This paper presented a graphical tool for data prove-
nance modeling based on the W3C PROV standard.
The development involved three key stages: con-
verting the PROV data model (PROV-DM) into an
Ecore metamodel, constructing the graphical tool
with Eclipse Sirius, and utilizing Eclipse Acceleo for
model-to-text transformations to generate PROV-N
code. The Ecore4PROV-DM metamodel underwent
evaluation by fifteen metamodeling experts, resulting
in consensus on its alignment with PROV-DM.
The graphical tool addresses a significant gap
by providing a user-friendly interface for creating
expressive data provenance models, enhancing vi-
sualization, and comprehension of provenance rela-
tionships. It allows exporting PROV-N code from
the graphical model, ensuring interoperability and
compatibility with existing provenance representa-
tions. The tool facilitates seamless integration of data
provenance into systems, fostering the adoption of
provenance-aware applications and extending its util-
ity to diverse applications, including provenance in-
formation extraction from databases using the PROV-
Template approach.
While demonstrating the tool’s use in certain sce-
narios, further evaluation is crucial for future re-
search. Usability studies and expert feedback would
enhance functionality, user experience, and effective-
ness. Investigating the tool’s integration with other
provenance management systems and assessing per-
formance in real-world scenarios will contribute to its
practical applicability.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support pro-
vided by the Instituto Federal Goiano in facilitating
and funding this research.
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MODELSWARD 2024 - 12th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering