fected every time the tool parameters change. A sys-
tem based on the proposed methodology would allow
not only the assessment of the reliability of inference
results but also the automation of the process of tra-
ining data selection by indicating the optimal number
of samples needed.
The machine learning models deployed as part of
this experiment respond differently to the variability
of the deep features extracted from input images, sho-
wing high robustness even to significant changes in
some of them while simultaneously being highly sen-
sitive to others. For this reason, further work would
be required to improve the proposed methodology for
determining the degree of dissimilarity of the data by
developing methods that are less general and closely
related to the character of the processed data. The con-
sidered approaches are the use of feature extractors
based on image classifiers trained on images of cut-
ting tools acquired with the developed vision system
or direct determination of inference quality with the
use of a regression model.
We want to thank Wojciech Szel ˛ag and Mariusz
Mrzygłod from the Wrocław University of Techno-
logy, who took an active part in the development and
construction of the machine vision system used, as
well as the staff at TCM Poland for providing the ma-
terials necessary to carry out the work described in
this paper.
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VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications