is low when the number of multiparent nodes is low.
By contrast, for a BDD-based approach the presence
of any multiparent nodes means one cannot use the
bottom-up algorithm and has to rely on creating the
BDD, which is usually slower than the bottom-up ap-
proach. Furthermore, modularization may only be of
limited use depending on the position of the multipar-
ent nodes.
Overall, we can conclude that for calculating un-
reliability SFPA is competitive with the state-of-the-
art, and is significantly faster on an FT benchmark set
with fewer multiparent nodes.
In this paper, we have introduced SFPA, a novel algo-
rithm for calculating fault tree unreliability based on
squarefree polynomial algebras. We have proven its
validity and given complexity bounds in terms of the
number of multiparent nodes. Experiments show that
it is significantly faster than the state of the art on FTs
with few multiparent nodes.
There are several directions for future work. First,
our proof-of-concept Python implementation of SFPA
can undoubtedly be improved, leading to faster com-
putation. Such improvements can be done on the the-
oretical side as well. For example, one could intro-
duce a new formal variable U
for 1 − L
; this would
decrease the number of terms in the expression of g
when v is an OR-gate from 2
− 1 to 2, hopefully
leading to faster computation. In this case, new com-
putation rules such as L
= 1 need to be introduced.
Second, our experimental results show that a
BDD-based method works best for FTs with more
multiparent nodes, while SFPA works best for FTs
with fewer multiparent nodes. It would be interesting
to see a more extensive experimental evaluation that
investigates what the break-even point is. Such an ex-
perimental evaluation can be augmented by incorpo-
rating real-world case studies, to test the effectiveness
of SFPA in practice.
On the other hand, it would be interesting to see
to what extent SFPA-like methods can be applied to
other problems in FT analysis, such as the analysis
of dynamic FTs, which also consider time-dependent
gates and behaviour. A good candidate is the analy-
sis of attack trees (ATs), the security counterpart of
FTs. Quantitative analysis of (non-dynamic) ATs is
also done using BDDs (Lopuha
a-Zwakenberg et al.,
2022), which has the same issues as BDD-based FT
analysis. We expect that SFPA-like methods can be
extended to ATs as well.
This research has been partially funded by ERC Con-
solidator grant 864075 CAESAR and the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation pro-
gramme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant
agreement No. 101008233.
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MODELSWARD 2024 - 12th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering