MAC: Multi-Scales Attention Cascade for Aerial Image Segmentation
Yubo Wang
, Zhao Wang
, Yuusuke Nakano
Katsuya Hasegawa
, Hiroyuki Ishii
and Jun Ohya
Department of Modern Mechanical and Engineering, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
Network Service Systems Laboratories, NTT Corporation, Tokyo, Japan
Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, JAXA, Kanagawa, Japan
Geospatial Information Processing, Image Processing, Aerial Image Segmentation, Transformer Model,
Feature Pyramid Network (FPN).
Unlike general semantic segmentation, aerial image segmentation has its own particular challenges, three
of the most prominent of which are great object scale variation, the scattering of multiple tiny objects in a
complex background and imbalance between foreground and background. Previous affinity learning-based
methods introduced intractable background noise but lost key-point information due to the additional inter-
action between different level features in their Feature Pyramid Network (FPN) like structure, which caused
inferior results.We argue that multi-scale information can be further exploited in each FPN level individu-
ally without cross-level interaction, then propose a Multi-scale Attention Cascade (MAC) model to leverage
spatial local contextual information by using multiple sized non-overlapping window self-attention module,
which mitigates the effect of complex and imbalanced background. Moreover, the multi-scale contextual cues
are propagated in a cascade manner to tackle the large scale variation problem while extracting further details.
Finally, a local channels attention is presented to achieve cross-channel interaction. Extensive experiments
verify the effectiveness of MAC and demonstrate that the performance of MAC surpasses those of the state-
of-the-art approaches by +2.2 mIoU and +3.1 mFscore on iSAID dataset, by +2.97 mIoU on ISPRS Vaihingen
dataset. Code has been made available at
1.1 Merits and Challenges in Aerial
High Spatial Resolution (HSR) remote sensing im-
agery has the hallmark of containing plentiful geo-
spatial information, which provides semantic and lo-
calization for the objects of interest, including build-
ings, vehicles, ships, etc. Understanding these in-
formation is essential for various practical purposes,
e.g., city monitoring, environment change surveil-
lance, disaster response and route planning. For HSR
remote sensing images, aerial image segmentation is
an important computer vision task that aims to seg-
ment foreground objects and background area while
assigning a semantic label to each image pixel from
an aerial viewpoints.
However, in contrast to common semantic seg-
mentation task in natural scene, aerial image segmen-
tation contains the three dominant challenging cruxes:
1) Great object scale variation in the same scene
(Xia et al., 2018,Waqas Zamir et al., 2019). The scale
of objects in aerial imagery varies in a quite wide
range, which means that extremely tiny and large ob-
jects are diffcult to segment.
2) The spreading of a large number of tiny objects
in HSR images (Xia et al., 2018). Numerous tiny ob-
jects pervade in the large aerial image, so to recogniz-
ing and segmenting them distinctly is an intractable
issue, especially for the ambiguous boundaries.
3) Imbalanced and complex background. The ra-
tio of foreground is much less than that of the complex
background (Waqas Zamir et al., 2019), which brings
about noise in modeling while causing serious false
positives for outputs.
As shown in Figure. 1, this aerial image exam-
ple contains objects with multiple scales from the
Wang, Y., Wang, Z., Nakano, Y., Hasegawa, K., Ishii, H. and Ohya, J.
MAC: Multi-Scales Attention Cascade for Aerial Image Segmentation.
DOI: 10.5220/0012343500003654
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2024), pages 37-47
ISBN: 978-989-758-684-2; ISSN: 2184-4313
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
(a) Aerial Image (b) Segmentation map
Figure 1: An example of aerial image (Waqas Zamir et al.,
2019), in which, (a) is the original aerial image input and
(b) is the corresponding ground-truth of segmentation map.
This typical image illustrates the main challenges in aerial
image segmentation task. (1) From very small to extremely
large, multi-scale objects appear in the same scene (great
scale variation); (2) the white box shows many small ve-
hicles disperses around the image (the spreading of a large
number of tiny objects); and (3) the whole image demon-
strates the imbalance between foreground and background
while the red box shows the complex background (imbal-
anced and complex background).
very small to the extremely large. In the meantime,
the whole image shows the imbalance between fore-
ground and background. In addition,the red box con-
tains the complex background including buildings,
trees, etc., and the white box demonstrates that nu-
merous tiny vehicles spread in the whole scene.
1.2 Recent Development on Semantic
and Aerial Segmentation
For a general semantic segmentation task, as a re-
sult of the impressive success of Fully Convolution
Network, i.e., FCN (Long et al., 2015), some of its
derivatives (Chen et al., 2017, Chen et al., 2018, Zhao
et al., 2017) utilized elaborate dilated convolution lay-
ers and pyramid pooling modules to achieve multi-
scales contexts aggregation. However, for HSR re-
mote sensing imagery, they obtain inferior outputs
due to the imbalance between foreground and back-
ground. Meanwhile, the performances of some re-
cent object boundaries enhancing methods (Kirillov
et al., 2020, Takikawa et al., 2019) are also limited by
the intricate background and intractable tiny objects.
Recently, Feature Pyramid Network, i.e., FPN (Lin
et al., 2017) has become the most prevalent compo-
nent to tackle the scale variation problem. Some FPN
based methods (Kirillov et al., 2019,Xiao et al., 2018)
achieve multiple level feature fusion and representa-
tion, but they ignore the imbalanced background and
cause serious false positive on their outputs.
In Natural Language Processing (NLP), Trans-
former (Vaswani et al., 2017) caused a profound
change and a large leap forward in contextual infor-
mation capturing. Inspired by Transformer, many Vi-
sion Transformer based methods (Dosovitskiy et al.,
2020, Liu et al., 2021, Strudel et al., 2021, Xie et al.,
2021,Zheng et al., 2021) have been proposed in Com-
puter Vision (CV). Though these methods can gen-
erate accurate prediction on tiny and ambiguous ob-
jects, they cannot accurately segment large objects
boundary due to the great scale variation in aerial
images. For dense affinity learning based methods
(Fu et al., 2019, Li et al., 2021, Zheng et al., 2020),
their segmentation results are degraded by complex
background and noise context. Pointflow (Li et al.,
2021) adopts sparse affinity learning by selecting and
matching salient points between adjacent level fea-
tures of FPN. Though it can handle the complex back-
ground and noise, this method also results in the lose
of tiny objects and weaker prediction for large objects
1.3 Essence and Contributions of this
In this paper, the aforementioned issues are han-
dled by our proposed Multi-scale Attention Cascade
model, which is abbreviated in MAC. On the ba-
sis of MAC, self-attention in a different size non-
overlapping window is computed to exploit the spa-
tial local contextual cues while mitigating the effect of
complex and imbalanced background. Rather than the
invariable window size in previous methods (Doso-
vitskiy et al., 2020, Liu et al., 2021), the key design
element of MAC is mac module, the strategy of that
is illustrated in Figure. 2. Based on mac module, a
multi-scale window-wise multi-head self-attention is
successively stacked in a cascade manner to cope with
the great scale-variation in aerial images. Benefiting
from these merits, MAC not only generates higher
resolution masks on tiny objects, but also better pre-
dicts boundaries on very large objects. In addition
to the spatial self-attention, we further present a local
channel attention at the end of mac module to achieve
cross-channel interaction and make the homogeneous
feature compact along the channel dimension.
Different from the previous affinity learning
methodology (Li et al., 2021, Zheng et al., 2020) to
select and match the contextual information between
different levels of FPN, the central idea of MAC is
to operate the cascaded module in each pyramid level
individually. This methodology is motivated by the
analysis on the success of FPN: 1) by constructing
feature pyramid and leveraging multi-scale feature fu-
sion, FPN obtains better feature representation, and
2) each level of FPN output accounts for the predic-
ICPRAM 2024 - 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 2: Strategy illustration of the mac module, which consists of three consecutive cascade stages. Unlike previous fixed-
size window partition schemes (Dosovitskiy et al., 2020, Liu et al., 2021), mac computes self-attention within varied-size
windows at a different cascade stage, specifically, a small window for small scale objects as well as a large window for large
scale objects . In accordance with the window size, the connection of the three stage follows a tiny-to-large strategy in order
to handle the severe scale-variation problem of aerial imagery.
tion of objects within its scale range, i.e., divide-and-
conquer (Chen et al., 2021,Jin et al., 2022). From the
bottom-up pathway of backbone and top-down path-
way of FPN, each level feature can cover a wider scale
range of objects. Therefore, rather than matching con-
textual cues and fusing semantic information between
different FPN levels which causes inferior outputs due
to the loss of smaller scale information, we argue that
feature at each level provides sufficient different scale
information and needs to be further devised and ex-
plored. From this starting point, we use mac module
after each level of FPN output individually. Effec-
tiveness of the proposed methodology is verified by
detailed ablation studies and comparison analysis in
the experiment part.
On the basis of the cascading spatial-dimension
multiple-size window-wise multi-head self-attention
and local channel attention, we further exploit the
multi-scale feature representation of FPN and pro-
pose the MAC model for aerial image segmentation
task. Specifically, MAC outperforms the state-of-
the-art (SoTA) method PointFlow (Li et al., 2021)
by +2.2 % mIoU and +3.1 % mFscore on iSAID
dataset, by +2.97 % mIoU on ISPRS Vaihingen
dataset. Moreoever, we benchmark the recent state-
of-the-art Transformer based semantic segmentation
methods on iSAID datasets. The main contributions
of our work can be summarized as follows:
1) A Multi-scale Attention Cascade model, a.k.a,
MAC, is proposed to solve the aerial image segmen-
tation task in HSR remote sensing imagery.
2) To handle the serious scale variation problem
while suppressing the complex and imbalanced back-
ground, we propose a generic mac module by a cumu-
lating multiple size window-wise self-attention and
one local channel attention.
3) Extensive experiments are conducted to verify
that the feature of each level of FPN provides suffi-
cient different scale information, which allows further
4) We benchmark current Transformer-based
methods on iSAID, ISPRS datasets and comparison
results show MAC achieves state-of-the-art perfor-
CNN Based General Semantic Segmentation. FCN
(Long et al., 2015) serves as a milestone in mod-
ern semantic segmentation tasks, in which an end-
to-end, pixel-to-pixel prediction is produced for the
input image. To increase the details of segmenta-
tion results, UNet (Ronneberger et al., 2015) and the
subsequent SegNet (Badrinarayanan et al., 2017) con-
struct encoder-decoder architectures to achieve high-
resolution and semantically meaningful features. The
approaches that followed improve the segmentation
outputs by leveraging multi-scale contexts aggrega-
tion. DeepLab series (Chen et al., 2017, Chen et al.,
2018) perform dilated convolution layers to obtains
features from various receptive field as well as de-
vises Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling (ASPP) for fea-
ture fusion, while PSPNet (Zhao et al., 2017) oper-
ates pooling at a different grid scale to generate a fea-
ture pyramid. Moreover, some recent studies focusing
on exploiting the boundary information to improve
segmentation outputs (Kirillov et al., 2020, Takikawa
et al., 2019). For example, PointRend (Kirillov et al.,
2020) iteratively selects uncertain boundary points
then, computes point-wise feature representation, and
then predicts labels in a coarse-to-fine manner.
FPN (Lin et al., 2017) provides a paradigm for
multi-level feature fusion. Recently, various FPN-like
model have been proposed to achieve better feature
representation. UPerNet (Xiao et al., 2018) specifi-
MAC: Multi-Scales Attention Cascade for Aerial Image Segmentation
cally defines semantic levels from the lowest texture
level and the middle object level to the highest scene
level. Panoptic FPN (Kirillov et al., 2019) designs a
semantic segmentation branch at the back of FPN to
fuse all level outputs of a feature pyramid into a sin-
gle output. For general semantic segmentation meth-
ods, though multi-scale fusion or boundary modeling
is used to obtain finer segmentation outputs, the re-
sults are limited due to the great imbalance between
foreground and background. In the meantime, in-
tricate background fools their context modeling and
cause the resultant inferior performance.
Self-Attention Based Semantic Segmentation.
With the magnificent feats achieved by the self-
attention mechanism and Transformer (Vaswani
et al., 2017) in NLP, further exploration of the
Transformer has gradually emerged in vision tasks
(Dosovitskiy et al., 2020, Liu et al., 2021, Strudel
et al., 2021, Xie et al., 2021, Zheng et al., 2021). For
image classification, SoTA performance is shown
by ViT (Dosovitskiy et al., 2020), which proposes
a pure Transformer model. Inspired by the success
of ViT, SETR (Zheng et al., 2021) utilizes ViT as
its backbone and a CNN decoder to solve semantic
segmentation as a sequence-to-sequence task. Apart
from SETR, Segmentor (Strudel et al., 2021) applies
a point-wise linear layer after the ViT backbone
to produce patch-level class logits. Meanwhile,
Segformer (Xie et al., 2021) designs a hierarchical
Transformer encoder to achieve a larger receptive
field with a light-weight multilayer perceptron to
predict a segmentation mask. Recently, with the shift
window methodology, Swin Transformer (Liu et al.,
2021) provides a SoTA backbone for vision task,
in which UperNet (Xiao et al., 2018) is utilized as
the segmentation head. Though these Transformer-
based methods benefit from obtaining contextual
information, their effectiveness for aerial images is
limited due to the imbalance between foreground and
background and the large scale-variation problem.
Based on self-attention mechanism, some affin-
ity learning method have been proposed. DANet
(Fu et al., 2019) presents a dual attention network
for scene segmentation, in which a position atten-
tion module as well as a channel attention module
are designed to distinguish confusing categories. To
solve the challenges in aerial image, Farseg (Zheng
et al., 2020) and Pointflow (Li et al., 2021) construct
FPN-like structure to fuse semantic information be-
tween different FPN level. In particular, Farseg pro-
posed a Foreground-Scene Relation Module to align
high-level scene feature with low-level relevant con-
text feature. However, the whole spatial contextual
cues matching of Farseg lead to loss of small objects
and large computation complexity. The baseline of
our work is PointFlow, in which object cues are se-
lected via salient and boundary points to handle the
disturbance from a complex background. However,
it worth noting that details of tiny object and large
object boundaries are deteriorated by such a point-
selection methodology.
Apart from the aforementioned methods, the de-
sign of our proposed MAC is based on two anal-
ysis. We believe that the window-wise multi-head
self-attention can tackle the imbalanced and complex
background in aerial images while obtaining more
accurate details for both tiny and large details. In
addition, each level of FPN is proved (Chen et al.,
2021, Jin et al., 2022) to cover a wider scale range of
objects. As a result, compared with matching scale in-
formation between different levels of PFN (Li et al.,
2021, Zheng et al., 2020) we argue that further ex-
ploration at an individual FPN level can benefit from
the ”divide-and-conquer” merit of Feature Pyramid
and achieve better performance on handling scale-
variation problem.
To handle the large scale-variation problem and
spreading of tiny objects while overcoming the im-
balanced and complex background, we propose a
Multi-scale Attention Cascade model (a.k.a, MAC),
in which Swin Transformer Tiny, i.e., Swin-T (Liu
et al., 2021) and FPN (Lin et al., 2017) serve as back-
bone and neck, respectively. To further explore the
merged pyramid features, at the output of each level
of FPN, a multi-scale attention cascade (mac) module
is implemented, which contains three successive dif-
ferent scales multi-head self-attention (W-MSA cas-
cade) spatially and a local cross-channel attention
(channel interaction) for dimension interaction while
making homogeneous feature compact. Afterwards,
the multi-level features are reshaped into the same
size and concatenated together in channel dimension.
Finally, a concise segmentation decoder is proposed
for interacting feature globally and generate segmen-
tation result. The explicit architecture of the proposed
model is demonstrated in Figure. 3.
3.1 FPN-Based Segmentation
In this section, we start with a brief review of FPN
(Lin et al., 2017). Given the input image I R
H×W ×3
multi-scale and resolution features C
= {C
,··· ,C
are generated by the backbone (Simonyan and Zisser-
ICPRAM 2024 - 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
man, 2014, He et al., 2016, Liu et al., 2021) through a
bottom-up pathway. As the neck part, FPN utilizes a
lateral connection f
and up-sampling U p
to make
the shapes and channels of different feature map con-
sistent. Afterwards, FPN builds a feature pyramid
by fusing (adding) the adjacent feature maps together
in a pixel-wise manner and propagates them via a
top-down pathway. After multi-scale feature fusion,
one 3 ×3 convolution layer is implemented on each
merged feature map to solve the aliasing effect. In
addition, an extra global context feature is obtained
by operating a Pyramid Pooling Module, i.e., PPM
(Zhao et al., 2017) on C
. Finally, pyramid features
= {P
,··· ,P
} with a fixed number of channels
(usually 256-D) are generated. The whole process is
as follows,
), i = 6
= f
), i = 5
= f
) +U p
( f
)), 2 i 4
With such a feature interaction and fusion process,
multi-level features can cover various receptive fields
so that each level output of FPN (i.e., P
) contains suf-
ficient context information for a different scale range.
Therefore, FPN achieves better feature representa-
tions while dividing multi-scale target objects into
a multi-scale range to handle them in a divide-and-
conquer manner.
3.2 Window-Wise Multi-Head
To calculate local multi-head self-attention (MSA),
the input feature map F = R
is evenly
split into numerous non-overlapping window M
,··· ,M
= R
, in which k ×k is the size
of each window and N = h ×w/k
is the number of
the windows. Each window is flattened into a 1-D se-
quence M
. The first process of window-wise
MSA is using linear projection to map M
and then re-
shape it into Q,K,V R
, in which Q is query,
K is key, V is value and r is number of heads. Fur-
thermore, a relative position bias B R
is added
to capture positional information, then MSA is com-
puted as follows:
Attn(Q,K,V ) = So f tmax(
+ B)V (2)
in which d =C/r and 1/
d is scale factor. The shape
of MSA feature map Attn R
will be reverse
into Attn
H×W ×C
. The outputs F
H×W ×C
window wise MSA are obtained in a residual manner,
= F + Attn
Afterwards the output of window wise MSA is op-
erated by the followed Feed Forward Network, i.e.,
FFN, the details is shown as follows,
F = Ml p(Norm(F
)) + F
where Norm is LayerNorm (LN) (Ba et al., 2016)
layer and Ml p consists of two consecutive connec-
tions of linear layers and dropout layer. The final out-
H×W ×C
is obtained.
3.3 Multi-Scale Attention Cascade
(mac) Module
The central idea of MAC is to exploit more detailed
scale information in the wide scale range covered by
feature pyramid. It is worth noting that, rather than
previous affinity learning-based methods that imple-
ment additional cross-level interaction, mac module is
operated at each level of FPN individually. The mac
module contains three Cas
,i {1, 2,3} stages (W-
MSA cascade) and a local channel attention (LCA).
The whole process is illustrated in Figure. 4.
At each stage of W-MSA cascade, the feature map
is spatially divided into different size window, and
the size of the window for each stage is k
{2 ×2,4 ×4,7 ×7}. With these different sized win-
dows, we first compute self-attention in the small area
(2 ×2) and then extend the area gradually into the
medium (4 ×4) and the large (7 ×7). Given one
level pyramid feature P
, it is first fed
into one 1 ×1 convolution layer to reduce dimension
. The implementation details of
W-MSA cascade are as follows,
= Cas
))) (5)
where Cas
denotes the k
window-wise MSA
with a FFN and Cas
. In addition,
to achieve channel interaction at each FPN level, lo-
cal channel attention (LCA) is implemented on Cas
to make the homogeneous feature compact along the
channel dimension (Jin et al., 2022, Wang et al.,
2020), which is shown in Figure. 5.
In LCA, Cas
passes through an Adaptive average
pooling layer, a 1D Convolution layer with kernel
size=3 and a Sigmoid activate function in sequence.
Afterward, with a point-wise multiplication, Cas
is obtained. Finally, the output from the LCA will be
resized into 1/4 size of input image I R
H×W ×3
bilinear interpolation to generate the multi-scale con-
textual feature Cas
H/4×W /4×192
of each FPN
level, which is shown as follows, where Resize de-
notes feature resize via bilinear interpolation.
= Resize(LCA(Cas
)) (6)
MAC: Multi-Scales Attention Cascade for Aerial Image Segmentation
Figure 3: Overview of the proposed MAC model. Notably, the output feature of different FPN level do not have additional
cross-level interaction before the segmentation decoder.
Figure 4: Illustration of detailed process of multi-scale at-
tention cascade (mac) module.
Figure 5: Detailed process of local channel attention (LCA).
3.4 Segmentation Decoder
The segmentation decoder is designed to fuse multi-
level feature Cas
H/4×W /4×192
,i = {2, ··· , 6}
together to obtain the final segmentation output Out
H×W ×class
, where class is the number of categories
for segmentation targets. Notably, after implement-
ing mac module on FPN, We argue that there is an
overlap in scale between different levels. Therefore,
to match the same scale in different level, we first op-
erate channel concatenation to fuse all level features
into one feature map. Afterwards, we leverage the
Squeeze and Excitation (SE) module (Hu et al., 2018)
on it to achieve global channel attention. The final
segmentation output is obtained by one 1 ×1 convo-
lution layer. The process is shown as follows:
Out = Conv(SE(Cas
) (7)
where denotes channel concatenation, SE denotes
implementation of the SE module and Conv denotes
1 ×1 convolution layer.
4.1 Experiment Setting
Datasets. We mainly utlize iSAID dataset
(Waqas Zamir et al., 2019) for analysis and evalu-
ation in this work. iSAID dataset consists of 2,806
HSR remote sensing images, in which all of the them
are three-channels RGB images. Specifically, iSAID
provides 655,451 instances annotations over 15 cat-
egories including, large vehicle, small vehicle, ship,
swimming pool, helicopter, plane, store bank, base-
ball diamond, tennis court, basketball court, ground
track field, bridge, roundabout, soccer ball field, har-
bor. Mimicking the same manner of PFNet (Li et al.,
2021), the original HSR remote sensing images are
augmented into 896×896 small images through crop-
ping operations. Afterwards, the augmented images
are configured for benchmarking, in which 28,029
images for training and 9,512 images for validation.
