ber of matches to bound the complexity of the VIO
optimization while maintaining maximum accuracy.
Our extensive tests on the EuRoC datasets show that
our system achieves state-of-the-art odometry perfor-
mance according to relative translation and rotation
errors, at the cost of a slight increase of computational
complexity. Now, our tests highlight different ways in
which this work could be improved:
1. A dedicated, deep feature-based loop closure sys-
tem could be appended for full SLAM capability.
2. As shown in the tests, the local map-based match-
ing of HFNet-SLAM and ORB-SLAM could po-
tentially improve the global consistency of the tra-
jectories returned by our system.
3. The current implementation of the feature tracker
is in Python and PyTorch; important speed im-
provements could be obtained by switching to a
C++ / TensorRT implementation.
Following open science principles and to stimulate
work in the directions mentioned hereabove, we open
source the code of our system (upon acceptance).
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