a theoretical proof of the existence of an optimal
work conserving policy by utilising continuous-time
markov chain theory and analysing the average cost
optimality equations (ACOE) for the problem. It also
provides the experimental verification of the proof
such that scenario where the server always works at
the highest service rate and where the server turns
off when the queue is empty are being used as the
benchmark policies. It shows that the on policy where
the server turns on when the system has N packets
in queue and turn off otherwise outperforms these
two benchmark policies.Paper(J.Wu et al., 2020)ap-
plies the N-policy in that it proposes three schemes
to achieve the system performance goal in terms of
energy consumption,delay and blocking probability :
the first scheme is literally N-policy queue, the second
scheme is cooperative where the residual traffic from
sleepy BS can be diverted to active BS and the third
scheme is hybrid. An analytical model is proposed
for the N-policy queue. Furthermore, the authors also
discusses the feasibility to accommodate different ser-
vice rate distributions and Markov Modulated Pois-
son Process as input rate distribution. Regarding the
cooperative scheme, the author utilises IESA (Infor-
mation Exchange Surrogate Approximation) to best
estimate the performance parameters.
Apart from just applying queuing policies, queue-
ing analysis techinques have been borrowed to eval-
uate more complex scenario such as cognitive ra-
dio where users are priotorized to access the spec-
trum.The authors in paper(J.Liu et al., 2019) treat
the system state as a tuple size of three, each repre-
senting the overall number of secondary users in the
system, the number of secondary user packets to be
served by the channel and the number of primary user
packets to be served by the channel respectively.Then
they derive the probability transition matrix and from
the matrix, attain the stable queue length distribu-
tion. The authors also propose how to measure the
latency,throughput,energy saving rate, etc and form
the cost function as the weighted sum of these system
parameters.The analytical results are consistent with
the simulation results. The below works also employ
other theorem and techniques to facilitate the queuing
analysis.Paper(T.Phung-Duc, 2020) provides a pre-
cise analysis of the waiting time and queue length
probability distribution. In doing that, the author ap-
plies Rouche’s Theorem to gain a closed form solu-
tion to the generating function of the probability dis-
tribution and proposed a recursive algorithm to attain
the queue length probability distribution. The author
considers the set up time and treated the system as one
with no abandonment.The short paper (Yazici.M.A
and T.Phung-Duc, 2020) is tightly written. It ap-
plies fluid analysis to attain the workload distribution
of the system, evaluates the cost function borrowed
and provides results for power consumption and sys-
tem waiting time tradeoff based on the analysis. Pa-
per(J.Pender and T.Phung-Duc, 2016) contributed by
the same author continues to use fluid limit theorem
to predict the queue length.
In paper (J.Chen et al., 2018), the system is perceived
to rotate between sleep mode and working mode. Fol-
lowing this approach, the system performance is eval-
uated such that instead of focusing on an equilibrium
long term, with the system running a countably in-
finite time frame by simulation, the system running
thread is composed of multiple running cycles. In
this paper, by averaging over these running cycles,
a particular uniform cycle is inspected, that consists
of a sleeping sub-frame and an active sub-frame, the
statistically distributed measurements such as power
consumption and delay are calculated and equated to
those sub-frames in the longer term.
3.1 System Description
The queuing system consists of an intelligent server
that can vacate whenever the queue is empty. The va-
cation duration is adjusted based on two parameter
configurations. These parameters are, the maximum
vacation number N
and the average vacation period
. To be more specific, the queue, once in vacation
mode will return to the workstation whenever a vaca-
tion period expires. If the queue is still empty, it will
continue to next vacation period until the maximum
vacation number is reached. Otherwise it will resume
to work upon its return to the workstation.Please refer
to Figure 3 for further illustration.
Figure 3: System Work Flow.
According to 3, the server transits from the work-
ing mode to the sleep mode whenever the queue is
A Bounded Multi-Vacation Queue Model for Multi-Stage Sleep Control