
architecture works as intended. And although we
outperformed the backbone networks in almost every
case, there is room for improvement.
An improvement might be a more sophisticated
grouping algorithm. Our grouping algorithm often
produces group trees where, for example, one group
has 40 classes while others have only a few. Although
it’s probably impossible to construct a completely bal-
anced tree, because some classes are more distinct
while another large set of classes are more similar,
we could improve our algorithm to take into account
how balanced the hierarchy tree is.
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mizer, learning rate schedule, and weight decay as for
the backbone models, it is very likely that what works
for the baseline models is not optimal for HierNet, so
we could also investigate the training settings more.
Finally, it might be useful to investigate which
features are extracted by the shared edges and which
features are extracted by the edges of the individual
groups. We could visualize this with an approach sim-
ilar to the one described in (Zeiler and Fergus, 2014).
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HierNet: Image Recognition with Hierarchical Convolutional Networks