Table 4: Results of STAE Model and Baselines.
Model AttackType
Precision Recall F1 AUC
ALL 0.930 0.976 0.952 0.999
Privesc 0.905 1 0.950 0.998
DoS 0.957 1 0.978 0.999
ALL 0.953 1 0.976 0.999
Privesc 0.950 1 0.974 0.998
DoS 0.957 1 0.978 0.999
ALL 0.837 1 0.911 0.998
Privesc 0.792 1 0.884 0.996
DoS 0.880 1 0.936 0.997
Dense Baseline AE ALL 0.732 1 0.845 0.996
RNN Baseline AE ALL 0.456 1 0.626 0.971
GNN Baseline AE ALL 0.182 1 0.308 0.884
Our work addressed the problem by converting con-
tainer escape audit logs into a graph suitable for
anomaly detection. In addition to the spatial aspects,
we focus on retaining temporal information in the
logs. Our proposed STAE model uses dynamic graph
structures combined with the graph auto-encoder ar-
chitecture. Moreover, STAE model uses a novel de-
coder that passes the message through the reverse
edge direction to reconstruct the node attributes. Ex-
perimental results show that the STAE model results
in a 12% improvement in accuracy over the baseline
model and the model using the GIN operator in the
GNN-based RNN layer has the best performance.
Future work will be to evaluate the approach on
other, larger datasets. Obtaining real-world data or
implementing the extensions to simulate container es-
capes is necessary to improve further and validate the
models and methods proposed in this paper. Besides,
hyper-graphs might be an ideal data structure to rep-
resent relationships among multiple objects when rep-
resenting events in audit logs.
This work was supported, in part, by the Engineering
and Physical Sciences Research Council [grant num-
ber EP/X036871/1] and Horizon Europe [grant num-
ber HORIZON-MISS-2022-CIT-01-01].
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Spatial-Temporal Graph Neural Network for the Detection of Container Escape Events