In this study, we have discovered that SSL frame-
works can provide suitable representations for the
analysis of micro-CT images of rock. These repre-
sentations significantly enhance the performance of
downstream tasks compared to traditional supervised
learning methods across all label fractions. The chal-
lenges posed by the scarcity and cost associated with
manual annotation in the domain of DRP make it diffi-
cult to acquire datasets of a scale comparable to those
in well-established computer vision domains. Our
success in showcasing performance improvements
over traditional supervised learning methods, particu-
larly in scenarios with limited labeled data, holds the
potential for broader applications in micro-CT image
analysis, encompassing both 2D and 3D representa-
tions characterized by intricate textures. A pretrained
network tailored for DRP can be used for different
purposes, including classification, segmentation, and
the estimation of rock properties.
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creased computational resources allocated to model
training could result in improved performance. Addi-
tionally, we identify the potential for further research,
particularly in the exploration of various downstream
tasks such as regression which are of interest for 3D
tomography of rock images.
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VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications