ments. So first, we expand on these requirements
while considering a toy example with two honest and
a malicious device. The first honest device’s input
is ENC(pk,∆), where ∆ is its update, while the sec-
ond honest device’s input is ENC(pk,n), where n is
the Gaussian noise. For this toy example, first (R1),
the aggregator must not omit ENC(pk , n) from the
aggregate as the added noise would then be insuffi-
cient to protect ∆ and guarantee DP. Second (R2),
the aggregator must not let the malicious device use
ENC(pk,∆) as its input. Relatedly, the aggregator it-
self must not modify ENC(pk,∆) to ENC(pk,k · ∆),
where k is a scalar, using the homomorphic proper-
ties of the encryption scheme. The reason is that these
changes can violate the clipping requirement that a
device’s input is bounded by S (e.g., 2 · ∆ may be
larger than S ). And, third (R3), the aggregator must
ensure that the above (the malicious device or the ag-
gregator copying a device’s input) does not happen
across rounds, as Aero uses the same encryption key
in multiple rounds (§4.1).
One option to satisfy these requirements is to use
the verifiable aggregation protocol of Orchard (Roth
et al., 2019) that is based on summation trees. The
main challenge is resource costs. Briefly, in this
protocol, the aggregator arranges the ciphertexts to
be aggregated as leaf nodes of a tree, and pub-
lishes the nodes of the tree leading to the root node.
For example, the leaf nodes will be ENC(pk,∆) and
ENC(pk,n), and the root node will be ENC(pk ,∆) +
ENC(pk,n), for the toy example above. Then, de-
vices in the entire population inspect parts of this
tree: download a few children and their parents and
check that the addition is done correctly, that the leaf
nodes haven’t been modified by the aggregator, and
the leaf nodes that should be included are indeed in-
cluded. The problem is that Orchard requires a de-
vice to download and check about 3 · s nodes of the
tree, where s is a configurable parameter whose de-
fault value is six. For large models, each node is
made of many ciphertexts (e.g., the 1.2M parame-
ter CNN model requires ℓ = 293 ciphertexts), and 18
such nodes add to 738 MiB. Thus, Aero improves this
protocol using two ideas.
Incorporating Finer-Grained Summation Trees.
Aero observes that the entire population of devices
that must collectively check the tree is massive (e.g.,
). Besides, although the tree has bulky nodes
with many ciphertexts, the total number of nodes is
not high due to sampling (e.g., only 10,000 devices
contribute updates in a round). Thus, Aero moves
away from one summation tree with “bulky” nodes,
to ℓ summation trees with “small” nodes, where ℓ is
the number of ciphertexts comprising a device’s up-
date (e.g., ℓ = 293 for the 1.2M parameter model).
Then, each device probabilistically selects a handful
of trees, and checks a few nodes within each selected
tree. With this optimization, the verification work can
be divided among more devices compared with Or-
Incorporating PIT. Checking the non-leaf vertices is
a main source of overhead for the protocol above. The
reason is that even though each non-leaf is a single
ciphertext, this ciphertext is large: for the quantum-
secure AHE scheme Aero uses (§5), a ciphertext is
131 KiB.
Aero reduces this overhead by using polynomial
identity testing (PIT) (Schwartz, 1980; Zippel, 1979).
This test says that given a d -degree polynomial g(x )
whose coefficients are in a field F, one can test
whether g(x ) is a zero polynomial by picking a num-
ber r ∈ F uniformly and testing whether g(r) == 0.
This works because a d-degree polynomial has at
most d solutions to g(x ) == 0 and d is much less
than |F|.
Using PIT, Aero replaces the ciphertexts at the
non-leafs with their evaluations at a random point
r. Then, during the “Verify” step, a device checks
whether these evaluations (rather than ciphertexts)
add up. Thus, instead of downloading three quantum-
secure ciphertexts with 2 · 2
field elements each, a
device downloads 2 elements of F per ciphertext.
A requirement for PIT is generation of r , which
must be sampled uniformly from the coefficient field.
For this task, Aero extends the master committee to
publish an r to the bulletin board in the add step, using
a known protocol to securely and efficiently generate
a random number (Damg
ard et al., 2012).
4.4 Release Phase
During the release phase, Aero must decrypt the ℓ ci-
phertexts from the add phase, i.e., the ℓ root nodes of
the ℓ summation trees. The default, but expensive, op-
tion is to use MPC among the members of the decryp-
tion committees. Aero addresses this efficiency chal-
lenge using known ideas and applying them. Aero
uses multiple decryption committees (§3.2) and re-
duces each committee’s work relative to the MPC
baseline, using a fast distributed decryption protocol
to decrypt the ciphertexts (Chen et al., 2019). The use
of this protocol is possible as a decryption commit-
tee’s task is only decryption given how Aero assigns
work to different types of committees (§3.2).
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy