be used in the pre-training, enabling the network to
accurately learn the physical underlying link. Then
the fine-tuning will adapt this learning to the noise of
the real-world data. One of the most obvious candi-
dates to serve as well as a target or input variable is
the sea’s Chlorophyll, which is a passive tracer of the
oceanic currents (Chelton et al., 2011).
Realism of the OSSE. We show that the multivariate
OSSE performed in this study was realistic, as well
for the SSH noise than for the SST noise. However,
given an appropriate transfer strategy, the networks
trained on the noised version of the SST and networks
trained on the ground truth SST achieve similar re-
sults once retrained. This leads us to reconsider the
necessity of computing a very realistic noise on con-
textual information, as the fine-tuning process will get
rid of the learned features that do not appear in real-
world data.
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gle geographic area. Training a method able to es-
timate SSH on a global scale would require further
work. For instance, as the physical relationship be-
tween SSH and SST depends on latitude, we are cu-
rious to know if a global model would be competitive
compared to several local models.
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VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications