trace mechanism, which separates the performance
evaluation from the runtime execution and thus per-
mits domain experts to evaluate the model whenever
it is required.
This paper examined how KPIs can be defined di-
rectly at the level of a DSL, thus making them avail-
able for domain experts at the model level. This idea
was presented through a case study centered on a DSL
to define, simulate, and evaluate the performance of
simple manufacturing systems. We defined a set of
KPIs for this DSL, and illustrated their use with an
example of a simple manufacturing system.
As this paper presents early results from our
ongoing work, many future research directions are
possible. Instead of relying on a generic meta-
programming language, the definition of KPIs could
be facilitated using a dedicated KPI definition meta-
language. This work could also be generalized to be
applicable to any executable DSL for which perfor-
mance measurement would be relevant.
This work was supported by the French National Re-
search Agency (ANR) [grant number ANR 21 CE10
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MODELSWARD 2024 - 12th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering