surement conditions. The dataset includes data cap-
tured in different body postures and hand positions.
The analysis of the dataset is carried out from two
perspectives: Aggregate and Subject-wise, consider-
ing three cases: body postures, hand positions, and all
positions in both experiments along with class-wise
analysis on impact of body postures. Among the clas-
sifiers examined, the hybrid CNN Bi-LSTM demon-
strates the best performance, successfully recognizing
Fine-ADL even in diverse measurement conditions.
The most challenging body posture for the classifier is
Folded Knees, while the least challenging is the Stand
posture. Interestingly, both the hand positions consid-
ered yield similar accuracies. Nevertheless, the cur-
rent outcomes highlight the potential of the proposed
framework for real-time Fine-ADL and also demon-
strate the impact of various measurement conditions
on Fine-ADL. In terms of future work, there is po-
tential for further enhancing the model through fine-
tuning to achieve improved results. Additionally, the
impact of the amount of training data, pertaining to a
specific measurement condition, on testing accuracy
needs to be investigated. Furthermore, feature selec-
tion analysis also requires further improvements and
the generalization ability of the model to new subjects
needs to be explored.
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BIOSIGNALS 2024 - 17th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing