This paper investigates object detection and instance
segmentation for real-time traffic surveillance appli-
cations. To this end, we have adopted existing in-
stance segmentation models by training them on a
proprietary dataset. Since instance-segmentation an-
notations are not available for this dataset, two novel
methods are proposed for generating these annota-
tions in a semi-automated procedure. The first pro-
cedure utilizes existing pre-trained models, while the
second procedure employs box-supervised models
that are first finetuned on the proprietary dataset.
The YOLACT-YOLOv7 model is evaluated as
optimal for traffic surveillance applications because
of its high performance and low latency. Frac-
tion training experiments on the COCO dataset show
that 90% of the instance segmentation performance
can be achieved when only 70% of the dataset con-
tains instance segmentation annotations. Besides
this, the YOLACT-YOLOv7 detection and segmen-
tation performance significantly increases when it
is trained on the proprietary dataset containing au-
tomatically generated instance segmentations. The
instance-segmentation performance is highest when
YOLACT-YOLOv7 is trained on the segmentation
dataset that is generated by the Segment Anything
Model (87.6% mAP). Finetuning of a box-supervised
model to generate the instance segmentation ground-
truth for the proprietary dataset does not result in a
higher performance (85.5% mAP for BoxLevelSet).
Visual inspection of the results show that future re-
search should focus on improving instance segmen-
tation for partially occluded objects, for example by
improving the quality of the automatically generated
dataset even more.
Training YOLACT-YOLOv7 on a segmentation
dataset that is annotated semi-automatically forms an
attractive solution, since it requires low manual anno-
tation effort while the quality of the generated data is
suitable for training. The trained YOLACT-YOLOv7
model achieves high detection and instance segmen-
tation performance of 94.6% and 87.6% respectively,
while maintaining real-time inference speed.
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