
vMixer (Trockman and Kolter, 2022) and ResNet-
101 (He et al., 2016a). However, the performance
in these cases was worse than our reported results.
To know the impact of individual loss and a com-
bination of losses, we performed extensive exper-
iments. Through comprehensive experiments, we
discovered that Minimum Class Confusion (MCC)
loss functions offer an enhancement to classifica-
tion models by mitigating class confusion, particu-
larly when faced with imbalanced class distributions.
In parallel, we observed that information maximiza-
tion losses aid the classifier in selecting the most cer-
tain samples for domain alignment. In our proposed
approach, the Pseudo Label Maximum Mean Dis-
crepancy (PLMMD) accelerates training convergence
(comparison with CHATTY model) and notably en-
hances domain alignment by incorporating weighted
considerations. Additionally, the Maximum Mean
Discrepancy (MMD) loss effectively narrows the gap
between the mean embeddings of the two distribu-
tions. By artfully combining these distinctive loss
functions, we not only surpass the current state-of-
the-art but also achieve a comprehensive solution that
advances the field of classification models in diverse
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