The work presented by Fei et al is widely consid-
ered to be the state-of-the-art for liquid-fabric inter-
action simulations. This paper has replaced APIC
with PolyPIC in their model and performed a com-
parison of the PolyPIC model with the APIC model
in the context of liquid-fabric interactions. Using
PolyPIC in place of APIC for liquid-fabric interac-
tion improves the dynamism of simulations, increas-
ing energy transfer between the fluid and cloth/yarn
and increasing the resolution of vorticial details and
small scale splashes. However, PolyPIC has a higher
computation cost over APIC and the reduced numer-
ical damping of PolyPIC also caused stability issues
requiring the use of a smaller time step. This require-
ment for smaller timesteps highlights the need for a
greater consideration of techniques to improve simu-
lation stability and inter-yarn collision detection. De-
spite this limitation, this paper demonstrates the po-
tential of PolyPIC as a method of improving liquid-
fabric interaction simulations based on PIC methods.
This research is supported by a Frank Greaves Simp-
son Scholarship from the University of Sheffield.
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Using the Polynomial Particle-in-Cell Method for Liquid-Fabric Interaction