Table 5: Efficiency comparaison between VGG16, IFA
and IFA
Model Test Accuracy Training Cost BCR
Floating Point Operations BCR
f po
VGG16 95.22% 2.26e+13 4.21e-12 2.52e+09 3.79e-08
93.77% 7.62e+10 1.23e-09 9.95e+07 9.42e-07
94.47% 4.04e+12 2.34e-11 2.30e+08 4.10e-07
curacy by 1.45% with a 300 times larger network that
consumes 14 times more energy is not such a good
In this research, we apply the Improved Firefly Algo-
rithm, a training-free neural architecture search tech-
nique, to automate the model design and find the most
suitable neural network for the chosen dataset. This
method produced interesting results for on the Online
Action Data (OAD) dataset in 48 minutes on a sin-
gle CPU, improving the baseline NAS (using train-
ing over 100 epochs) by a factor of 476 (GPU based)
and a factor of 4400 (CPU based), while improving
(Wang et al., 2023) proposition by a factor of 114.
this method is also 170 times less power consuming
and polluting than training-based NAS using GPU.
While achieving high performance, it is important
to take into account the efficiency of neural networks,
which are growing exponentially. With this in con-
sideration, we propose the benefit cost ratio (BCR), a
metric to evaluate the quality of a neural network in
terms of its performance, but also its cost.
Experimentation on the Online Action Detection
dataset showed that using the IFA provides a little
lower performing model (93.77% of accuracy 95.22%
from the state-of-the-art) but allows reducing the
computation cost in terms of time by a factor of 2.8,
and 14 times in terms of energy consumption and
pollution, by producing a neural network that is 300
times smaller than the VGG16 model.
As a future work, we consider using the BCR as
the fitness of the Improved FireFly algortihm, to bring
the aspect of efficiency into the architecture search.
This work has been carried out within the French-
Canadian project DOMAID which is funded by the
National Agency for Research (ANR-20-CE26-0014-
01) and the FRQSC
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VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications