Modeling Missing Maritime Objects Using an Agent Based Model
Jarrod Grewe
and Igor Griva
Department of Computational and Data Sciences, George Mason University,
4400 University Dr Fairfax VA, U.S.A.
Department of Mathematical Sciences, George Mason University, 4400 University Dr Fairfax VA, U.S.A.
Keywords: Agent Based Model, Search and Rescue, Search Theory.
Abstract: Accurate modeling the movement and behaviors of missing persons and vessels is critical in their finding and
rescuing in maritime environments. Current methods focus on using particle techniques that model several
factors including leeway and drift but lack the ability to model human factors and behaviors. This research
explores the idea of using an agent-based approach to model missing objects with the goal of developing a
methodology that accounts for missing person behavior in a maritime domain. This new approach leads to a
more accurate missing persons movement trajectories and results in finding better search plans. The results
show that an agent-based model can consider environmental elements, behavioral factors, and hazards when
modeling target movement in a maritime domain which is critical in missing object modeling. The developed
approach also shows how an agent-based model can help find optimal search plans.
In this paper we examine and discuss the use of an
agent-based model (ABM) in modeling missing
maritime objects. Using a ABM could increase the
accuracy of predicting how missing maritime objects
move by modeling human factors and behavior.
The motivation of this research is to increase the
probability of search and rescue (SAR) personnel
finding missing persons and saving lives. Between
1993 and 2016, an average of 278 lives were lost
annually after the United States Coast Guard (USCG)
was notified of a missing person. (U.S. Coast Guard,
Consider a scenario that is loosely set on the
eastern shore of Delaware. Consider yourself a
manager of SAR operations who develops,
implements, and oversees SAR activities in the area.
It is a cool autumn day at a well-known coastline.
There is a strong wind that shifts from the south to the
east at 10 knots, and the sky is clear and cool. From
New Jersey, the water currents travel south before
turning east to join the Gulf Stream, which travels
northwest. There have been emergency calls, so a
search operation needs to be started.
The distress signal is sent by a fishing boat. The
boat's operators claim that electrical problems. are
impacting their motor and navigational gear. The
caller said they were travelling northeast but weren't
aware of their precise location. The call was cut off,
and attempts to reach the other party were futile. The
emergency radio call was triangulated to get the last
known location. There are helicopters, cutters, and
search boats among the search resources at hand.
Such a situation requires a quick turnaround in
terms of decision making and launching a SAR
operation. The methodology described in this
manuscript helps a SAR manager make qualified
decisions that maximize the probability of finding the
lost boat considering available resources.
How a search theory methodology simulates target
movement is a key element in any search plan
optimization for a mobile target. Historically,
diffusion methods have been widely applied (Lin &
Goodrich, 2010) and (Eagle, 1984), whereas
SAROPS (Search and Rescue Operations Planning
Grewe, J. and Griva, I.
Modeling Missing Maritime Objects Using an Agent Based Model.
DOI: 10.5220/0012317300003639
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES 2024), pages 236-244
ISBN: 978-989-758-681-1; ISSN: 2184-4372
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
System) currently employs a particle technique.
(Kratzke, Stone, & Frost, 2010) Applying an ABM in
wilderness searches has been studied in some detail
(Mohibullah & Julie, 2013). A few case studies have
also been done to use agent-based simulations to
marine search operations in order to enhance
verification and validation techniques (Onggo &
Karatas, 2016).
The majority of pertinent research on the
employment of ABM in maritime settings is
concentrated on military and security uses. Port
security (Harris, Dixon, Dunn D.L., & Romich, 2013)
and the use of UAVs for surface monitoring (Steele,
2004) are examples of this. Additionally, a number of
studies, including (Walton, Paulo, McCarthy, &
Vaidyanathn, 2005) and (Sullivan, 2016), have been
published on force protection simulations. The
employment of ABM in counter-piracy activities has
also been studied by numerous scholars (Deraeve,
Anderson, & Low, 2010), (Dabrowski & Villiers,
2015), and (Marchione, Johnson, & Wilson, 2014).
The verification and validation of these models, as
seen, for instance, while examining tactics to defend
cargo ships against pirate attack (Deraeve, Anderson,
& Low, 2010), is a frequent problem in this field of
research. However, the methods utilized to evaluate
and verify the simulations are not explicitly stated.
The Pathfinder methodology introduced in
(Grewe & Griva, 2022) and (Grewe & Griva, 2022)
allows finding optimal SAR plans that maximize the
probability of target detection with available
recourses. While these manuscripts can offer a high-
level overview of the Pathfinder methodology, the
present manuscript focuses on ABM portion of
2.1 Limitations of Diffusion Methods
Diffusion methods have been used several times to
model mobile targets and have been applied in several
search theory methodologies (Eagle, 1984); plus to
model lost persons (Lin & Goodrich, 2010). These
techniques, which rely on Bayesian statistics and
probabilities, can get more difficult as the terrain gets
more complicated. It may work in the open ocean but
terrains like bays, marches, etc are far harder to
model. The main problem is that targets'
independence as independent agents with decision-
making abilities is not considered by diffusion
methods. Additionally, they are unable to model
changes in target type or survival mode. Because of
these limitations, the diffusion method can only
adequately model simple targets or objects over a
unified terrain.
2.2 Limitations of Particle Methods
The particle method considers only environmental
factors, while in addition to that the ABM can also
account for various behavioral modes of a target.
Each agent may have a special trajectory based on
agent’s individual behavioral characteristics.
Therefore, the ABM covers a much wider range of
possible target movements, types, transitions, and
thus results in search plans with higher probabilities
of finding missing targets.
This section discusses Pathfinder, starting with an
abstract overview and then breaking down Pathfinder
into its core components. Next, we will review the
relevant models, processes, and definitions.
Pathfinder is a comprehensive search theory
methodology that uses an ABM to model target
movement and a nonlinear optimization model to find
optimal search paths. This is a powerful blend of
technology that has several advantages over existing
methodologies. (Grewe & Griva, 2022).
3.1 Components
The nonlinear optimization model and the ABM are
the two main parts of Pathfinder. While each element
can be used independently to enhance an existing
search methodology, their combined use is especially
potent. The ABM incorporates both environmental
and historical data. The nonlinear optimization model
will produce the best search plans for the maritime
search operation after receiving the information from
the ABM. The relationship between these elements
and search operations and data is shown in Figure 1.
3.2 Design
Figure 1 shows the breakdown of proposed rescue
operations into logical sub-processes. It serves as the
basis for the Pathfinder design. Only two of
Pathfinder's many automated and sequential sub-
processes require human involvement. This
manuscript describes in detail each sub-process
necessary for the core components—ABM and
optimization model—to function properly.
Modeling Missing Maritime Objects Using an Agent Based Model
Historical Data
Initiation of Search
Oper ation
Agent Based Model
Optimization Model
Search Operations
Search Debriefing
Figure 1: The relationship between search operations and
the two main Pathfinder components, ABM and
optimization model.
The steps in this new methodology are introduced
in this section. Each phase has a separate sub-process
that is essential to the operation of Pathfinder. The
setup procedure comes first. The search manager
chooses search-specific information in this step,
including target types, searcher types, domain, and
last known location. Pathfinder then starts processes
that load history data, topography data, and
environmental data after the search manager makes
these selections. The Epsilon model is the next phase,
and it is used to find restrictions on the searchers'
travel across the domain. The ABM is the next step,
which simulates target movement. The search
manager is presented the findings after the ABM is
concluded. The search manager enters a preliminary
search plan using this information. Once entered, the
pre-processor uses this initial search plan for the
nonlinear optimization model. In addition, the pre-
processor prepares the variables and data for the
optimization model. The nonlinear optimization
model then identifies the best search strategies for
each searcher. After the nonlinear optimization model
is finished, a post-processor is employed as a quality-
control step and to get the data ready for visualization.
The search plan is visualized at this point, along with
any necessary data files. The search plans are now
prepared for use in search operations by a search
4.1 Environmental Factors
Wind and water currents are the two main
environmental elements that influence target
movement. The following equations from the USCG
(USCG, 2013) are used to compute the first element,
leeway speed, or the movement induced by wind and
waves, of a target. Assume 𝑠𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑒
and 𝑌𝑖𝑛𝑡
constants, plus 𝐿
and 𝑊
are the leeway speed and
wind speed, respectively. These parameters vary
based on the target type. The y-intercept and slope of
the leeway linear equation are the constants 𝑌𝑖𝑛𝑡
. Regression analysis and experimentation are
used to find these constants (Morris, Osychny, &
Turner, 2008). When 𝑊
< 6 knots, the equation
changes, resulting in 𝐿
=0 at 𝑊
𝑜𝑟 𝑊
6 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑠
𝑜𝑟 𝑊
<6 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑠
In the current prototype, this is a quick way to
determine the leeway speed for various target types.
For target types with a small 𝑠𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑒
, the future
implementation of Pathfinder will additionally use
the Rayleigh Method (Kratzke, Stone, & Frost, 2010).
Water currents are the second environmental
component. The vector sum of the existing currents in
the environment is used to compute the overall water
current. This calculation considers various currents,
such as wind, surface, and tidal currents. Using
historical data as well as information from
organizations like NOAA, water currents will be
gathered in a manner similar to SAROPS. Two
environmental elements are present in the SAR
scenario: a 10-knot wind and water currents that are
moving from the south to the east into the northeast-
moving Gulf Stream.
4.2 Hazards
Next we discuss hazards and their effects on target
movement. Hazards that can cause death of a
searched target are problematic to model. Hazards
that interfere with target movement, however, are
simpler and depend on other behavioral elements.
Currently there is incomplete data on the probability
of death due to hazards. There is, however, data on
survival times for cold exposure (Tikuisis, 1995) The
USCG has utilized this mathematical model to
determine when to stop looking for a missing person
in the water.
ICORES 2024 - 13th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
When a target agent expires, it will be due to the
whims of wind, currents, and other environmental
factors. More investigation is required to compile this
data and model death because of exposure. One can,
however, model an agent’s ability to move around
hazards such as jetties.
4.3 Behavioral Factors
Behavioral factors were based on “survival modes”
which themselves are based on historical data and
assigned to agents on setup. Koester lists eight
different "survival strategies " that people who are
lost could employ (Koester, 2008). Agents can switch
between various "survival modes" while the search
progresses. Five of the most popular survival
strategies are included in the Pathfinder prototype:
overdue, travel aide, route finding, staying put, and
wanderer. Several survival modes are a subgroup of
these five and can be modelled in the future; for
example, direction sampling is a type of route finding.
Based on the weather, geography, objective location,
time of day, and other factors, the survival mode
determines how each agent will act. The historical
information utilized in the ABM was taken from
(Koester, 2008), which has some useful information
but not all the information required for a maritime
environment. It will be crucial in the future to gather
and derive data to adjust the ABM to a maritime
environment. The next step is to go through each
survival mode and how the ABM predicts target
When the target agent is trying stay put and is not
actively moving, it is in the staying put mode. The
SAROPS concept of "stickiness," which is inherent in
this ABM, is also present. If the water is shallow
enough, an agent who has a way to stay put—like an
anchor—might decide to use the anchor. The target
may also beach and remain put if they are sufficiently
close to the shoreline. The agent will have to struggle
against the environment to remain immobile if they
are unable to drop an anchor or beach their watercraft.
The wanderer mode is for the target agent who,
individually or in combination, (a) has no idea where
they are, (b) has no idea where they wish to go, (c)
may not be mentally competent of making reasonable
decisions. When an agent is in this survival mode,
they move randomly, frequently taking the simplest
routes (Koester, 2008).
Overdue, route finding, and travel aid survival
modes are all incorporated in the same way, but they
have different end points in mind. Where the target
agent wishes to go is the target destination. This
might be a fishing spot, a boat ramp, or just a site in
general. Each of these three survival strategies has a
unique method for determining the location of this
target. The target agent in the overdue mode is just
overdue and not lost. As a result, the target agent's
perception of their location and the target location is
accurate. The travel aid mode is for a lost target agent
who possesses navigational tools like a map or
compass. As a result, a target agent's perception of its
location and the target destination is generally
accurate and becomes better as the agent approaches
its destination. The target agent does not have a
reliable estimation of their location or their
destination in the route-finding mode. The target
agent will move in a general direction until they come
across landmarks that can direct them.
The ABM employs a genetic algorithm to
simulate the target agent's route in order to model
these three survival options. The "bounded
rationality" principle is applied in this genetic
algorithm (Simon, 1982). Time, information, and
human capacity for reasoning are all constrained,
which causes rationality to be bounded. A person
seeking to navigate a space may have a map of what
lies ahead, but until they are closer, they cannot see
the specifics of the path. For instance, a boat dock
might be indicated on a map as being ahead, but as
the user approaches, they find it is damaged and
unusable. Accordingly, the path that will most likely
take place in the near future is the actual one, but the
path in the far future is just an estimate.
The following paragraph describes how the
genetic algorithm works. A straight path is made from
the target agent's current location to its destination for
t=0 and regularly during the modeled time, with each
waypoint equally spaced and within the target agent's
range of motion. If the target is late, the destination
may be an accurate assessment, but if the target is lost
and using a travel aids, the destination may be an
inaccurate assessment of where its goal location is.
For the route-finding mode, this straight line lays in
one direction that is not necessarily in the direction of
the destination. Following the creation of this first
path, the target agent's current location serves as the
starting point for the genetic algorithm to run on a
small portion of the path. The portion of the future
path that is rational can be referred to as the "genetic
segment" or the "rational section" in this case. Each
waypoint in this section is marginally altered until a
faster, simpler, safer, more realistic, and within the
target agent's capability alternate path is discovered.
The new route is assessed using a weighted score.
The target's preferences for a new path determines
these weights. A shorter path could be more valuable
to some targets than an easy one. The genetic
Modeling Missing Maritime Objects Using an Agent Based Model
algorithm's scoring weights are based on data and
research on previously lost individuals. Since there is
only one terrain type to consider in this study—open
water—these weights have no impact on target
movement. As a result, the shorter route is always
The target agent advances along the path by one
step after the path is created then moves on to the next
target agent. The ABM advances to 𝑡=𝑡+1 once
all agents have moved. With analysis and integration
of historical target behavior, several ABM
components will require additional fine-tuning.
Targets can be modeled leaving a search domain,
which is another benefit of employing an ABM in this
configuration. For example, if we use the ABM to
model a lost boat in 𝛺, we also model boats leaving
the search domain 𝛺
. This is an important factor in
SAR operations that enables search manager to
calculate when to end a search.
Modeling transitions between target types and
survival modes is a crucial ability for an ABM. For
instance, if a search team is looking for a boat, they
must consider the possibility that the boat has sunk or
may not have any power. It is possible that the target
is now a life raft or someone in the water if the boat
has sunk. A methodology should take these
transitions into account in order to accurately model
target behavior and movement. An example of a
transition a boat might go through during a search is
shown in Figure 2. Keep in mind that there are a
number of possible transitions in this straightforward
example, some of which can happen repeatedly.
Boat without
Person(s) in the
Figure 2: Visualization of the transitions that a boat could
undergo. In order to accurately model target movement and
behavior, these transitions must be modeled.
5.1 Analyzing Illustrative Scenario
Many of the actions and behaviors of agents in
Pathfinder were modeled. Some of the agents are
moved by the environment, some are propelled
toward their objective if they have power, and some
use an anchor in shallow water. High speed
computing techniques seem to have the ability to
train, tune, and optimize this ABM. In this scenario,
there are two target kinds, and the model illustrates
three different tactics a missing boat may use. The
first visualization shows agent allocation, which is
based on the three regions given to it, is shown in
Figure 3. The agent colors are as follows; black are
boats with power, green is boats without power,
yellow are life rafts, and red are persons in water.
Initial agent types are 60% boats with power, 30%
boats without power, 5% are rafts in water, and the
remaining 5% are persons in the water.
Figure 3: The three probability regions that were given to
the initial agent allocation were: A) the 50% region, B) the
40% region, and C) the remaining 10% region. we used
1001 agents in this visualization. The agent colors are as
follows, with examples; boats with power are black (1),
boats without power are green (2), life rafts are yellow (3),
and persons in water are red (4). Initial agent types are 60%
boats with power, 30% boats without power, 5% are rafts
in water, and the remaining 5% are persons in the water.
ICORES 2024 - 13th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
Figure 4: The agent’s primary separated into four groups:
A) an group of agents, primarily boats without power,
that is traveling to its destination; B) a group of agents,
primarily boats with power, that is being carried by the wind
and currents; C) a group of agents, boats without power,
that has anchored; and D) a group of agents, boats with
power, that is traveling to the coastline In creating this
visualization, we used 1001 agents. The agent colors are as
follows, with examples; boats with power are black (1),
boats without power are green (2), life rafts are yellow (3),
and persons in water are red (4). Initial agent types are 60%
boats with power, 30% boats without power, 5% are rafts
in water, and the remaining 5% are persons in the water.
Figure 4 demonstrates yet another benefit of
utilizing an ABM to simulate target behavior. When
looking for a missing boat, keep in mind that it might
or might not be powered, have an anchor deployed,
capsize, sink, have life rafts in the water, or even have
passengers in the water. As a result, there are various
target categories that SAR operations may be
searching for, and each target may display a variety
of distinct characteristics. Because it can represent all
conceivable target kinds and target behaviors
simultaneously, the ABM is advantageous for search
5.2 Analysis of the Number of Agents
When employing this prototype, a crucial question
arises: How many agents are required for an accurate
analysis of target movement? While further
consideration will be given to this in future research,
our preliminary analysis demonstrates how the
probability of detection (POD) and performance
depend on the number of agents employed. We
anticipate that utilizing more agents will improve
modeling target behavior accuracy at the expense of
performance; going from 100 to 500 agents would be
preferred and advantageous for accuracy, despite an
increase in processing time. Although increased
precision from 5,000 to 50,000 agents might be
slightly better, but performance could be greatly
hampered. There must to be an ideal quantity of
agents to be employed. With the next experiment, we
will investigate how accuracy and performance are
affected by the number of agents.
We will employ the initial search strategy shown
in Figure 5 of a helicopter using a ladder pattern to
search the domain. This preliminary search plan was
made using USCG documentation.
Figure 5: The initial search strategy for a helicopter (in
orange) that will be used to assess the impact of Pathfinder's
agent count.
With 1 to 2001 agents, we will conduct a number
of experiments in Pathfinder. Then, for each series of
runs, we will compile information on the searcher's
runtime and distance covered. By looking at four
agents from various prior distribution regions from a
different run of the ABM, we will also examine POD.
These agents will display the four main ABM
movements: late, navigational aid, anchor
deployment, and current-driven drifting. The use of
these agents is necessary because the quantity of
agents in the ABM will have an impact on
Pathfinder's automatic POD calculation. So, in this
experiment, we are testing the ability to find a single
target by using these individual agents.
An almost linear growth in Pathfinder's runtime as
a function of the number of agents was the first
outcome. This was anticipated because the data
Modeling Missing Maritime Objects Using an Agent Based Model
source from the ABM extended the optimization
model's runtime.
Figure 6: Top: The number of agents employed in the ABM
vs the runtime in minutes for Pathfinder. Bottom, based on
the number of agents deployed in the ABM and the average
searcher travel distance in kilometers. Observe how it
reaches a plateau because of the time constraints and
searcher performance.
Next, we look at how the number of agents affect
searcher travel distance. The searcher has a limited
amount of time to search and can only move at a
certain speed, so this effect was also anticipated.
Around 1,320 km is the maximum distance that our
searcher, a helicopter, can travel. In some
experiments with 801 agents this limit was reached.
We expected that the POD would rise as the
number of agents rose, but for agents coming from the
50% region, the POD peaks between 1000 and 1600
agents. There are peaks at 400 and 1000 agents for
agents coming from the 40% region. Last but not
least, using more agents did not significantly increase
POD for agents in the 10% region. Since some
modeling techniques, like SAROPS, use up to 10,000
particles to model a probability distribution, this was
Future research should determine the ideal agent
count and the reasons why, after 1000 agents,
performance for agents inside the 50% region seems
to decline but only slightly improves for those outside
the 50% region. Many experiments we performed
experience a drop in POD performance at around 501
agents. The impact of agents on the significant
adjustments in search paths is related to this. The
complexity of the plans rises along with the number
of agents.
6.1 Verification Efforts
The output of the ABM is employed to verify
simulation findings. During the verification process,
numerous computations were used, and hundreds of
executions were scrutinized. Agents were also
examined to make sure they were produced properly
and moved realistically inside the domain. This
entails verifying calculations for movement, leeway,
and drift.
An active verification process was used in the
prototype after the static verification techniques. This
was achieved by placing checkpoints throughout the
prototype to resolve errors in calculations. For
instance, targets situated on terrain types that are
6.2 Validation Efforts
A critical research direction involves collecting more
data for the ABM. More behavioral data is needed.
For example, how often people in boats without
power deploy their anchor or how often a missing
kayaker will beach their kayak to conserve energy?
This data needs to be collected and analyzed to
finetune the ABM. The ABM is the component of
Pathfinder that will need the most research and
development in the future. This research will focus on
both maritime and land scenarios.
The obtained results demonstrated that an ABM can
aid in developing the search plans in a marine
environment. When simulating target movement, an
ABM may take environmental factors, behavioral
aspects, and hazards into account. This is crucial in
scenarios where a missing person may choose various
modes of behavior. Environmental elements are
similar to those used in earlier techniques, such as
ICORES 2024 - 13th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
SAROPS. The results also provide some guidance on
the number of agents needed in the ABM to
accurately detect target activity and movement. At the
same time we believe that the number of agents as
well as finding the probabilistic distribution of
various modes of agents' behavior require more
A crucial study direction entails obtaining more ABM
data. More behavioral information is required, such
as how frequently anchors are dropped by vessels
without power or how frequently a missing kayaker
beaches their kayak to save energy. Finding the path
score weights for the genetic algorithm will also be
important for land searches. Depending on the
geography, this will influence the preferred paths of
lost people. For the ABM to be improved, this
information must be gathered and examined. The part
of Pathfinder that will require the most future
research and development is the ABM. Both maritime
and land-based scenarios will be the focus of this
Data can be gathered in a variety of ways for
adaptation and validation. One could first collaborate
with the USCG and ask for authorization to gather
data from their search efforts. With volunteers
equipped with GPS devices, field experiments might
be conducted. This strategy has limitations since
people who are missing behave differently than others
who are following the instruction to "act as if you are
in a life threating situation." Modeling how people
move across a wilderness or maritime terrain may
benefit from data collection and analysis from
wilderness parks and habitats like those mentioned by
(Crooks, et al., 2015). Land SAR analysis will also be
helpful. For instance, a right-handed person is more
likely to turn right when there is a choice in direction
(Koester, 2008). Finally, historical data can be
employed, but it is challenging to get and it may have
gaps. Many missing persons do not know the exact
path they took before being found although data on
where they were found can generally be ascertained.
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ICORES 2024 - 13th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems