tainty for each modality. Qualitative variables were
transformed into binary variables. Finally, we ob-
tained a representation of the corpus and variables in
an uncertain context. We computed uncertain formal
concepts and showed that it was possible to visualize
the links between words in a formal concept by us-
ing similarity analysis. By projecting formal concepts
on the first two principal components of factorial cor-
respondence analysis we visualized the relationships
between terms. Finally, the graphical queries made it
possible to highlight the essential terms. Moreover,
they improve computation time and they reduce ex-
ploration time for the user. Our perspective is to ex-
periment and improve this approach. We will improve
and compare the solutions for the preprocessing of the
corpus. We plan to collaborate with researchers in the
humanities to test our solution with practical applica-
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Uncertain Formal Concept Analysis for the Study of a Text Corpus