between business operators and the bottleneck in the
supply chain can be visualized. However, collecting
standardized and reliable information from multiple
business operators is difficult in the real world.
In this paper, we focus on the demand and aware-
ness of security assessment for hardware designs in
industries. First, we propose a repository opera-
tion scheme to share security assessment results with
inter-companies. Next, we design questionnaires to
confirm the needs, effectiveness, and concerns based
on the repository operation scheme and summarize
the results of the questionnaires.
From the survey, we found that HT detection
methods are attractive for protecting semiconductor
supply chains. However, the barriers to implementing
HT detection in industries lie in commercialization
and in cultivating awareness of security in the indus-
try. Specifically, identifying counterfeit products and
covering the whole supply chain are expected. For ex-
pectations, future work should cover the whole supply
chain and clarify the benefits of the scheme in indus-
The questionnaire survey was conducted by Omdia,
a part of Informa Tech as a consulting project for
KDDI Research, Inc. in 2022. The copyright of
the original questionnaire survey belongs to Omdia.
The results reported in this paper were obtained from
“The Contract of Research for Detection Techniques
of Hardware Vulnerabilities” (Ministry of Internal Af-
fairs and Communication, Japan in FY2022).
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ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy