MDE-Based Graphical Tool for Modeling Data Provenance According to
the W3C PROV Standard
Marcos Alves Vieira
1,2 a
and Sergio T. Carvalho
2 b
Instituto Federal Goiano - IF Goiano, Brazil
Universidade Federal de Goi
as - UFG, Brazil
Data Provenance, W3C PROV, Graphical Modeling, Metamodel, PROV-N, Modeling Tool, MDE.
The rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) and ubiquitous computing has led to a significant increase in data vol-
umes, necessitating robust management. Data provenance is crucial for ensuring data reliability, integrity, and
quality, tracking the origins, transformations, and movements of data. The W3C PROV standard, with syn-
taxes like PROV-N, provides textual and graphical representations for expressing and storing data provenance.
However, despite its importance, there is a lack of user-friendly graphical tools for developers, particularly in
IoT and ubiquitous computing. This paper addresses this gap by introducing an innovative graphical tool that
enables the creation of user-friendly graphical data provenance models adhering to the W3C PROV standard.
The tool offers an intuitive interface for developers, simplifying the process of obtaining PROV-N code from
the generated provenance graph. We demonstrate the tool’s versatility across diverse domains, emphasizing its
role in bridging the gap in graphical provenance modeling. The paper outlines the Model-Driven Engineering
(MDE) methodology used in the tool development, and introduces its underlying Ecore metamodel aligned
with the PROV data model (PROV-DM). Evaluation results of the metamodel are presented, and potential ap-
plications of the tool are discussed, emphasizing its contribution to enhancing provenance-aware applications.
The Internet of Things (IoT) and ubiquitous comput-
ing have revolutionized our digital interactions, gen-
erating vast data volumes requiring effective manage-
ment. Data provenance, tracking data origins, trans-
formations, and movements, is critical for ensuring
reliability, integrity, and quality in these domains (Hu
et al., 2020; Herschel et al., 2017).
The W3C PROV standard, encompassing the
PROV-DM data model, offers concrete syntaxes for
representing, serializing, and storing data prove-
nance (Moreau et al., 2013a). PROV-N provides tex-
tual representation, while a graphical layout follows
standard conventions in a directed graph.
When instrumenting software for data prove-
nance, developers must model captured object infor-
mation and determine the appropriate application flow
time. For instance, in an IoT-based security system,
tracking conditions triggering emergency alarms from
each sensor may be relevant.
Data provenance can also be obtained through the
PROV-Template approach (Moreau et al., 2018), in-
volving mining relevant data directly from databases
or log files. This bypasses the need for explicit track-
ing or recording of provenance information during ac-
tivity execution.
In IoT and ubiquitous computing contexts, data
provenance’s significance is paramount. Regardless
of the capture method, there is a need to model the
process for an accurate representation of data and
their interrelationships. However, to the best of the
author’s knowledge, there are no tools available for
developers to create desired provenance models for
software capture in a graphical manner. This gap
intensifies due to data ubiquity and complexity in
IoT and ubiquitous computing scenarios. Develop-
ers typically adopt notations like PROV-N from the
W3C PROV model, yet a lack of graphical tools
means developers must convert static PROV graphs
into PROV-N code without interactivity. Modifica-
tions in the PROV-N model mandate regenerating the
corresponding PROV graph and vice versa.
This paper introduces a novel graphical tool ad-
dressing this gap, facilitating user-friendly creation
Vieira, M. and Carvalho, S.
MDE-Based Graphical Tool for Modeling Data Provenance According to the W3C PROV Standard.
DOI: 10.5220/0012354700003645
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering (MODELSWARD 2024), pages 141-148
ISBN: 978-989-758-682-8; ISSN: 2184-4348
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
of data provenance models compliant with the W3C
PROV standard. The tool provides a direct, intu-
itive, and interactive graphical interface for develop-
ers in provenance modeling. Additionally, the tool
streamlines obtaining PROV-N code from the gener-
ated graphical model.
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows: Section 2 explores the theoretical and techno-
logical underpinnings employed in this study; Section
3 discuss related works and highlights the contribu-
tion of our proposal; Section 4 presents the founda-
tional Ecore metamodel representing the PROV data
model, followed by the W3C PROV-compliant graph-
ical provenance modeling tool built upon this meta-
model; Section 5 showcases the tool’s application in
modeling data provenance across diverse domains; fi-
nally, Section 6 provides concluding remarks.
2.1 Data Provenance
Provenance refers to information detailing the pro-
duction process of a product, be it a data entity or
a physical object (Herschel et al., 2017). The W3C
Provenance Working Group
defines provenance as
“information about entities, activities, and people in-
volved in producing a piece of data or thing, which
can be used to form assessments about its quality, reli-
ability, or trustworthiness. The term originates from
the Latin pr
ıre, meaning “coming from.
Data provenance is crucial in various application
areas (Glavic, 2021; P
erez et al., 2018): in open in-
formation systems, it aids in determining data ori-
gins and identifying responsible entities; in science
applications, it provides insights into research result
derivation, ensuring transparency and reproducibility;
in news contexts, it is vital for verifying blog and
news item origins, enhancing credibility and trustwor-
thiness; in legal domains, provenance influences li-
censing, attribution, and privacy information manage-
ment. In IoT, data provenance spans supply chains,
health monitoring, digital forensics, and intelligent
IoT services (Hu et al., 2020). Across these domains,
provenance ensures accountability, authenticity, and
informed decision-making (Herschel et al., 2017).
2.2 W3C PROV Family of Documents
The PROV Family of Documents, introduced by the
W3C Provenance Working Group, encompasses a
comprehensive framework that includes a data model,
serializations, and supplementary definitions. It es-
tablishes standardized representations and interoper-
able mechanisms for seamless sharing of provenance
data across platforms.
In W3C PROV, provenance is represented by three
central figures: Entity, Agent, and Activity, connected
by various relationships designed for assertions about
the past, such as wasGeneratedBy, used, wasAssoci-
atedWith, and wasAttributedTo. These relationships
are defined in the Provenance Data Model (PROV-
DM) (Moreau et al., 2013a), the conceptual model
underlying the W3C PROV family of specifications.
The PROV standard also introduces PROV notation
(PROV-N) (Moreau et al., 2013b) for concise, human-
readable PROV instances and serializations, with the
aim of simplifying the translation of the PROV data
model into concrete syntax.
Entities, activities, and agents can be graphically
represented using W3C PROV conventions
, form-
ing a provenance graph. This graphical representa-
tion is further exemplified in Figure 1, depicting the
process of writing a journalistic article with reliance
on a government-provided database. In this example,
journalist Bob, represented as an agent, was assigned
the entity employment-article-v1.html, indicating his
responsibility for creating the article. The activity
writeArticle demonstrates that the article was written
with associations wasGeneratedBy and used, signify-
ing the usage of as a base entity. The
graphical representation and PROV-N notation code
were developed under the proposed graphical data
provenance modeling tool, detailed in Section 3.
2.3 Model-Driven Engineering
Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) is a software de-
velopment approach that revolves around creating,
manipulating, and utilizing models as the central ar-
tifacts throughout the development lifecycle (Buc-
chiarone et al., 2020).
Models are typically constructed using Domain-
Specific Modeling Languages (DSMLs), which, in
turn, are defined by a metamodel (L
et al., 2015). DSMLs provide specialized languages
tailored to specific domains, allowing for the creation
of models that capture the essential concepts and re-
lationships within that domain. In this sense, a meta-
model is “a model that defines the structure of a mod-
eling language” (Rodrigues da Silva, 2015) and serves
as a formal description of the language’s syntax, se-
mantics, and constraints (Bruel et al., 2018).
MODELSWARD 2024 - 12th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering
(a) Graphical representation (b) PROV-N notation
Figure 1: Example of a provenance record represented in W3C PROV. Adapted from: (Moreau and Groth, 2013).
2.4 Eclipse Modeling Framework
The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) (Steinberg
et al., 2008) is a robust modeling framework built on
top of the Eclipse Integrated Development Environ-
ment (IDE). EMF offers a range of features for creat-
ing, editing, and validating models and metamodels.
One of its key capabilities is generating code from
models, allowing developers to create Java implemen-
tations that correspond to the metamodel’s classes.
This way, each metaclass in the metamodel can be
mapped to a corresponding Java class, enabling the
instantiation of these classes to create models that ad-
here to the metamodel.
In EMF, metamodels are created using the Ecore
meta-metamodel, which serves as the central lan-
guage for defining metamodels within EMF (Stein-
berg et al., 2008). Ecore itself is based on the MOF
(Meta Object Facility) meta-metamodel.
2.5 Eclipse Sirius
Eclipse Sirius (Madiot and Paganelli, 2015) is an
Eclipse project that empowers the creation of cus-
tomized graphical modeling workbenches. This al-
lows architects to develop domain-specific modelers
tailored to their unique business domains. Utilizing
the Eclipse Modeling stack, particularly the Eclipse
Modeling Framework (EMF), Sirius provides archi-
tects with a platform to declaratively specify their de-
sired modelers using a description model. This spec-
ification encompasses crucial aspects, including do-
main element representation, visual styling informa-
tion, and behavioral characteristics. Sirius offers a
comprehensive environment for creating these spec-
ifications, resulting in description models that seam-
lessly function as Eclipse plug-ins. Notably, Sirius
supports dynamic and incremental development, en-
abling architects to make real-time modifications to
modeler definitions, ensuring continuous adaptability
and responsiveness to the evolving requirements and
challenges of dynamic business environments.
2.6 Eclipse Acceleo
Eclipse Acceleo
is an open-source, template-based
source code generation technology by the Eclipse
Foundation. It enables the creation of custom code
generators with comprehensive integration into the
Eclipse IDE, featuring syntax highlighting, real-time
error detection, quick fixes, and dedicated views for
code generation design patterns and navigation within
the code generator. Acceleo supports incremental
generation, allowing manual modifications to gen-
erated code while preserving changes during subse-
quent regenerations by defining protected areas for
safe modifications. The technology also incorporates
the Acceleo Query Language (AQL) for navigation
and querying of Ecore (meta)models, offering ad-
vanced features such as robust validation and support
for calling methods defined through Java services.
ProvToolbox (Moreau, 2016) is a Java library devel-
oped by the W3C Provenance Working Group. It cre-
ates Java representations of PROV-DM and facilitates
conversion between Resource Description Frame-
work (RDF), PROV-XML, PROV-N, and PROV-
JSON. Offering command-line utilities, APIs, and
graphical interfaces, ProvToolbox supports diverse
provenance-related tasks, including parsing and se-
rializing documents, consistency checks, visualiza-
tions, and integration into existing software systems.
The toolbox aims to enhance the adoption of prove-
nance across domains, empowering users to effec-
tively manage and leverage provenance information
for tasks such as data analysis, reproducibility, ac-
countability, and transparency.
PROV Python (Huynh, 2020) is a Python pack-
age designed for efficient handling of provenance in-
formation. Centered on data provenance and analyt-
ics, it allows users to create W3C PROV documents
MDE-Based Graphical Tool for Modeling Data Provenance According to the W3C PROV Standard
in Python, export them to formats such as PROV-
N and PROV-JSON, and visualize them graphically.
The package also facilitates interaction with ProvS-
tore (Huynh and Moreau, 2015), a cloud-based prove-
nance repository.
While the tools discussed ensure compliance with
the W3C PROV standard and support provenance
recording and conversion between different formats,
they lack direct graphical representation of prove-
nance and the ability to convert from a graphical for-
mat to textual formats like PROV-N. Currently, no
available tool allows for graphical modeling of prove-
nance. The tool presented in the forthcoming section
aims to address this gap by offering intuitive and in-
teractive graphical modeling of provenance under the
W3C PROV standard. This tool streamlines record-
ing and extraction provenance from software systems.
Once graphically modeled, it is possible to export the
provenance record directly in PROV-N notation.
Provenance modeling, akin to modeling other soft-
ware aspects, enables the visualization of dependen-
cies and relationships within data manipulated by the
software. Graphical provenance modeling is espe-
cially beneficial, providing system developers with
an interactive and visual approach to handling prove-
nance models. Following model design, develop-
ers can generate corresponding PROV-N codes and
instrument the software to record provenance based
on established models and specified granularity pref-
erences, including decisions about what provenance
data to store, where within the application, and at
what frequency.
The development of the graphical data provenance
modeling tool followed a systematic three-stage ap-
proach: (1) converting the PROV-DM data model
into an Ecore metamodel, named Ecore4PROV-DM;
(2) constructing a graphical modeling tool based on
the developed metamodel; and (3) creating model-to-
text (M2T) transformation templates to convert prove-
nance models built in the tool into PROV-N code in-
stances. The subsequent subsections provide detailed
insights into each of these stages.
4.1 Ecore4PROV-DM Metamodel
In the first stage of the graphical data provenance
modeling tool development, we transformed the
PROV data model into a cohesive Ecore metamodel,
serving as the foundational framework for subsequent
modeling activities. This conversion closely adhered
to the descriptions of W3C PROV components as out-
lined in (Moreau et al., 2013a), ensuring alignment
with established standards and guidelines.
The resulting metamodel, named Ecore4PROV-
DM and depicted in Figure 2, was constructed in EMF
to represent the PROV data model. The metamodel’s
semantics are defined by relationships between meta-
classes, with multiplicities represented by edges and
their numbering. The metaclasses in blue constitute
the metamodel’s core: Entity, Activity, and Agent.
PROV-DM’s creators categorized its model ele-
ments into six components, each serving specific pur-
poses (Moreau et al., 2013a). The Ecore4PROV-DM
metamodel follows this component-based approach:
1. Entities and Activities: define relationships be-
tween an Entity and an Activity. This component
is represented in Ecore4PROV-DM in yellow.
2. Derivations: addresses derivations of entities from
other entities and subtypes of derivation. Repre-
sented in Ecore4PROV-DM in red.
3. Agents, Responsibility, Influence: addresses
agents and the relationships that represent their re-
sponsibility and influence over an entity or activ-
ity. Represented in Ecore4PROV-DM in green.
4. Bundles: refers to a mechanism for supporting
the provenance of provenance. Represented in
Ecore4PROV-DM in purple.
5. Alternatives: allows expressing alternatives or
specializations of entities. Contains the Entity
metaclass and two binary associations, which are
self-relationships of the Entity metaclass: alterna-
teOf and specializationOf.
6. Collections: concerns the notion of collection,
which is an entity that has some members. The
members are, in turn, entities and therefore their
provenance can be expressed. This component is
represented in Ecore4PROV-DM in orange.
The Attributes and AttributeValue metaclasses, de-
picted in grey in Figure 2, are used to instanti-
ate the attribute-value pairs that most of the other
Ecore4PROV-DM metaclasses can have.
4.1.1 Ecore4PROV-DM Metamodel Evaluation
A team of metamodeling experts, following the
Metamodel Quality Requirements and Evaluation
(MQuaRE) framework, as proposed by (Kudo et al.,
2020), evaluated the completeness, correctness and
usability of Ecore4PROV-DM in comparison to the
PROV data model (PROV-DM). MQuaRE outlines 19
Metamodel Quality Requirements (MQRs) associated
MODELSWARD 2024 - 12th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering
with 23 quality measures, guiding metamodel evalua-
The evaluation involved presenting evaluators
with two foundational documents providing context
for the metamodel domain, including an introduction
to data provenance concepts, a brief outline of PROV-
DM, and comprehensive insights into the implemen-
tation of Ecore4PROV-DM within the Eclipse Mod-
eling Framework (EMF). After reviewing these doc-
uments and the Ecore4PROV-DM class diagram, the
experts completed a questionnaire covering personal
details, educational background, knowledge of data
provenance and metamodeling, and specific inquiries
about Ecore4PROV-DM’s completeness and accuracy
concerning its alignment with the PROV data model.
The evaluation questionnaire aimed to assess three
Metamodel Quality Requirements (MQRs) outlined
by the MQuaRE framework. Specifically, it focused
on MQR02, evaluating the metamodel’s completeness
by assessing its coverage of concepts specified in the
PROV-DM data model. Additionally, it addressed
MQR03, examining the correctness of the metamodel
to ensure accurate representation of PROV-DM con-
cepts. Finally, MQR07, a usability requirement, mea-
sured the proportion of metamodel concepts that are
easily identifiable to users. These MQRs were cho-
sen for their alignment with research objectives, fa-
cilitating the evaluation of the metamodel’s accuracy,
comprehensiveness, and user-friendliness in correctly
representing PROV-DM concepts.
Fifteen experts, all holding degrees in Computer
Science, participated in the evaluation process. Of
these, one had an undergraduate degree, while the rest
held master’s degrees, PhDs, or were pursuing a PhD.
Regarding prior knowledge, 73.3% were unfamil-
iar with data provenance, 20% lacked knowledge of
Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), and 26.7% were
not acquainted with the Eclipse Modeling Framework
(EMF). Regarding the support documents, 93.4% of
respondents found the document on the fundamen-
tals of data provenance and PROV-DM easily under-
standable, and 80% expressed clarity in comprehend-
ing the document explaining the implementation of
Ecore4PROV-DM in EMF. The remaining evaluators
affirmed that both documents were sufficiently clear,
with none indicating difficulty in comprehension.
The evaluation results demonstrate unanimous
agreement among the participating experts regard-
ing the seamless alignment of Ecore4PROV-DM with
the PROV-DM specification (MQR02 and MQR03).
However, one specialist expressed reservations con-
cerning the modeling of the “End” concept (wasEnd-
edBy) within Component 1, and another specialist
raised concerns about the implementation of Compo-
Name : EString
id : EString
Name : EString
id : EString
startTime : EString
endTime : EString
Name : EString
id : EString
id : EString
time : EString
id : EString
time : EString
id : EString
time : EString
id : EString
id : EString
time : EString
id : EString
time : EString
id : EString
time : EString
id : EString
id : EString
id : EString
name : EString
value : EString
[0..*] used
[0..*] UsedAttributes
[0..*] EntityAttributes
[0..*] ActivityAttributes
[0..*] wasInformedBy
[0..*] activity
[0..*] WasInformedByAttributes
[0..*] wasGeneratedBy
[0..*] activity
[0..*] WasGeneratedByAttributes
[0..*] wasInvalidatedBy
[0..1] activity
[0..*] WasInvalidatedByAttributes
[0..*] wasStartedBy
[0..*] wasEndedBy
[0..1] entityTrigger
[0..1] entityTrigger
[0..*] WasStartedByAttributes
[0..*] WasEndedByAttributes
[0..*] WasDerivedFromAttributes
[0..1] activity
[0..1] generation
[0..1] usage
[0..*] wasRevisionOf
[0..*] wasQuotedFrom
[0..*] hadPrimarySource
[0..*] actedOnBehalfOf
[0..*] agent
[0..*] wasAttributedTo
[0..*] agent
[0..*] WasAttributedToAttributes
[0..*] ActedOnBehalfOfAttributes
[0..*] wasAssociatedWith
[0..*] agent
[0..*] WasAssociatedWithAttributes
[0..1] activity
[0..1] plan
[0..*] AlternateOf
[0..*] SpecializationOf
[0..*] hadMember
[0..*] activity
[0..*] agent
[0..*] wasDerivedFrom
[0..*] attributevalue
[0..*] AgentAttributes
Figure 2: Ecore4PROV-DM: Ecore metamodel representing the PROV-DM Data Model.
MDE-Based Graphical Tool for Modeling Data Provenance According to the W3C PROV Standard
Figure 3: MDE-based graphical tool for modeling data provenance according to the W3C PROV standard.
nent 4 (Bundles).
