The addition of an encoding and decoding part with
latent space increases memory needs. In compari-
son, the original SinGAN structure, composed of only
convolution layers, needs less memory Shaham et al.
(2019). To reduce the memory requirement, a future
work is to lighten the encoding architecture and op-
timise the latent space. Instead of using the maximal
resolution in the second encoding convolutional layer,
an idea could be to update the shape according to the
level of resolution, which may accurate the results.
In future directions, other noise inputs may be
evaluated for the generative part. Indeed, in previous
research, we show an influence of the noise injection
according to a kind of acquisition Br
emond Martin
et al. (2022). Thus, it could be interesting to update
the noise injection according to the microscopic ac-
quisition considered and test if the result from a par-
ticular injection is still linked with the acquisition.
For the polyp dataset, the update of noise input may
reproduce particular saturation, the over/under expo-
sure of polyp topology during the imaging Ali et al.
(2020). Additionally, the generated image speculari-
ties may be evaluated to enhance the generated light
reflection on smooth objects. The loss function may
also be improved. As shown previously, it can im-
prove the contrast between the background and the
researched structureBr
emond Martin et al. (2022).
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• A generative architecture based upon patch-
pyramidal auto-encoders;
• Taking in input a single pair of raw and GT
biomedical images;
• Which synthesise natural images, similar and in
the same statistical space as original pairs and
compared with state-of-the-art methods.
Such approach may be interesting to increase minimal
datasets to automate for instance the diagnosis grade
of a disease from a single image with deep learning
methods. An interesting perspective may be to verify
the grade of each generation from a single input pair
of images annotated with the grade.
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Pair-GAN: A Three-Validated Generative Model from Single Pairs of Biomedical and Ground Truth Images