hinder the learning process. Our adaptive approach
improves training robustness and method performance
while simplifying the hyperparameter tuning proce-
dure. Our findings also suggest that our method leads
to higher control precision and faster convergence in
most cases. Overall, our work contributes to the on-
going effort to improve HRL methods, especially in
subgoal reachability issues in sparse reward GCHRL.
This research was partially funded by the Warsaw Uni-
versity of Technology within the Excellence Initiative:
Research University (IDUB) programme LAB-TECH
of Excellence (grant no. 504/04496/1032/45.010013),
research project "Bio-inspired artificial neural net-
work" (grant no. POIR.04.04.00-00-14DE/18-00)
within the Team-Net program of the Foundation
for Polish Science co-financed by the European
Union under the European Regional Development
Fund, and National Science Centre, Poland (grant no
2020/39/B/ST6/01511). This research was supported
in part by PLGrid Infrastructure.
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