In the MQR07 context, evaluators highlighted that
the “Specialization” (specializationOf ) concept in
Component 5, while correctly modeled, is less appar-
ent in the metamodel, with 33.3% finding it not eas-
ily identifiable. Similarly, the “Member” (hadMem-
ber) concept in Component 6 and the Alternative”
(alternateOf ) concept in Component 5 were identi-
fied as not evident by 26.6% of specialists. However,
the majority of the twenty-two concepts across the six
PROV-DM components were deemed clearly evident
in Ecore4PROV-DM by most evaluators. A compre-
hensive report detailing the outcomes of this evalua-
tion is subject to publication in a forthcoming paper.
4.2 Development of the Graphical Data
Provenance Modeling Tool
The second stage focused on constructing the graph-
ical modeling tool, utilizing the Ecore4PROV-DM
metamodel from the preceding stage. The concrete
syntax of the metamodel was implemented in Eclipse
Sirius, using the Obeo Designer
tool, which was cho-
sen for its seamless integration with EMF, Acceleo,
and Sirius, along with its capacity to switch perspec-
tives during modeling. This choice facilitated the cre-
ation of an intuitive and visually expressive modeling
environment. To ensure adherence to the W3C PROV
standard, style definitions were carefully integrated,
representing entities as yellow oval nodes, activities
as blue rectangles, and agents as orange “pentagon
houses. The relationships between these elements
were depicted as oriented edges with labels denoting
the relationship type.
4.3 Model-to-Text Transformation
In the third stage, templates were developed within
Eclipse Acceleo for all the elements that make up the
six components of the PROV data model, in order to
allow the provenance model developed in the graph-
ical modelling tool to be converted into PROV nota-
tion (PROV-N) code. The language syntax of each el-
ement followed the PROV-DM documentation guide-
lines (Moreau and Groth, 2013). This stage enabled
the synthesis of a comprehensive provenance model,
leveraging the PROV data model as the underlying
foundation while embracing the expressive power of
the PROV-N notation.
Figure 3 provides an overview of the graphical
provenance modeling tool. The Element Palette (a)
on the right allows the selection and addition of W3C
PROV standard elements (Activity, Agent, and En-
tity) to the graphical model by dragging them to the
Diagram area (b). Clicking on an element in the Di-
agram area or using the Tree Editor (c) enables edit-
ing of its Properties (d) and the addition or modifica-
tion of relationships with other model elements. The
Execute icon (e) triggers the execution of the model-
ing tool, generating corresponding PROV-N code that
represents the graphical model. This code encapsu-
lates the model’s relationships, attributes, and struc-
ture, providing a textual representation of the prove-
nance information encoded in the graphical represen-
MODELSWARD 2024 - 12th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering
In this section, we demonstrate the use of the graph-
ical provenance modeling tool. After modeling each
example, the tool automatically generated the respec-
tive PROV-N code, which was subsequently manually
validated for correctness, ensuring that the tool is gen-
erating valid PROV-N code. For validation, we used
the PROV document validation service provided by
the Open Provenance website
. Due to space limi-
tations, we will refrain from presenting the PROV-N
codes generated by the tool.
5.1 Image Acquisition via Sensors
The first example demonstrates the graphical model-
ing of a provenance model that is publicly available
on ProvStore
, a cloud-based provenance repository.
This particular provenance model is associated
with the Urban Observatory project at Newcastle Uni-
versity in the United Kingdom. The Observatory
monitors various urban indicators through streams of
active sensors and CCTV cameras. Due to space
constraints, we have only modeled a portion of this
provenance model within the tool. Specifically, we
have focused on the bundle that specifies the prove-
nance data collected during the image acquisition pro-
cess from sensors. This model includes two enti-
ties, var:sensor and var:image, along with one activ-
ity, var:acquisition. Each of these model components
has its set of properties and values, detailing the data
collection process. Figure 4 illustrates the graphical
provenance model.
