Considering the BCAAR rules, R1 and R2, for
individuals who were not employed at the begin-
ning of the pandemic, the rules associate preventive
actions that individuals can take against COVID-19
(PATS_Mean) with attention-related factors such as
non-reactivity (FFMQ_NonreactMean), where non-
reactivity to inner experience is defined in terms of
allowing thoughts and feelings to come and go with-
out being caught up or carried away by them, where
a higher score indicates higher attention (Bohlmeijer
et al., 2011). It can be observed that all individuals
with 75% preventive actions were non-reactive. In
this scenario, it was only highlighted that the major
issues for individuals who were not employed at the
beginning of the pandemic are different compared to
employed individuals analyzed in the previous scenar-
The objective of this study was to demonstrate the
potential of triadic analysis for extracting association
rules within the context of longitudinal studies for
psychological records, focusing on people’s reactions
to stress conditions such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
The rules can contribute to a better understanding of
individuals’ psychological reactions under stressful
It is important to emphasize that the approach re-
quires prior definition of thresholds for discretization
and determining whether an incidence is marked or
not in the triadic context. The difficulty in accessing
information about the tests on the applied scale, due
to restricted data, can hinder threshold definition to
characterize individuals as healthy or not, and to bet-
ter understand the topic being addressed. Although
threshold definition requires expert knowledge, the
approach allows for the adjustment of various sce-
narios to describe the results of a longitudinal study.
Among the positive aspects, the applicability and ease
of application to various contexts can be highlighted.
As future work, there are several implementations
that can be carried out in the considered longitudinal
study. Implementations can be performed in different
scenarios, and different attributes from the database
can be used in each of these chosen scenarios. Fur-
thermore, with the input of researchers from the field
of psychology, the data could be better analyzed to
understand the implications of a pandemic on peo-
ple’s mental health. Our intention was to demonstrate
the potential use of triadic rules to analyze the psy-
chological effects of a pandemic.
The authors would like to thank: The National
Council for Scientific and Technological Develop-
ment of Brazil (CNPQ), The Coordination for the Im-
provement of Higher Education Personnel - Brazil
(CAPES) (Grant PROAP 88887.842889/2023-00 –
PUC/MG, Grant PDPG 88887.708960/2022-00 –
PUC/MG - INFORMATICA and Finance Code 001),
Minas Gerais State Research Support Foundation
(FAPEMIG) under grant number APQ-01929-22, and
the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais,
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