presented modalities also promise a good analysis of
the current workload. In addition, the headset must be
adapted in terms of cross-subject fit and comfort so
that a study with more than two subjects of good data
quality can be conducted.
In this study, we investigated whether the use of dry
electrodes to detect workload could be a viable way
forward, particularly using a headset that can be very
easily self-fitted. Our results suggest that dry
electrodes are a promising alternative for the
detection of workload if the headset fits the subject.
As a next step a study with a larger sample of subjects
is needed. However, the adaptability of the dry
electrode headsets is significantly less than that of gel
electrode caps. To improve this, either better suited
subjects with very similar head shapes can be selected
or better fitting headsets must be built.
We would like to express our gratitude to all the
subjects who participated in the study. Also, we
would like to thank the researchers from DFKI,
namely Marc Tabie and Mathias Trampler, who set
up the experiment and recorded the data. Special
thanks also goes to Dr. Su-Kyoung Kim for her help
with the statistical analysis.
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