uo:value: var:brokerName
uo:value: var:groundHeightAboveSeaLevel
uo:value: var:locationWKT
uo:value: var:sensorCentroidLatitude
uo:value: var:sensorCentroidLongitude
uo:value: var:sensorHeightAboveGround
uo:value: var:sensorName
uo:value: var:thirdParty
uo:value: var:class
uo:value: var:filename
uo:value: var:height
uo:value: var:width
uo:value: var:xmax
uo:value: var:xmin
uo:value: var:ymax
uo:value: var:ymin
uo:value: var:acquisition_date
Figure 4: Graphical provenance model depicting an image
acquisition process using a sensor.
5.2 Graphical Modeling of Provenance
A provenance template (PROV-Template) (Moreau
et al., 2018) is a PROV document that delineates the
desired provenance to be generated. Within a prove-
nance template, variables are employed as placehold-
ers for values. Consequently, a provenance tem-
plate serves as a declarative specification of the in-
tended provenance to be produced by an applica-
tion. A collection of bindings establishes associ-
ations between variables and corresponding values.
The PROV-Template expansion algorithm, when pro-
vided with a template and a set of bindings, produces
a provenance document in which variables have been
substituted with their corresponding values.
Hence, the first step in this methodology involves
designing a “provenance model” that describes the
structure of the provenance that is intended to be gen-
erated or captured. This task is usually done by draft-
ing the provenance model on paper and then translat-
ing the model manually into PROV-N notation. How-
ever, this process is both antiquated and susceptible
to errors. By employing the graphical provenance
modeling tool introduced in this paper, it becomes
possible to interactively design the provenance model
graphically. Once the model is finalized, generating
its PROV-N code is a straightforward task. This code
is then employed by the expansion algorithm, in con-
junction with the “binding” file and the designated
database serving as the source of provenance data.
Figure 5 illustrates the provenance model pre-
sented in (Moreau, 2017), describing an arithmetic
operation, for example, the sum of two values re-
sulting in a third value. Thus, the arithmetic oper-
ation type is denoted by the activity var:operation,
which uses two input values, represented by the enti-
ties var:consumed1 and var:consumed2, producing a
result represented by the entity var:produced, which
is triggered by an var:agent.
prov:value: var:consumed_value2
prov:type: var:operation_type
prov:value: var:consumed_value1
prov:value: var:produced_type
prov:value: var:produced_value
used used
wasDerivedFrom wasDerivedFrom
Figure 5: Graphical provenance model depicting the PROV-
Template for an arithmetic operation.
MDE-Based Graphical Tool for Modeling Data Provenance According to the W3C PROV Standard
This paper presented a graphical tool for data prove-
nance modeling based on the W3C PROV standard.
The development involved three key stages: con-
verting the PROV data model (PROV-DM) into an
Ecore metamodel, constructing the graphical tool
with Eclipse Sirius, and utilizing Eclipse Acceleo for
model-to-text transformations to generate PROV-N
code. The Ecore4PROV-DM metamodel underwent
evaluation by fifteen metamodeling experts, resulting
in consensus on its alignment with PROV-DM.
The graphical tool addresses a significant gap
by providing a user-friendly interface for creating
expressive data provenance models, enhancing vi-
sualization, and comprehension of provenance rela-
tionships. It allows exporting PROV-N code from
the graphical model, ensuring interoperability and
compatibility with existing provenance representa-
tions. The tool facilitates seamless integration of data
provenance into systems, fostering the adoption of
provenance-aware applications and extending its util-
ity to diverse applications, including provenance in-
formation extraction from databases using the PROV-
Template approach.
While demonstrating the tool’s use in certain sce-
narios, further evaluation is crucial for future re-
search. Usability studies and expert feedback would
enhance functionality, user experience, and effective-
ness. Investigating the tool’s integration with other
provenance management systems and assessing per-
formance in real-world scenarios will contribute to its
practical applicability.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support pro-
vided by the Instituto Federal Goiano in facilitating
and funding this research.
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MODELSWARD 2024 - 12th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering