CLIP: Assisted Video Anomaly Detection
Meng Dong
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
CLIP, Video Anomaly Detection.
As the main application of intelligent monitoring, video anomaly detection in surveillance has been well de-
veloped but remains challenging. Various types of anomalies promote the requirements of unique detectors
in the general domains, whereas users may need to customize normal and abnormal situations in specific do-
mains in descriptions, such as ”pedestrian No entry” or ”people fighting”. Moreover, anomalies in unseen
videos are usually excluded from the training datasets. Conventional techniques based on computer vision or
machine learning are typically data-intensive or limited to specific domains. Targeting developing a general-
ized framework for intelligent monitoring, we introduce generative anomaly descriptions to compensate for
the visual branch and bridge the possibilities to adapt specific application domains. In particular, we adopt
contrastive language-image pre-training (CLIP) with generative anomaly descriptions as our general anomaly
detector. Not as state-of-the-art, category-level anomaly descriptions instead of simple category names will
be adopted as language prompts in this work. A temporal module is developed on top of CLIP to capture
temporal correlations of anomaly events. Besides the above frame-level anomaly detection, we support the
detection of object-centric anomalies for some specific domains. Extensive experiment results show that the
novel framework offers state-of-the-art performance on UCF-Crime and ShanghaiTech datasets.
The concept of automatic video surveillance, which
could take over the role of human monitors, has at-
tracted more and more attention accompanied by the
popularization of surveillance cameras. Developing
highly discriminative anomaly detectors has become a
big challenge for Video anomaly detection (VAD) due
to the characteristics of surveillance videos. There
are unlimited unknown anomaly cases in real-time,
24/7 scenarios. Hopefully, The well-trained models
could be updated whenever newly defined or unde-
fined cases emerge. However, each update is on be-
half of the cost of frame annotation and obtaining
anomaly data.
According to the supervision setting of training
datasets, there are commonly three kinds of meth-
ods for anomaly detection: One-Class Classification
(OCC), weakly supervised, and unsupervised manner.
Both hand-crafted features (Medioni et al., 2001; Pi-
ciarelli et al., 2008) and deep features extracted us-
ing pre-trained models (Ravanbakhsh et al., 2017;
Sun and Gong, 2023) have been explored in recent
works. However, it will be challenging for OCC ap-
proaches to classify the well-reconstructed anomalous
testing data since the ineffective classifier boundary
may be achieved while training only on normal class
data and excluding anomalies. The weakly super-
vised approaches are proposed to address the above
limitations, video-level labeled abnormal data com-
bined with the normal data are used in the training
process (Tian et al., 2021; Cho et al., 2023; Zhang
et al., 2023). Specifically, a video will be labeled as
normal if its contents are normal; otherwise, it will be
anomalous. In real applications, it will be impracti-
cal to annotate all surveillance videos, specifically for
raw footage recorded 24/7 hours. Some work (Zaheer
et al., 2022; Tur et al., 2023) explore unsupervised
manner on unlabeled training datasets for anomaly
detection. Even though impressive success in explor-
ing highly discriminative anomaly boundaries, these
works face enormous challenges, such as the rare
normal samples in testing data, and specific domain
Usually, anomaly events capture the interactions
between action/activity and entities over time. The
rich prior knowledge of action could imply extra
context or semantic information for anomaly detec-
tion. Naturally, the prevalent vision-language mod-
Dong, M.
CLIP: Assisted Video Anomaly Detection.
DOI: 10.5220/0012356300003654
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2024), pages 522-533
ISBN: 978-989-758-684-2; ISSN: 2184-4313
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
els(VLMs), e.g. CLIP model(Radford et al., 2021)
and its variations, have attracted our sights. The
discriminative visual-language representations also
demonstrate success in related tasks, such as video
understanding, captioning, and event locations(Wang
et al., 2021; Li et al., 2022a; Guzhov et al., 2021; Xu
et al., 2021). Recently, (Joo et al., 2022) adopted ViT-
encoded visual features of CLIP to detect anomalies,
without considering the semantic knowledge between
vision and language. Language prompts could pro-
vide rich and powerful prior knowledge for activity
localization, such as objects, humans, and interactions
in the scene. However, category labels are usually
adopted as language prompts in current CLIP-related
works. Simple category names or labels may be in-
sufficient to reveal complex interactions in real-world
scenarios. For example, we prefer a comprehensive
description such as ”a man cruelty against a dog” in-
stead of the single word ”Abuse”. Furthermore, vi-
sual features from CLIP are towards image instead of
video, and temporal dynamics over time are usually
ignored or not fully explored.
To address the above challenges, we propose a
novel framework for general anomaly detection on
top of CLIP. Figure 1 (a) depicts the conventional
approaches that explore discriminative classifiers or
boundaries for extracted representations. (b) shows
the standard CLIP. (c) demonstrates our framework
based on two developed modules: temporal module
and generative anomaly descriptions. In particular,
we introduce generative anomaly descriptions instead
of labels for the text encoder. Besides, the learn-
able prompt is adopted for the context of anomaly
descriptions (Zhou et al., 2022) for each category.
Targeting discriminative representations from spatial-
temporal correlation, a temporal module, combined
with a local transformer and lightweight GCN, is in-
troduced on top of the visual encoder to capture local
and global temporal correlation. To evaluate the pro-
posed temporal module, we further introduce frame-
level and original CLIP-based visual representations
as the benchmark. To obtain accurate category-level
anomaly descriptions, including human-related and
non-human-related, ChatGPT (Cha, ), one of the large
language models (LLMs), is adopted to generate and
leverage the language prompts to the framework. We
evaluate our proposed framework on two datasets, the
ShanghaiTech (Liu et al., 2018a) and UCFcrime (Sul-
tani et al., 2018). The experiment results show that
the temporal module could enhance performance, and
the generative anomaly descriptions achieve superior
results compared to category-level prompts.
Furthermore, regarding various types of anoma-
lies, frame-level features will fail in complex back-
ground scenarios. To reduce this bias(Liu and Ma,
2019), some object-centric approaches(Georgescu
et al., 2021b) try to leverage the object’s appear-
ance(Georgescu et al., 2021a; Georgescu et al.,
2021b; Sabokrou et al., 2017), motion, or skeleton
(Li et al., 2022b; Yang et al., 2022)to frame to fur-
ther improve performance. For each detected object,
anomaly detection is proceeded. Once one detected
object is abnormal, the whole frame will be deter-
mined as abnormal. However, such methods require
additional costs for optical flow estimation in the in-
ference process. Addressing the above, we fine-tune
our framework as background-agnostic by switching
to the object-centric mode from whole frame mode.
This work makes the following contributions. (1)
We introduce a novel generalized anomaly detection
based on CLIP with proposed generative anomaly
descriptions and temporal adapter. It allows user-
specific anomaly definitions based on the anomaly
descriptions module. (2) We adapt our generalized
framework for supporting object-centric anomaly de-
tection to conquer complex background bias. (3) Ex-
periments on two video datasets illustrate the superior
performance of our framework.
Both hand-crafted features and deep features ex-
tracted using pre-trained models have been explored
in recent works. However, it will be challenging for
OCC approaches to classify the well-reconstructed
anomalous test data since the ineffective classifier
boundary may be achieved while training only on nor-
mal class data and excluding anomalies. All these
works are under the assumption that all or most of the
collected training data is normal. However, there are
rare normal samples in testing data that will be clas-
sified as anomalies. Two common techniques used in
anomaly detection: (1) Reconstruction-based, such as
autoencoder (AE)(Hasan et al., 2016; Lv et al., 2021),
memory-augmented AE(Park et al., 2020), and gener-
ative models(Liu et al., 2018a), are used to reconstruct
current frame (Ionescu et al., 2019a) or predict fu-
ture frame, the frame with high reconstruction errors
will be detected as anomalies. (2) Distance-based ap-
proaches often adopt one-class SVM (Ionescu et al.,
2019a; Ionescu et al., 2019b) or Gaussian mixture
model (Sabokrou et al., 2017; Li et al., 2015) to
compute decision boundary, and anomalies will de-
viate from normality. Most reconstruction-based or
distance-based approaches to learn frame-level fea-
tures will fail in complex backgrounds. To reduce
this bias(Liu and Ma, 2019), some object-centric ap-
CLIP: Assisted Video Anomaly Detection
Figure 1: Comparison of different frameworks of anomaly detection.
proaches(Georgescu et al., 2021b) try to leverage the
object’s appearance(Georgescu et al., 2021a), motion,
or skeleton (Li et al., 2022b; Yang et al., 2022)to
frame to further improve performance. They perform
anomaly detection for each detected object from an
object detector. When at least one detected object
is determined as abnormal, they determine that ab-
normal situations occur in the frame. However, such
methods require additional costs for optical flow es-
timation in the inference process. Furthermore, it
would apply to abnormal situations, such as explo-
sion and arson in the UCFcrime dataset (Sultani et al.,
2018). Even though users expect these anomaly de-
tectors to be background-agnostic, there are some
scene-dependent anomalies. Novel scene-aware ap-
proaches(Bao et al., 2022; Cao et al., 2022), emerge
for such cases.
In this work, CLIP-based anomaly detection is the
frame-level scheme, we introduce a human-centric
skeleton branch to make the framework background-
The proposed anomaly detector has two branches: vi-
sual and text. For the visual branch, visual repre-
sentations are captured in two ways: frame-level and
video-level, with different temporal adapters. For the
text branch, we adopt anomaly descriptions instead
of category names, and then the learnable prompt is
utilized as the context of anomaly descriptions. Fur-
thermore, ChatGPT (Cha, ) is adopted in this work to
generate normal and abnormal descriptions for each
scenario to cover a wide range of general anomalies.
3.1 Generative Anomaly Descriptions
In this branch, anomaly descriptions are not only
from the labels of datasets. We adopt the generative
anomaly descriptions that could cover a wide range of
general anomalies in general and specific scenarios.
Furthermore, these descriptions could be comprehen-
sive for the interactions between actions and entities
over time and contain rich prior knowledge about the
activities in the scene. Therefore, the target of this
branch is to provide prior information about anoma-
lies and complement the visual branch for the gener-
alized anomaly detection network that can work on
limited data and could be adapted to specific domains
by users.
3.1.1 Category-Level Anomaly Descriptions
Currently, most public datasets are labeled with a
single word to annotate the complex real scenar-
ios. However, there are similarities in some ac-
tions/activities across different labels, which lead
to class boundaries are not discriminative, such as
shoplifting, stealing, and burglary in UCF-Crime
(Sultani et al., 2018) dataset, which contains 13 ab-
normal labels, almost cover most scenarios of the real
world. Some of the categories are intuitive, while
some are ambiguous. In this work, we substitute some
with anomaly descriptions to pursue discriminative
boundaries in Table 1.
3.1.2 Generative Anomaly Descriptions
ChatGPT, based on models GPT-4, is well-trained on
a large scale of texts online, and we assume that the
obtained descriptions should be explicit for situations
ICPRAM 2024 - 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 1: Samples of category-level Anomaly Descriptions.
Category Anomaly Descriptions
child abuse, elder abuse, or animal cruelty
police arrest
fire setting
street violence, bar fights
theft in street, theft in stores, or theft in buildings
road accidents
traffic accidents involving
vehicles, pedestrians or cyclists
break windows, remove or damage road signs
of each typical location, such as normal and abnor-
mal cases. The repetitive and ambiguous descrip-
tions will be filtered to obtain clear, clean, relevant,
normal, and abnormal descriptions. Even though the
obtained anomaly descriptions are suitable for gen-
eral domains, they may not be accurate in specific
domains. Subsequently, the users can modify rele-
vant anomaly descriptions based on their prior knowl-
edge. For example, the scenarios in UCFcrime (Sul-
tani et al., 2018) could cover and simulate the general
domains. But in the specific domain, taking Shang-
haiTech (Liu et al., 2018a) for example, there exists
an only-walking zone in ShanghaiTech (Liu et al.,
2018a)dataset, so the bicycles, vehicles, and running
pedestrians will be forbidden while they are normal
cases in UCFcrime (Sultani et al., 2018). Table 2
shows some samples for normal and abnormal cases.
So, based on generative anomaly descriptions, the
users could define their specific anomalies.
3.1.3 Learnable Prompts
Usually, categories or descriptions are short words
or phrases. They are a bit succinct compared to
event captions or sentences for summarization of ab-
normal events. In this chapter, we adopt learnable
prompts(Zhou et al., 2022) to the description embed-
dings for robust scalability of text encoder. To eval-
uate the combination of description embedding and
learnable prompts, we conduct different settings: the
descriptions are transformed by CLIP tokenizer,
= Tokenizer ( description ) (1)
where ”description” is anomaly description.
The class-specific concatenation [learnable
prompt][description] and shareable [learnable
prompt] for all descriptions as follows:
,... ,. .. ,c
,. .. ,t
,. .. ,c
,. .. ,c
are learnable prompts, containing l
context tokens.
Table 2: Samples on normal/abnormal descriptions gener-
ated by ChatGPT.
Normal Abnormal
deliverymen deliveries loitering
cleaning crew working unruly crowds
walk the dog fire
pedestrian crossings drug dealing
children playing shoplifting
cleaning the sidewalk hiding goods
building access assault
Person chatting fighting
birds flying overhead robbery
sunrise accidents
routine patrols falling down
animals wandering around smoke
walking through the station hit and run
joggers jaywalking
guest leaving vehicle collisions
cashier bagging items vehicle accidents
cashier scanning car theft
restocking shelves injuries
running burglary
street performers theft
Forwarding the prompt t
to text encoder f
(·), we
can obtain C classification vector f
ing the concept for visual part:
= f
) (4)
3.2 Video-Level Visual Features from
To achieve discriminative visual features, we conduct
two visual processes, video-level and frame-level vi-
sual features. On top of the ViT encoder f (·) of CLIP,
the temporal relationships are challenging for event
detection. Given a video, the snippets of T frames of
the size H ×W are sampled as input x R
T ×3×H×W
The T feature vectors f
of each frame x
ter f (·) , will be fed into temporal module, where
i {1,2,··· ,T }, d is dimension of the feature vectors.
CLIP: Assisted Video Anomaly Detection
The temporal module consists of the local transformer
and GCN layers, imposed on top of frame-level CLIP
features. In particular, frame-level features will be
split into equal-length local windows (T frames), and
self-attention will be conducted within each window.
Furthermore, a lightweight GCN, proven in many
anomaly detection works(Wu et al., 2020; Zhong
et al., 2019), is introduced after the local transformer
to capture global temporal correlations. In such cases,
long-range and short-range temporal dependencies in
video can be captured. The overall framework of our
anomaly detector is shown in Figure 2.
3.2.1 Local Transformer Encoder
The T frame-level features f
are fed into a lo-
cal temporal model g(·), consisting of several Trans-
former encoders, to explore temporal correlations and
obtain the visual representation f
= f (x
= g ( f
; f
;. .. ; f
Where, f
and e represent learnable vectors for the
class token and position embedding.
Taking class-specific concatenation of learnable
prompt and description as an example, the form of
the prompt t
, and feature vector f
, the probability of
prediction can be obtained as:
p(y = k | x) =
, f
, f
where τ is a temperature parameter, cos(·,·) denotes
cosine similarity.
3.2.2 Global Temporal Adapter
To model global temporal dependencies of consec-
utive images, a lightweight GCN, proven in many
anomaly detection works(Wu et al., 2020; Zhong
et al., 2019), is introduced after the local transformer
to capture global temporal correlations. In such cases,
long-range and short-range temporal dependencies
in video can be explored. Similar to (Wu et al.,
2020), we use relative distance and feature similarity
to model global temporal dependencies, as follows:
= ReLU
); softmax(M
)] f
Where M
and M
are the adjacency matrices. f
is the video features from the local transformer, W is
a weight for transforming feature spaces and can be
learnable. Feature similarity is to calculate adjacency
matrix and presented as follows,
Position distance captures long-range dependencies
and adjacency matrix between i
and j
is calcu-
lated as follows:
(i, j) =
−|i j|
Where hyperparameter σ controls the influence range
of distance relation.
For video-level anomaly confidence, we adopt the
alignment map M, which demonstrates the similarity
between video features at frame-level and anomaly
class embeddings. Following the definition of M, top-
k similarities are selected and averaged to get the sim-
ilarity between the video and the current class. Fi-
nally, S =
,. .. ,s
is obtained to represent the
similarity between the video and all anomaly classes.
The highest score will pair the video and its class. The
prediction of each class j
class is:
Where τ, temperature hyper-parameter, and the loss
for alignment L
can be computed by the cross en-
tropy. Additional contrastive loss is used to push away
the embedding of abnormal classes from the normal
ones as follows,
where t
and t
represent embeddings of normal and
abnormal classes.
Finally, the total loss for video level is given by:
= L
+ λL
3.3 Frame-Level Visual Features from
To bridge CLIP to anomaly detection comprehen-
sively, we further conduct frame-level anomaly de-
tection. The generative descriptions from ChatGPT
about normal and abnormal cases are fed into the text
encoder of CLIP for normalized text features, f
,k =
1,. .. ,N, where N is the description number. CLIP
”ViT-B/32” is selected in this work, and the image
and text features from CLIP, f
and f
, and the feature
dimension is set as 512. Figure 3 depicts the frame-
level anomaly detection framework. In particular, we
extract the whole frame feature for UCFcrime and
ShanghaiTech. Specifically, the object regions from
the object detector are additionally adopted and pro-
ceed to extract features for the ShanghaiTech dataset
for background-agnostic anomaly types. For each
normalized image feature f
, the cosine similarities
ICPRAM 2024 - 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 2: Proposed video-level framework of anomaly detection.
with f
are computed. We fine-tune a bit for similar-
ity calculation to adapt VLMs to zero-shot tasks. The
trainable parameters are introduced to modify the cal-
culation of similarity in CLIP for the k th text descrip-
, f
= ( f
/m + b
, (13)
where diagonal matrix A
, scalar b
m is set as 0.01 in this work. A
and b
can be trained
by gradient descent in the total loss function. The ini-
tial value of the update for A
and b
are set to the
identity matrix and zero, respectively. For the simi-
larity between two normalized vectors, we use W (·,·)
to represent, then feed to softmax. All the abnormal
descriptions will be summed to obtain the frame-level
or object-level anomaly score score(x):
score(x) =
p(k | x),
p(k | x) =
, f
, f
where C
is indices of anomaly description sets. The
frame or detected object will be detected as abnormal
when the score exceeds the predefined threshold. To
explore the temporal correlations of abnormal activ-
ities, we further introduce a simple majority voting
scheme to assess multiple frames for a more accurate
score compared to single frames. We apply InfoNCE
loss for CLIP-based method:
f rame
c = i
| x
c = i
| x
+ p
c = i
| x
where λ
set as the loss weight for each x
. λ
= 1 ,
T is set as 1, in this work. A simple majority voting
method is applied for event classification to explore
the temporal relationship between consecutive frames
in experiments.
4.1 Datasets
To simulate the proposed anomaly detection in
surveillance, we explore two public anomaly datasets
UCFcrime and ShanghaiTech datasets, shown in Ta-
ble 3. Abnormal situations in UCFCrime are cap-
tured from various locations and scenarios (abuse,
arrest, arson, assault, burglary, explosion, fighting,
road accidents, robbery, shooting, shoplifting, steal-
ing, and vandalism). It involves the accidents and
crimes that happen frequently in public. Most anoma-
lies of ShanghaiTech are pedestrian-based. It captures
13 different scenes and contains 130 abnormal events
with various numbers of people.
4.2 Experiment Setting
The frozen encoders of image and text are pre-trained
CLIP visual and text, ViT-B/32. σ is set as 1,τ is set
as 0.07, window length in local transformer and GCN
is 8. λ in final loss equation is set as 1 ×10
. All the
works are implemented on an Intel Core i9 CPU, 32
GB of RAM, and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060, 24GB
VRAM, Pytorch 1.12. Adam optimizer (Kingma and
CLIP: Assisted Video Anomaly Detection
Figure 3: Proposed frame-level framework of anomaly detection.
Table 3: Summary of anomaly datasets in this work.
Dataset Description Video and Duration Annotation Types
ShanghaiTech (Liu et al., 2018b)
Person based abnormal
situations in Campus
437 videos
317,398 frames
UCF-Crime (Sultani et al., 2018)
13 categories of
abnormal situations
1,900 videos
128 hours
Ba, 2014) is used with batch size 64. The learning
rate is 1 × 10
4.3 Comparison with State-of-the-Art
To evaluate our proposed framework, several state-
of-the-art methods are chosen as references, includ-
ing weakly supervised, unsupervised, full, and OOC
on UCF-Crime and ShanghaiTech, shown in Table 4
and Table 5, respectively. In this work, the final
anomaly detection result is calculated similarities be-
tween visual and all anomaly text. To compare with
conventional classifiers, we set two benchmarks by
adopting a CLIP image encoder as a feature extrac-
tor and followed with a linear classifier. Further-
more, our temporal module is also added to explore
temporal relationships. From the two tables’ results,
our CLIP-text-based methods outperform the CLIP-
classifier-based benchmark on both datasets with 2%,
which also proves the effectiveness of compensation
of text branch. Besides, CLIP-based features are more
discriminative than CID and I3D features with the
help of temporal modules on both UCF-Crime and
ShanghaiTech datasets, because the latter ones are
designed for action recognition tasks. Besides, the
complex background also influences the feature ex-
traction. Compared with CLIP-based methods(Joo
et al., 2022), our proposed method achieves compar-
ative results on ShanghaiTech dataset. Both the re-
sults with the local transformer and GCN outperform
with 1% due to the compensation of the text branch
on UCFCrime. Furthermore, we also conduct frame-
level multi-frame CLIP features to explore temporal
dependencies between adjacent frames. Our frame-
based method is slightly inferior to our video-based
method because the simple majority voting scheme
still lacks temporal relations. The results demon-
strate the effectiveness of the scalability of CLIP in
the downstream task, anomaly detection.
4.4 Ablation Study
An exhaustive ablation analysis is conducted in this
work to evaluate the effectiveness of individual com-
ponents in our framework. In particular, we first com-
pare the category and proposed anomaly description
prompt performance to evaluate the effectiveness of
the description prompt, including the comparison of
different prompts and different settings for learnable
context. Then, a temporal module comparison is also
conducted to evaluate.
4.4.1 Evaluation of Prompt
Table 6 shows the results of different prompts. The
learnable prompt and temporal module are set the
same as 8, and local transformer, respectively. In vi-
sion language models, the prompt could help to adapt
ICPRAM 2024 - 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 4: Comparisons with state-of-the-art on UCF-Crime Dataset.
Supervised Way Method Feature AUC(%)
Un (Wang and Cherian, 2019) I3D 70.46
(Zaheer et al., 2022) ResNext 71.04
Fully (Liu and Ma, 2019) NLN 82.0
OCC (Sch
olkopf et al., 1999) OCCSVM 63.2
(Purwanto et al., 2021) TRN 85.00
(Thakare et al., 2022) C3D+I3D 84.48
(Zhong et al., 2019) TSN 81.08
(Tian et al., 2021) C3D 83.28
(Wu et al., 2020) C3D 82.44
(Tian et al., 2021) I3D 84.30
(Wu and Liu, 2021) I3D 84.89
(Joo et al., 2022) CLIP 87.58
(Yu et al., 2023) Pose 64.63
CLIP+Classifer CLIP 73.17
CLIP+Local+Global +Classifer CLIP 86.17
Ours-Video(Local) CLIP 88.13
Ours-Video(Local+Global) CLIP 88.52
Ours-Frame CLIP 86.62
Table 5: Comparisons with state-of-the-art on ShanghaiTech Dataset.
Supervised Way Method Feature AUC(%)
Un (Zaheer et al., 2022) ResNext 78.93
(Purwanto et al., 2021) TRN 96.85
(Zhong et al., 2019) TSN 84.44
(Tian et al., 2021) C3D 91.57
(Tian et al., 2021) I3D 97.2
(Wu and Liu, 2021) I3D 97.48
(Joo et al., 2022) CLIP 98.32
CLIP+Classifer CLIP 83.21
CLIP+Local+Global +Classifer CLIP 94.17
Ours-Video(Local) CLIP 97.31
Ours-Video(Local+Global) CLIP 98.43
Ours-Frame CLIP 95.02
VLM to specific tasks. As a baseline, we compare
hand-crafted and learnable prompts on two datasets
with the same categories. Both could achieve compar-
ative results, and learnable prompts achieve a slightly
0.6% better performance on ShanghaiTech. Further,
our description-based prompt also indicates the effec-
tiveness of a learnable prompt with anomaly descrip-
tions compared to category.
4.4.2 Evaluation of Variable Length
In this work, we further evaluate the variable lengths
for three settings: length of Learnable Prompt, length
of Window in local transformer, and depths of trans-
formers. Generally, longer context/prompt length l
should lead to better performance (Zhou et al., 2022),
and it seems there is a golden role for the optimal con-
text length. The effectiveness of the temporal module
has been verified in Table 4 and Table 5. We evaluate
to select the optimal depth of transformers. Usually,
the temporal dependencies among consecutive frames
decrease with the length of the window, especially for
datasets annotated at the video level. We conducted
three experiments for the analysis. As shown in Ta-
ble 8, first, we set a certain range (4 to 32) for context
length with fixed transformer depth(e.g. as 1) and
fixed window length (e.g. 16 frames). The perfor-
mance gradually improves before 20 and decreases
after 24 with more learnable vectors. Considering
performance and (Zhou et al., 2022), we select 16
as the optimal context length for two datasets. The
AUC decreases even with higher network costs and
lower model generation for deeper transformers. And
finally, we select 1 layer transformer to model local
temporal dependency. From the results, the perfor-
CLIP: Assisted Video Anomaly Detection
Table 6: Comparisons of Different Prompts.
Prompt AUC(%) AUC(%)
UCF-Crime ShanghaiTech
a photo of [Category] 87.43 96.20
Learnable Prompt+[Category] 87.66 96.81
Learnable Prompt+[Description] 88.19 97.32
Table 7: Performance of our framework on Object-centric and Frame-level.
Object-Centric Mode
Ours (Georgescu et al., 2021b)
CLIP feature calculation 20.49 ms Optical flow calculation 57.93 ms
Similarity calculation 0.2 ms prediction 4.57 ms
Total 20.69 ms Total 62.5 ms
Frame-based Mode
Ours (Zaheer et al., 2022)
CLIP feature calculation 4.79 ms ResNext feature calculation. 18.89 ms
Similarity calculation 0.19 ms prediction 0.13 ms
Total 4.98 ms Total 19.02 ms
mance is robust with a range of window lengths (8 to
64), and decrease with longer window. These results
also reveal a single local transformer is not very ef-
fective for longer video temporal correlations. It is
an optimal combination of the local transformer and
global temporal adapter. Considering the duration of
activity in datasets and introduced GCN in the tem-
poral module, we select an intermediate value(16) for
window length in this work.
4.4.3 Evaluation of the Position of Learnable
To evaluate the combination of description and
learnable prompts, we conducted two settings:
First, class-specific in the form of [Learnable
prompt][description](end), each description has its
learnable prompt. Second, a shareable form of [learn-
able prompt] for all descriptions (middle). The results
of the two datasets are shown in Table 9, and [Learn-
able prompt][description] combination achieves bet-
ter results as class-specific prompt could provide
more semantic information compared to shareable
context for all classes. The context length set as 16.
4.4.4 Evaluation of the Temporal Module
The above results have proven the effectiveness of
the temporal module. To further evaluate the local
transformer and Global temporal adapter, we conduct
the ablation analysis: (1) CLIP without the tempo-
ral module, (2)CLIP only with the local transformer,
(3) CLIP with a temporal module (Local transformer
+ Global temporal adapter). From the results in Ta-
ble 10, the Global temporal adapter, together with the
local transformer, could capture robust temporal cor-
relations compared to only the local transformer about
4%, even with a longer window, which has also been
proven in Table 8, and is the optimal combination for
temporal dependencies.
4.5 Object-Centric CLIP Method
As mentioned before, some object-centric ap-
proaches(Georgescu et al., 2021b) try to leverage
the object’s appearance(Georgescu et al., 2021a;
Georgescu et al., 2021b; Sabokrou et al., 2017), mo-
tion, or skeleton (Li et al., 2022b; Yang et al., 2022) to
frame level to further improve performance by remov-
ing background bias. In this work, we additionally ex-
periment on ShanghaiTech dataset to evaluate object-
centric performance. The frame will be classified as
abnormal when one detected object is abnormal. Fig-
ure 4 shows the anomaly scores in object-centric and
frame-based CLIP on ShanghaiTech dataset. Object-
centric could get more accurate anomaly scores in
periods of abnormal events. Besides, we perform a
performance analysis in Table 7. Object-centric and
frame-based methods show an efficient inference pro-
cess. The object-centric method is performed for each
object, and we set the maximum is 20 in this work.
Both the object-centric and frame-based methods are
faster than the baseline, with milliseconds of infer-
ence times for each module.
ICPRAM 2024 - 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 8: Comparisons of Different Variable Length AUC(%).
Context Number Depth of Transformer Window Length UCF-Crime ShanghaiTech
4 1 16 84.30 94.00
8 1 16 85.21 95.20
16 1 16 86.00 97.02
20 1 16 86.37 97.00
24 1 16 85.52 96.12
32 1 16 84.31 95.21
2 16 85.82 95.52
3 16 85.50 95.34
1 8 85.30 95.90
1 32 86.56 97.00
1 64 86.88 97.22
1 128 86.39 96.80
Table 9: Comparisons different positions of learnable con-
Anomaly Description
AUC(%) AUC(%)
UCF-Crime ShanghaiTech
Middle 87.45 96.26
End 88.14 97.39
Table 10: Comparisons Local Transformer and Global tem-
poral adapter.
Method AUC(%) AUC(%)
UCF-Crime ShanghaiTech
w/o Temporal Module 84.42 92.24
w/o GCN 87.28 96.45
w Temporal Module 88.17 97.33
Figure 4: Anomaly scores in object-centric and frame-based
on ShanghaiTech.
In this work, we propose a novel framework for
video anomaly detection based on CLIP. A local
transformer and global temporal adapter are added to
the frame-level features of CLIP to capture tempo-
ral dependencies. Furthermore, we present generative
anomaly descriptions from ChatGPT to cover all the
possible anomalies in general and specific domains.
The users can also modify the generative descriptions
based on their prior knowledge. Several benchmarks
for anomaly detection based on CLIP have been intro-
duced to comprehensively evaluate the proposed gen-
eralized framework. The results also demonstrate the
robustness and effectiveness of the proposed frame-
work. To remove the background bias effects, we fur-
ther proceed with the object-centric framework. The
results have demonstrated the efficiency on detected
regions. However, CLIP-based methods lack tempo-
ral dependencies, even with local transformers and
global temporal adapter. In the future, we will ex-
plore video-level CLIP for potential further perfor-
mance improvement.
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