ICPRAM 2024 - 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
(a) Input (b) Label (c) W-PFNet (d) PFNet
Figure 6: Visualization of preliminary study between
PFNet (Li et al., 2021) and W-PFNet. (a) is the origi-
nal input image, (b) is the segmentation ground-truth, (c)
is output of W-PFNet and (d) is the output of the PFNet
model with the Swin-T backbone. For various scale objects,
W-PFNet generates more accurate and smoother boundaries
prediction than PFNet.
Meanwhile, to verify the generality of our proposal,
we further extend the comparison experiment on IS-
PRS Vaihingen and Potsdam datasets.
Implementation Details and Metrics. We use
4*16GB Tesla V100 GPUs for distributed data par-
allel (DDP) training. Meanwhile, the inference (eval-
uation) is implemented with batch-size = 1 on single
gpu. In addition, during the training process, batch-
size is set to 4 for each GPU. We utilize AdamW as
the optimizer by setting learning rate (LR) as 0.00005,
betas as (0.9, 0.99) and weight decay as 0.01. More-
over, we adopt Cross-Entropy (CE) loss for loss func-
tion computation. In order to evaluate the perfor-
mance of models and demonstrate numeric results,
we adopt mean Intersection over Union (mIoU) and
mean F1-score (mFscore) as the metrics in prelimi-
nary, comparison and ablation studies.
4.2 Preliminary Study
Table 1: Results of Preliminary Study. By replacing the
points selection and point based affinity function of PFNet
(Li et al., 2021) with window partition and window wise
MSA respectively, W-PFNet (Ours) achieves higher mIoU
with lower parameters. Furthermore, W-mac (Ours) outper-
forms other cross-level interaction methods.
Method mIoU(%) Parameter(M)
PFNet (Li et al., 2021) 67.87 36.63
W-PFNet 68.36 32.10
W-mac 68.57 35.33
In previous affinity learning-based method (Fu et al.,
2019, Zheng et al., 2020), semantic information be-
tween two different level features P
FPN are fused though the following equation,
= A(P
+ P
where A denotes affinity functions and outputs affin-
ity matrix R
, and P
denotes the enhanced
feature. In particular, the recent Pointflow (Li et al.,
2021), abbreviated as PFNet, designs a salient point
selection scheme to reduce the background noise and
computation while propagating the contextual infor-
mation in a top-down manner. The process is as fol-
= A(β(P
) + P
in which P
1 R
are two adjacent level
feature of FPN, β denotes the point selection scheme
of PFNet and
denotes the enhanced feature. We
argue that the point selection strategy weaken the pre-
diction of boundary pixels. Therefore, following the
structure of PFNet, we design a preliminary experi-
ment on iSAID dataset to test our hypothesis while
verifying the superiority of window wise MSA. The
process is replacing the point-selection part of PFNet
with a window partition as well as replacing the point-
based affinity function A with 4×4 size window-wise
MSA, the details are as follows,
= w
)) + P
in which w
and w
denotes window partition and its
reverse process, respectively, and
denotes the en-
hanced feature through cross-level interaction. We
dub the model as W-PFNet for simplicity. To guar-
antee the fair comparison, we use the same Swin
Transformer Tiny, i.e., Swin-T as the backbone. The
numerical results of the preliminary study shown in
Table.1 demonstrate that the W-PFNet outperfrom
the original PFNet with lower parameters. Further-
more, through expanding the details of the predic-
tion mask, the W-PFNet outputs more accurate and
smoother boundary predictions on various scale ob-
jects, as shown in Figure. 6.
Benefiting from the merits of window-wise MSA,
we further extend this preliminary experiment to ver-
ify another central idea: without cross-level interac-
tion, better feature representation can be exploited at
each FPN level individually. The process is to utilize
the aforementioned 4 ×4 size window-wise MSA to
further extract spatial contextual information at each
FPN output, which is shown as follows,
= w
)) + P
in which
denotes the enhanced feature without
cross-level interaction. We dub this model as W-
mac because its structure could be regarded as using
only one cascade stage in mac module. The result is
MAC: Multi-Scales Attention Cascade for Aerial Image Segmentation
Table 2: Comparison experiment on iSAID dataset.
Method Backbone mIoU(%) mFscore(%)
PSPNet (Zhao et al., 2017) Res-50 (He et al., 2016) 60.30 73.04
UperNet (Xiao et al., 2018) Res-50 63.15 75.87
DpLbv3+ (Chen et al., 2018) Res-50 61.60 74.37
PointRend (Kirillov et al., 2020) Res-50 66.35 77.20
PFNet (Li et al., 2021) Res-50 66.85 77.59
MAC Res-50 67.24 79.33
PSPNet Swin-T (Liu et al., 2021) 60.75 73.81
UperNet Swin-T 66.87 77.43
DpLbv3+ Swin-T 67.32 79.31
PointRend Swin-T 67.97 79.83
DANet (Fu et al., 2019) Swin-T 61.00 74.11
PFNet Swin-T 67.87 79.79
SegFormer (Xie et al., 2021) MixViT (Xie et al., 2021) 66.20 78.60
MAC Swin-T 69.06 80.68
also shown in Table. 1, in which W-mac outperforms
the cross-level interaction method. Therefore, we ar-
gue for further exploring at each individual FPN level
rather than cross-level interaction.
4.3 Comparison Study
General Result. To evaluate the performance of the
proposed MAC, the comparison study is shown in
Table. 2. Farseg (Zheng et al., 2020) and PFNet
(Li et al., 2021) benchmark several CNN-based seg-
mentation methods on iSAID datasets (Waqas Za-
mir et al., 2019), in which the original PFNet adopt
ResNet-50, a.k.a, Res-50 (He et al., 2016) as the back-
bone. In this comparison experiment, we addition-
ally replace the Res-50 backbone with Swin-T (Liu
et al., 2021) to explore the effectiveness of the Trans-
former backbone in aerial images. Meanwhile, we ex-
tend more Transformer-based segmentation methods
on iSAID. Mimicking the same manner, we further
conduct the comparison experiments on ISPRS Vai-
hingen and Potsdam datasets to verify the generality
of our work, the results are shown in Table. 3.
The optimal performance achieved by the pro-
posed MAC-Swin-T is +2.2% mIoU and +3.1% mF-
score higher than that of the SoTA PFNet-Res-50.
Meanwhile, with the same Swin-T as the backbone
for fair comparison, our proposed MAC outperforms
the previous State-of-the-art (SoTA) method PFNet
by +1.19% mIoU and +0.89% mFscore. In addi-
tion, more detailed visualization results demonstrated
in Figure. 7 show the superiority of MAC on handling
scale-variation and acquiring precise information.
Moreover, as illustrated in Table.3, both of MAC-
Res-50 and MAC-Swin-T are +3% mIoU higher than
baseline on ISPRS Vaihingen dataset. However, com-
Table 3: Comparison with the SoTA methods on ISPRS
Vaihingen (left, mIoU-V) and Potsdam (right, mIoU-P)
Method Backbone mIoU-V(%) mIoU-P(%)
PSPNet Res-50 65.10 73.90
UperNet Res-50 66.90 74.30
DpLbv3+ Res-50 64.30 74.10
DANet Res-50 65.30 74.10
PointRend Res-50 65.90 72.00
PFNet Res-50 70.40 75.40
MAC Res-50 73.37 73.87
PSPNet Swin-T 71.58 73.75
UperNet Swin-T 72.96 74.85
DpLbv3+ Swin-T 72.67 74.18
DANet Swin-T 71.89 73.79
PointRend Swin-T 72.53 74.36
PFNet Swin-T 73.00 75.06
MAC Swin-T 73.06 75.10
Table 4: Module Ablation Results on iSAID dataset.
Swin-T FPN Cas-WSA LCA mIoU(%)
- - - 67.35
- - 67.66
- 68.69
- 68.68
- 68.55
pared to SoTA performance on iSAID and Vaihin-
gen, MAC only achieves SoTA-comparable perfor-
mance on ISPRS Potsdam dataset. This is because the
scale-variation in Potsdam is imperceptible, strengths
of MAC cannot be brought into play. By conduct-
ing extensive experiments, we prove the effectiveness
of Transformer-based methods on aerial image tasks.
We hope this work provides a new benchmark for
aerial image segmentation.
ICPRAM 2024 - 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
(a) Input Image (b) Groundtruth (c) MAC (d) PFNet (e) DpLbv3+ (f) PiontRend (g) SegFormer
Figure 7: Visualization results on iSAID dataset (Waqas Zamir et al., 2019), in which MAC outperforms other methods in-
cluding, PFNet (Li et al., 2021), DpLbv3+ (Chen et al., 2018), PointRend (Kirillov et al., 2020), SegFormer (Xie et al., 2021).
Except for SegFormer, all of the other models adopt Swint-Transformer Tiny (Swin-T) as backbone. The visualization of
segmentation results shows that MAC not only generate accurate tiny objects predictions, but also achieve finer segmentation
on large objects boundaries region.
Table 5: Cascade Ablation on iSAID.
Swin-FPN-LCA +Cas1 +Cas2 +Cas3 mIoU DT(%) mIoU RL(%) mIoU IS(%) mIoU(%)
- - - 57.79 63.68 74.25 68.68
- - 58.50 64.50 73.33 68.65
- - 58.29 63.41 73.77 68.57
- - 59.01 63.36 74.01 68.89
- 58.30 63.55 73.81 68.62
- 57.92 63.28 74.73 68.86
58.65 63.86 74.44 69.09
4.4 Ablation Study
Based on iSAID (Waqas Zamir et al., 2019), we con-
duct two ablation experiments to respectively analyze
the impact of each component in MAC (as shown in
Table. 4) and the contribution of each Cas stage in
W-MSA cascade (as shown in Table. 5). The abla-
tion study emphasizes the essence of MAC, i.e., to
exploit more detailed scale information in the wide
scale range covered by feature pyramid.
General Ablation. The ablation results for each com-
ponent of MAC are shown in Table. 4. By com-
paring line 2 with line 3&4, we find that either W-
MSA cascade or LCA can achieve +1% mIoU per-
formance based on the naive feature fusion of FPN,
which further verifies that sufficient multi-scale infor-
mation can be exploited and harmonized at each indi-
vidual FPN level. Moreover, MAC attains the optimal
69.06 mIoU by resorting mac, i.e., the combination of
W-MSA cascade and LCA. It is worth noting that the
mIoU decreases without FPN in line 5, which is resul-
tant because the following mac is a growing scrutiny
of multi-scale feature fusion obtained through pyra-
mid network structure.
Cascade Ablation. The ablation results for the cas-
cade stage is shown in Table. 5. By keeping the
rest of the model, i.e., Swin-FPN-LCA as baseline,
we separate the three cascade stage in W-MSA cas-
cade, i.e., Cas
, where the window size of each stage is
= {2 ×2,4×4,7 ×7} . To demonstrate the ef-
fectiveness of different stages on varied scale objects,
we categorize dispersed tiny objects (DT), regularly
shaped large objects (RL) and irregularly shaped ob-
jects (IS) based on the whole 15 classes in iSAID. The
cascade ablation results illustrate that each stage of
mac is designed to tackle varied scale objects. Specif-
ically, through adding Cas
, the results on DT and RL
are improved while on IS are degraded. Moreover,
such a deterioration are tempered by adding Cas
gradually. Finally, by cascading the multi-scale
WSA and LCA at each level of FPN, MAC can han-
dle the great scale-variation problem and achieve the
In this work, we proposed Multi-scale Attention Cas-
cade, a.k.a, MAC, to handle the three predominant
issues in aerial image segmentation. On the basis
of stacking consecutive multi-size window multi-head
self-attention (W-MSA cascade) and local channel at-
MAC: Multi-Scales Attention Cascade for Aerial Image Segmentation
tention (LCA), i.e. mac, at each level of Feature Pyra-
mid Network (FPN), MAC overcomes the great scale
variation and complex background. As a result, nu-
meric and visualization results demonstrate MAC can
output accurate predictions on both very tiny and ex-
tremely large objects, especially on the ambiguous
boundary part. Extensive experiments shows the ef-
fectiveness and state-of-the-art performance of MAC.
With the triumph achieved by current deep learning
and machine learning methods, human can extract
the important geo-spatial information from aerial im-
age. In addition, most of the methods are trained and
tested in a single domain, i.e., clear weather with ad-
equate illumination. Specifically, iSAID (Waqas Za-
mir et al., 2019) and ISPRS datasets are leveraged in
this work, in which the majority of the data (high-
resolution RGB images) is under the aforementioned
comfortable condition.
However, the performance of deep learning model
is prone to deterioration and even collapse due to do-
main shift, i.e., domain transferring from one to an-
other. In particular, the changeable weather and illu-
mination are problematic for the model trained under
the common domain. Therefore, the data in adverse
domain is the desideratum to improve the robustness
of the model while such data like aerial images in low-
illumination, snowy or foggy weather are difficult to
acquire. Therefore, we plan to deploy the current
deep learning-based image synthesis and style trans-
fer methodology to augment the aerial image data
with different weather and illumination conditions to
enhance the model’s ability for domain adaptation.
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MAC: Multi-Scales Attention Cascade for Aerial Image Segmentation