In the remainder of the paper we evaluated meth-
ods for two aspects of a corresponding tool: control
selection and control prioritization. We showed that
we could automate the selection of controls by NLP
mechanisms. However, future work should analyse
whether the selected controls are complete or whether
some controls were missing, and the number of erro-
neously selected controls should be further reduced.
Additionally, mechanisms should be developed that
are applicable to the controls that are not covered by
the IT-asset based approach.
For the control prioritization we showed that con-
trols can be prioritized based on the currently ob-
served threats. In our implementation we used a man-
ual threat assessment, this work could be continued to
automate the treat assessment when appropriate threat
intelligence information is available.
In order to obtain a tool that covers all aspects
of the proposed architecture, the two elements con-
trol selection and control prioritization need to be in-
tegrated and additional topics need to be addressed.
This includes the development of a digital twin of an
organization that is more specific than an asset inven-
tory, and the development of possibilities that auto-
matically assess whether a control is implemented.
We expect that a tool implementing all building
blocks of the architecture would provide a significant
step forward in supporting small and medium sized
organization with their efforts towards securing their
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Towards Automated Information Security Governance