using established usability questionnaires, however,
these questions were too difficult for the participants
to comprehend, whereby future research could
potentially focus on developing more appropriate
forms of feedback for individuals with ASD.
Furthermore, some variables were not controlled,
such as whether the participants had energy drinks
before the exercises or collecting heart rate histories
of the participants as baselines to compare against the
values collected in our study, where future research
may potentially investigate.
Nonetheless, the study shown in this paper
provides a basis for utilizing real-time heart rate
visualization and music to benefit individuals with
ASD in technology assisted exercise, future work
could collect data from larger sample sizes to analyze
in between-subject experiments. In addition, usability
studies can be integrated to assess the specific visual
components that may be deemed more usable and
effective to this particular user group. Furthermore,
additional use cases and application scenarios may be
investigated to determine the effectiveness of the
HeartRunner 2.0 App. Lastly, while the focus of the
experiment shown in this paper emphasizes on the
evaluation of whether higher intensity can be
achieved while supported the HeartRunner 2.0 App,
future experiments may investigate whether
participants supported by the App would exercise for
longer durations than those who did not.
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