cross-domain algorithm on all the datasets.
The CB-SHH has performed better on all datasets
except FT06, LA10 and LA25, WFG3. Whereas
on FT06, LA10, and LA25, MPMOGA has outper-
formed other algorithms and MOEA/D has the best
results on WFG3. CB-SHH handles the balance be-
tween exploration and exploitation very intelligently
which is one of the main reasons for the algorithm
outperforming others.
In the future, more real-life many-objective
benchmark problems can be added to extend the stud-
Adeem Ali Anwar is the recipient of an iMQRES
funded by Macquarie University, Australia (allocation
No. 20213183).
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Solving Many-Objective Optimization Problems Using Selection Hyper-Heuristics