(a) 25 seconds of the first
(b) 90 seconds of the first
(c) 19 seconds of the second recording.
Figure 14: Trajectories of the first recording of a meadow
over 25 and 90 seconds and the second recording over 19
This paper presents the steps of the developed pro-
cessing pipeline from image acquisition to 4D display
for long-term insect monitoring with a stereo event
camera setup. Segmentation results have shown that
insect trajectories can be reliably separated from plant
movements. The use of histogram encoding gave the
best results. To improve the segmentation, besides
the improvement of the dataset a Siamese neural net-
work will be tested, which uses the same weights but
works in parallel on the two different input images to
obtain comparable segmentation results. This could
compensate for differences in segmentation quality
between the left and right camera images.
There are still some inaccuracies in the calcula-
tion of the 4D coordinates. These are caused by the
construction of the measurement system. The align-
ment of the two event cameras changed slightly due to
transport and heat, so that using the calibration data
resulted in an offset of up to 10 lines, depending on
the position of the events in the pixel matrix. A more
mechanically stable setup will be developed in the fu-
ture. For further interpretation of the data, the next
step will be to cluster the individual trajectories and
convert them to spline curves in order to obtain better
3D flight curves. Methods for trajectory tracking will
also be investigated in order to obtain longer sections
and to avoid double counting of insects. Finally, the
individual trajectories will be classified into different
insect groups based on the flight patterns as proposed
in (Pohle-Fr
ohlich and Bolten, 2023).
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Stereo-Event-Camera-Technique for Insect Monitoring