While finding a makespan optimal solution is quite
straightforward, there have been attempts to refine the
algorithm to improve performance (Hus
ar et al., 2022).
The sum-of-cost objective requires more complicated
algorithms as we have bounds on the total cost of the
plan, as well as on the maximum makespan of the
agents. Algorithms to find the sum-of-cost optimal so-
lutions for reduction-based solver were first conceived
for SAT in (Surynek et al., 2016; Bart
ak and Svancara,
2019). Later, the jump approach was implemented
for ASP in (G
omez et al., 2021), however, the paper
focused mostly on improving the encoding.
In this paper, we have presented a new approach to
find a sum-of-cost optimal solution in reduction-based
solvers. The new approach combines the advantages
of both previously known algortihms. It makes use
of the reduced search space of the iterative approach,
while “jumping” to a
that guarantees the existence
of a solution, similarly to the old jump method. Our
experiments show that the new approach is better on
all instance sizes. Additionally, we provide data that
highlights the importance of the optimization strategy
used in the solver. Lastly, we remark that, in practice,
agents usually do not have similar shortest path lengths.
This means the instances of type uneven, where the
best results are seen, are the most realistic.
This work was partly funded by DFG grant SCHA
550/15, by project 23-05104S of the Czech Science
Foundation, and by CUNI project UNCE 24/SCI/008.
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ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence