5.2 Relationship Between Fees of Single
and Batch Services
In the following section, we discuss the socially op-
timal relationship between fees for single and batch
services; that is, Theorem 4. Figures 2–4 show τ
when the horizontal axis represents τ
We observe that both fees become closer as τ
creases. This is natural from the form of Theorem 4.
Fees become dominant in the linear equations as they
increase. Recall that balking is not allowed in this
model. This assumption may allow even large fees
to become socially optimal. Therefore, the develop-
ment of a model in which balking is allowed would
be meaningful in future work.
It is confirmed in Figure 2 that τ
becomes larger
as λ increases for the same τ
. This result implic-
itly suggests that the batch service becomes socially
preferable when the arrival rate is high, and it is bet-
ter for the social planner to set τ
low to induce cus-
tomers to use the batch service. It follows that con-
gestion in the common queue becomes significant if
too many customers use the single service.
Figures 3 and 4 show the results for the batch ser-
vice parameters. As the maximum throughput of the
batch service increases, that is, γ increases or α de-
creases, a lower cost of τ
becomes socially prefer-
able. This naturally implies that it is socially optimal
for customers to use more batch services when the
performance of the batch service is superior; thus, the
social planner must set τ
In this study, we proposed a model in which cus-
tomers can probabilistically select a single or batch
service. A novel feature of this model is that both
customer types join a common queue. From an appli-
cation perspective, this setting enables us to consider
the effects of road congestion on transportation plat-
We proved the existence of a unique equilibrium
strategy in this model. Moreover, we derived a so-
cially optimal strategy and demonstrated that using
batch services to alleviate the congestion of the com-
mon queue is socially desirable compared to the equi-
librium strategy. Based on these results, we derived
a socially optimal relationship between the fees for
both services. Interestingly, these optimal fees exhibit
a linear relationship.
In addition, we presented several numerical exam-
ples. In particular, the social welfare for the batch ser-
vice parameters (γ and α) in Figure 1 shows a unique
tendency. It can be interpreted from Figure 1 that in-
creasing the frequency and capacity of the batch ser-
vice does not necessarily lead to better results. Over-
all, the main managerial findings are summarized in
Remarks 1–4 and Section 5.
As potential extensions of this study, a model with
balking or an (partially) observable scheme can be
considered. In addition, the model should be fur-
ther studied under more general assumptions regard-
ing batch service occurrences and capacity.
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Nos.
21K11765, 18K18006, and JST SPRING No. JP-
MJSP2124. In addition, this study was supported by
F-MIRAI: R&D Center for Frontiers of MIRAI in
Policy and Technology, the University of Tsukuba,
and Toyota Motor Corporation Collaborative R&D
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