(a) shelf 0. (b) shelf 1.
Figure 9: Pre-optimize in-shelf product layouts for Shelf
tion of AMRs. Based on the product assignments,
in-shelf product layout is generated by mathematical
optimization. The generated in-shelf product layout
is an effective layout, which allows for more efficient
and safer picking than the pre-optimized placement.
In the future, we will investigate methods that allow
interaction between the two optimization stages, such
as performing multiple product assignment optimiza-
tions only on shelves where the objective function
value is not improved, even though the two optimiza-
tion stages are independent. We will also discuss the
results of ongoing demonstration experiments using
real-world logistic data.
This work was supported in part by the Ministry of
Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-
Japan, Grant–in–Aid for Scientific Research under
grant #JP19H01137 and #JP20H04018, and part
by the commissioned research by National Insti-
tute of Information and Communications Technology
(NICT), JAPAN. We are grateful to Yahata Neji Cor-
poration for providing us with real logistics operation
Gurobi optimizer homepage. https://www.gurobi.com/,
Last accessed 24 Jul 2023.
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