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Further results from training the anchor-free dense
model over the OPEDD dataset and the COCO bench-
mark dataset are presented in this Appendix. These
results show more information about using different
IoU loss functions without the plugin spatial attention
as well as with the integration of such an attention
Appendix A
Results of training different backbones of FSAF and
FCOS models over the COCO dataset are mentioned.
Table 6 shows the results of the training FSAF model
with different IoU loss without an attention mecha-
nism in part (a) as well as with an attention mecha-
nism in part (b). Table 7 shows the same but for the
FCOS model.
Appendix B
FSAF and FCOS models based on different back-
bones are investigated with and without spatial atten-
tion mechanism. Those models are trained over a spe-
cific OPEDD dataset. Table 8 and Table 9 show de-
tailed results, which express that using another regres-
sion loss rather than IoU improves the accuracy of the
Investigation of the Performance of Different Loss Function Types Within Deep Neural Anchor-Free Object Detectors