2012; Li et al., 2020; Murad & Pyun, 2017). The
reason for their effectiveness in the solution of
sequence-based tasks is their ability to use contextual
information and learn the temporal dependencies of
the input data (Murad & Pyun, 2017). However, a
lack of research related to the determination of
cortical bone thickness and/or porous layer thickness
in ultrasound data using machine learning approaches
was observed.
The purpose of this study was to explore the
possibility of determining one of the factors of
interest - intracortical porosity against the
background of changes in cortical thickness using
ultrasonic data in bone models. Ultrasonic signals
were obtained by axial scanning synthetic phantoms
of cortical bone simulating changes in cortical
thickness and progression of intracortical porosity.
The raw data was presented by sets of ultrasonic
signals acquired stepwise by surface profiling of the
bone phantoms in the pitch-catch mode (Sisojevs et
al., 2023). Both raw ultrasonic signals in the time
domain and signals processed by discrete Fourier
transformation (DFT) were used as input data in
separate experiments for machine learning tasks. DFT
is one of the recognized methods of signal analysis
that transforms signals from time to frequency
domains (Stone, 2021). A multi-metric approach was
implemented to evaluate the results obtained in both
experiments. This included not only the precise
classification of samples, but also the evaluation of
their neighbor’s predictions. This is due to the
complexity and volume of the input data, as well as
the need to gain a better understanding of
classification accuracy.
Intracortical porosity was specified by the thickness
of the porous layer PTh, which increased discretely
from the inner (lower) surface of the bone phantom to
the outer (upper) surface. The proposed approach for
evaluating PTh was based on supervised machine
learning methods. To perform multi-class
classification, two types of ultrasonic data in bone
models were prepared for machine learning tasks,
data and label arrays were created and split into
training and testing sets, and training and testing were
performed to assess the performance of the approach.
2.1 Input Data Acquisition and
The bone models or phantoms were represented as
sets of bi-layer acrylic plates with gradually varying
total thicknesses simulating the bone cortical
thickness CTh from 2 to 6 mm with a step of 1 mm.
The effect of intracortical porosity, progressing from
the bone canal, was mimicked by regularly bottom-
drilled holes. A step change in porosity in the
phantom volume from 0 to 100% CTh was set by
increasing the thickness of the porous layer PTh in
increments of 1 mm. The phantoms were covered
with soft tissue with thicknesses of 0, 2 and 4 mm.
Ultrasonic signals were acquired using a custom-
made scanning device by stepwise profiling the upper
surface of the phantoms covered with soft tissue. The
profiling step was 3 mm. In total, the 24 obtained
signals formed the so-called ultrasonic
spatiotemporal wave profiles. The profiles contained
complex information about the temporal (velocity)
and energetic (attenuation) characteristics of different
types of ultrasound propagation. (Sisojevs et al.,
2023). A total of 1800 samples of the ultrasonic signal
were acquired. One signal frame with a duration of 1
ms contains the responses of three ultrasonic
excitation regimes: high frequency (500 kHz), low
frequency (100 kHz) and chirp mode (from 50 to 500
kHz). In this frequency range, different modes of
ultrasonic guided waves are manifested. For
comparison purposes, 2 sets of data – raw signals and
DFT-processed signals, were created. In regard to
DFT processing, each of the discrete signals was
transformed into a spectral signal that described the
magnitude spectrum.
– signal at = 0…
– Nth root of unity.
– real component of the spectral signal;
– imaginary component of the spectral
Informative regions were extracted for use in
machine learning tasks, thus creating a set of features
that characterize the signals. In our case, a single
feature corresponded to one discrete sample of the
ultrasonic signal in the selected informative region.
These regions consisted of 3000-5000 features for the
raw dataset and 750 features for the DFT-transformed
dataset. The values in signal datasets were
ICPRAM 2024 - 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods