Off-Chaining Approaches for Cost-Efficiency in Threshold-Based Elliptic
Curve Systems over Blockchains
Visakh K. Vijayan, Maria Francis and Kotaro Kataoka
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, India
Off-Chaining, Threshold-Based Anonymous Credentials, Blockchains.
In this work, we propose an off-chaining technique threshold off-chain computation (TOC) – to reduce the
gas cost of threshold-based elliptic curve cryptographic systems over blockchains (TEB), while preserving
the security guarantees. We use threshold-based anonymous credentials with opening (TACO) and without
opening (TAC) as examples and instantiate them with a PoC implementation of a blockchain-based credential
management system. These implementations are built for both Ganache and Sepolia. Based on the evalu-
ation results, we propose a) selective off-chaining where functions are off-chained using the TOC approach
solely for gas cost reduction, and b) empirical push-back off-chaining where operations within the off-chained
functions are pushed back on-chain for a balance between gas cost reduction and execution time. We observe
that selective off-chaining of the TACO system results in a significant reduction of gas cost 32x and 29x
w.r.t. to the on-chain system in Ganache and Sepolia, respectively, but with a degradation in execution time.
The empirical push-back off-chaining of the TACO system results in gas costs that are 6x and 4x lower than
the original system in Ganache and Sepolia, respectively with an improvement in execution time of 59% in
Ganache and 23% in Sepolia.
The properties of decentralization, immutability, and
availability of blockchains make them an ideal choice
for implementing systems that assume the thresh-
old trust assumption, i.e. where at least a thresh-
old number of honest participants must cooperate
to perform the operation. Threshold-based crypto-
graphic systems with elliptic curve operations over
blockchains (TEB) are blockchain systems where the
cryptographic functionalities are achieved using ellip-
tic curve operations that run on-chain and follow the
threshold trust assumption. However, they have high
gas costs
because elliptic curve operations are com-
putationally intensive to run on blockchain smart con-
tracts. The execution times and gas costs for a few
anonymous credentials based on elliptic curve opera-
tions and use blockchains are given in Table 1.
Anonymous credentials are privacy-preserving
mechanisms where the credentials are randomized ev-
ery time the user presents it to a service provider,
making the user unlinkable across multiple creden-
tial shows, and preserves the anonymity of the user
Gas cost is the cryptocurrency required to perform an
operation in the blockchain and varies with network conges-
tion, fluctuating gas prices, type of transaction, transaction
prioritization by the miners, etc.
even if the service provider and the credential issuer
collude. They are built using bilinear pairings over
elliptic curve groups. To avoid having to trust a sin-
gle credential issuer, threshold-based anonymous cre-
dential schemes proposed over blockchains such as
Coconut (Sonnino et al., 2019), DTRAC (Naaz et al.,
2022) rely on multiple credential issuers who follow
the threshold trust assumption to issue a credential.
They are, therefore, examples of threshold-based sys-
tems with elliptic curve operations over blockchains
(TEB) and we use them as a running example in
this paper. They require computationally intensive
elliptic curve operations and pairings-based opera-
tions primarily for the construction and verification of
zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs), cryptographic com-
mitments, signature verifications, etc., all of which
lead to high gas costs. Most works that use anony-
mous credentials either remain theoretical (H
and Pointcheval, 2022; Fuchsbauer et al., 2018; Con-
nolly et al., 2022; Sanders, 2020; Camenisch et al.,
2015) or are limited to local blockchains such as
Ganache (Naaz et al., 2022; Sonnino et al., 2019;
Rathee et al., 2022; Yu et al., 2019; Muth et al., 2023)
and only a very few have mainnet simulations like
Goerli and Ropsten testnets (Buccafurri et al., 2022).
Recent anonymous credentials that are blockchain-
based zk-creds (Rosenberg et al., 2023) and ZEBRA
Vijayan, V., Francis, M. and Kataoka, K.
Off-Chaining Approaches for Cost-Efficiency in Threshold-Based Elliptic Curve Systems over Blockchains.
DOI: 10.5220/0012361600003648
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2024), pages 411-422
ISBN: 978-989-758-683-5; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
(Rathee et al., 2022) – reduce gas costs and execution
time by using zk-SNARKs, and batched verifications
but they assume a single trusted authority for creden-
tial issuance and do not support threshold issuance.
Also, credential verification in both zk-creds and ZE-
BRA are on-chain, primarily to enable efficient cre-
dential revocation. Thus credential verification, a fre-
quently performed operation, has a large gas cost.
Table 1: Gas costs and execution times of credential verifi-
cation in different anonymous credential systems.
Anonymous cre-
Avg. gas cost
(M: million)
Avg. time
(s: seconds)
Coconut (Son-
nino et al., 2019)
2.8 M 15s
et al., 2022 )
1 M 6s
BASS (Yu et al.,
1.5 M 85s
ZEBRA (Rathee
et al., 2022 )
0.3 M -
et al., 2023 )
32 M -
A possible solution to improve cost efficiency is
to move inefficient and expensive on-chain opera-
tions to an off-chain entity. Off-chaining is a widely
studied method to improve the performance and re-
duce the costs of blockchain smart contracts (Eber-
hardt and Heiss, 2018; Liu et al., 2021; Eberhardt and
Tai, 2017; Molina-Jimenez et al., 2018; Eberhardt and
Tai, 2018; Kalodner et al., 2018). However, it can
also lead to centralization of trust, introduce security
vulnerabilities and scalability issues. To the best of
our knowledge, there are no off-chaining works that
concretely study threshold-based systems with elliptic
curve operations over blockchains or anonymous cre-
dential systems or any other threshold-based crypto-
graphic systems. In this work, we study off-chaining
approaches specifically tailored for TEB systems by
leveraging the threshold trust assumption. The fol-
lowing are the key contributions of this work.
1. We present a computation off-chaining solution,
threshold off-chain computation (TOC) that uses
the threshold trust assumption to ensure the same
trust guarantees and computational correctness
as the original on-chain system. It eliminates
the need of introducing complex on-chain veri-
fications for every off-chained computation as in
(Rathee et al., 2022).
The systems do not provide execution time for creden-
tial verification.
2. We use threshold anonymous credential systems
over blockchains (TACO), as an instance of a TEB
system, to implement the proposed off-chaining
approach. From the evaluation of the off-chained
system, we make a critical observation that is
valid for any TEB system despite significant
improvement in gas costs, the execution time de-
grades. This happens when we off-chain pairings-
based operations to nodes that are less power-
ful than the miner nodes. Pairings are resource-
intensive elliptic curve operations that do not have
many optimizations, both on-chain and off-chain.
They are more in number linear in the num-
ber of openers in anonymous credentials that
support opening of the credential. To reduce ex-
ecution time, we push pairings-based operations
back on-chain for just opening. We thus introduce
two implementation approaches: 1) selective off-
chaining, that off-chains all the on-chain elliptic
curve operations and is ideal for threshold-based
anonymous credentials that do not have opening
(TAC), and 2) empirical push-back off-chaining
for those that support opening (TACO), where the
pairings-based operations are retained on-chain.
We benchmark the system under multiple evalu-
ation setups. The TAC system exhibits a gas cost
reduction of 13x in Ganache and 11x in Sepo-
lia after selective off-chaining. For a TACO sys-
tem, threshold off-chain computation with selec-
tive off-chaining results in a gas cost reduction of
32x and 29x on Ganache and Sepolia respectively,
but with a degradation in the execution time. The
empirical push-back off-chaining of TACO results
in a 6x and 4x lower gas cost than the original
system in Ganache and Sepolia, respectively with
improved execution times.
3. This work gives a comprehensive set of steps the
first of its kind for off-chaining a TEB system
using the TOC approach.
Elliptic curve cryptography (Miller, 1986; Koblitz,
1987) is immensely popular because parameter val-
ues are typically shorter than other classical cryp-
tographic primitives. Bilinear pairings using ellip-
tic curves were first used in cryptography to build
an identity-based encryption scheme (Boneh and
Franklin, 2001), the first instantiation of such a
scheme. Since then, pairings have been the go-to
framework to build privacy preserving mechanisms
such as anonymous credentials, group signatures,
etc. Anonymous credentials (Chaum, 1985) were
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
first instantiated using CL-signatures (Camenisch and
Lysyanskaya, 2001). Based on a general distributed
ledger, (Garman et al., 2014) proposed the first de-
centralized anonymous credential, which did not re-
quire a trusted credential issuer. Coconut (Son-
nino et al., 2019), the state-of-the-art threshold-
based anonymous credential scheme, modifies PS-
signatures (Pointcheval and Sanders, 2016), to enable
a distributed set of credential issuers to issue partial
credentials and requires at least a threshold number
of partial credentials to construct a valid credential.
DTRAC (Naaz et al., 2022) extends Coconut to in-
clude threshold opening where at least a threshold
number of openers come together to open the creden-
tial and reveal the identity. Nevertheless, both Co-
conut and DTRAC are far from being practical pri-
marily due to their high gas cost. ZEBRA (Rathee
et al., 2022) provides accumulator-based revocable
anonymous credentials over blockchains, and here,
the credential verification happens on-chain. It main-
tains a list of revoked credentials in an on-chain ac-
cumulator and a non-membership ZKP is verified on-
chain each time a credential is verified. Another re-
cent work that is also accumulator-based is zk-creds
(Rosenberg et al., 2023), where credential verification
happens off-chain but the hash of the credential needs
to be looked up on-chain. This is relatively a cheap
operation in terms of gas cost but still will incur a few
hundred to a few thousand gas units for every creden-
tial verification. In zk-creds, blockchains are used to
store the list of issued credentials which is updated if
any credential is revoked. So, when a service provider
verifies a credential, it has to check if the credential
belongs to the on-chain accumulator. Thus, to ensure
revocation and accountability, ZEBRA and zk-creds
use the blockchain for credential verification. In the
off-chained DTRAC, since there is no revocation and
only opening, the credential verification does not use
blockchains and thus has zero gas cost.
Initial works studied off-chaining by focusing on
applications (Eberhardt and Tai, 2017). For a good
overview of various off-chaining approaches one can
refer to (Eberhardt and Heiss, 2018) but these ap-
proaches do not analyze security and trust trade-
offs. Research has focused on automatically gener-
ating FSM (Finite State Machine) and HSM (Hierar-
chical State Machine) models to decide which pro-
cesses should go off-chain (Liu et al., 2021, 2022)
but they are not applicable to smart contracts with
cryptographic operations. Some works explores off-
chaining as a solution to improve the security of smart
contracts such as Cloak (Ren et al., 2022), which uses
verifiable off-chaining multiparty computations, and
Zokrates (Eberhardt and Tai, 2018), which uses verifi-
able computations, but they are not applicable to TEB
systems as we show in Section 3.3.
3.1 Pairing-Based Operations
Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) builds crypto-
graphic primitives that exploit the algebraic structure
of elliptic curves over finite fields. It provides the
same level of security with shorter key lengths com-
pared to classical primitives like RSA. However, they
are computationally expensive for they do operations
on large inputs with multiple iterations. These op-
erations include elliptic curve point addition, point
doubling, point negation, scalar multiplication and
bilinear pairings. A bilinear pairing (Boneh et al.,
2004) maps two elements g
and g
, from two cyclic
pairing-friendly elliptic curve groups G
and G
spectively, to a third element g
from a subgroup
of a finite field. They are efficiently computable
maps that satisfy the properties of bilinearity and non-
degeneracy. They have enabled the construction of
many cryptographic systems that, previously, had no
feasible implementations such as identity-based en-
cryption (Boneh and Franklin, 2001), anonymous cre-
dentials (Sonnino et al., 2019), attribute-based en-
cryption (Goyal et al., 2006), etc. PS signatures
(Pointcheval and Sanders, 2016) are short randomiz-
able pairings-based signatures that allow for the sign-
ing of committed messages where the user can prove
the knowledge of the signature efficiently, without re-
vealing the message. They are randomizable, i.e. the
user can generate fresh valid signatures from a given
signature for the same message. This helps make the
credential generated from a PS signature, unlinkable.
Coconut (Sonnino et al., 2019) is a threshold-based
anonymous credential system that uses a modified PS
signature scheme to support threshold credential is-
suance, where a distributed set of issuers issues partial
credentials and a threshold number of such credentials
are required for the user to be able to generate a valid
Bilinear pairings are computationally more inten-
sive than other ECC operations. They require multi-
ple elliptic curve point operations that need to com-
bine points from different elliptic curve groups. In
Ethereum, the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) is
stack-based which means that all the data must be
first pushed onto the stack before it can be operated
on. Pairings-based operations require a large num-
ber of intermediate values which leads to a significant
growth in stack size, which, in turn, results in high
Off-Chaining Approaches for Cost-Efficiency in Threshold-Based Elliptic Curve Systems over Blockchains
gas costs. The elliptic curve operations that are not
pairings-based require relatively less gas. However,
they are generally more in number than pairings (refer
Table 2) and thus collectively result in large gas costs.
For ECC operations there are several optimizations
and some of them are available on-chain too. But op-
timizations for pairings-based operations, on the other
hand, are not very efficient whether it is for off-chain
or for on-chain systems.
3.2 Threshold Anonymous Credentials
with Opening (TACO)
A threshold anonymous credential system (TAC) has
a set of (possibly malicious) distributed issuers who
issue partial credentials over a blockchain and at least
a threshold number of them are required to con-
struct the final credential. A TAC system that sup-
ports threshold opening after consensus from at least
a threshold number of credential openers is referred
to as a TACO system. Coconut (Sonnino et al., 2019)
is a TAC system and DTRAC (Naaz et al., 2022) ex-
tends Coconut to enable opening, i.e. a TACO system.
We describe a generic TACO system, modelled along
the lines of Coconut and DTRAC, as shown in Fig-
ure 1. The stakeholders of the system are a) the user,
who requires an anonymous credential that attests to
her attributes without revealing them to avail a
service, b) certifiers, who attest the attributes of the
user and sign on the attribute commitments to gen-
erate verifiable certificates, c) credential issuers (CI),
who are distributed entities that generate partial cre-
dentials a threshold number of which are required
to construct the final credential after verifying the
certificates issued by the certifier, d) service provider
(SP), who verifies the anonymous credential of the
user and grants the service, and e) credential openers
(CO) who are distributed entities with partial opening
information that can open/deanonymize the user if at
least a threshold number of them come together.
A threshold anonymous credential with opening
(TACO) can be described in four phases: 1) Registra-
tion Phase, where the user obtains verifiable certifi-
cates on the attributes from the certifiers. 2) Issuance
Phase, where the user sends these certificates along
with the commitments to her attributes, the opening
shares and the corresponding ZKPs to the credential
issuers via the blockchain, who issue the partial cre-
dentials after verification. Then the openers are pro-
vided with their individual opening (deanonymizing)
information called partial opening shares. The en-
tire process is referred to as credential request veri-
fication, Credreq
(Step 4, Figure1). A TAC sys-
tem has no openers, and therefore Credreq
Credential Issuer
7. Issue
Credential Opener
Service Provider
9. Requests
1.1 Sends
for verification
1.3 Verification
1.2 Verification of
user details
12. Provides
11. Forwards
service request
8. Forward
to user
3. Requests
5. Forwards
credential request
6. Sends
4. Credential
request verification
Credential request
smart contract
10. Credential
Credential verification
smart contract
Figure 1: Overview of TACO over blockchains for creden-
tial management.
not have to verify the ZKP for the correctness of the
opening shares. Once the user receives a threshold
number of partial credentials, she aggregates them to
obtain the final anonymous credential. 3) Verifica-
tion Phase, where the user randomizes the creden-
tial and presents it to the service provider who veri-
fies the proofs on-chain. We refer to this as credential
verification, Cred
(Step 10, Figure 1). 4) Open-
ing Phase, which is initiated if deemed necessary to
deanonymize the user. Once a credential opener re-
ceives a threshold number of opening shares from the
other openers, it can deanonymize the user.
The credential request verification Credreq
credential verification Cred
are the only on-chain
functions where cryptographic operations are per-
formed. Credreq
is run once per credential is-
suance and Cred
is run every time a service is
availed. They perform several ECC operations in-
cluding pairings on-chain for the verification of ZKPs
which is the main reason for high gas costs.
3.3 Off-Chaining
Off-chaining (Smith and Doe, 2022) takes smart con-
tract computations outside the blockchain node reduc-
ing transaction/gas costs. The off-chain nodes that ex-
ecute the computation are called solver nodes. Even
though off-chaining reduces transaction costs, it has
its limitations. The system may become more com-
plex as off-chaining can add additional stakehold-
ers and communication links to realize all the origi-
nal functionalities. Off-chain solutions typically re-
quire additional infrastructure, maintenance and op-
erational costs. The security will have to be analyzed
again because the off-chain data and processes lack
the consensus mechanisms and immutability proper-
ties of the blockchain which can lead to new attacks
and collusion of various entities. It can also create
interoperability challenges.
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
We assume that the TEB system does not have 1)
any inter-smart contract dependencies, 2) any time-
sensitive data requirements, 3) any intermediate inter-
stakeholder communications, 4) any interoperarabil-
ity requirements, and 5) any verifiable on-chain com-
putations. Existing off-chaining approaches such as
those discussed in (Eberhardt and Heiss, 2018) are
not suitable for TEB systems. Verifiable off-chaining
computation (eg. (Miers et al., 2013), (Sasson et al.,
2014)) requires that the function being off-chained is
a verifiable function but TEB systems do not necessi-
tate having any. Secure multiparty computation-based
off-chaining (eg. (Zhu et al., 2018)) performs com-
putations on private inputs, which are split as shares
across the solver nodes, who generate outputs that are
aggregated for the final result. However, this can-
not be generalized for all TEB systems for e.g. in
TACO, the blockchain verifications do not use private
inputs and the output of each threshold entity is in-
dependent. Enclave-based off-chain computations re-
quire the system to place trust in external hardware
which compromises the strong privacy guarantees of
TEB systems. Incentive-driven off-chain computa-
tions (eg. (Teutsch and Reitwießner, 2019)) are used
typically when the execution traces are short. In a
TEB system, if we have to maintain traces for all the
cryptographic operations off-chain and run the traces
that differ, on-chain, for every dispute, then there will
be considerable memory and computation overhead,
which is undesirable.
All elliptic curve operations, especially pairings, are
computationally expensive as we saw in Section
3.1. Over blockchains, such computations incur huge
gas costs. We propose a new off-chaining tech-
nique threshold off-chain computation (TOC) for
threshold-based elliptic curve cryptographic systems
over blockchains (TEB). The key idea here is to lever-
age the threshold trust assumption i.e. at least a
threshold number of entities are not malicious to
off-chain elliptic curve cryptographic computations
to solver nodes while ensuring the same security and
privacy guarantees as long as they follow the thresh-
old assumption. The solver nodes can be motivated
by incentives. The immutability and trust guaran-
tees of the blockchain are replaced by the threshold
trust assumption. The system does not trust individual
solvers and assumes that the off-chained code is pub-
lic. It uses only public inputs and generates only pub-
lic outputs. We use threshold anonymous credential
system with opening (TACO) and without opening
(TAC) as examples of TEB systems.
We make an important non-intuitive observation
that the execution time of the overall system does
not benefit from the off-chaining, but rather shows a
degradation. The reason for this is that blockchains
including Ethereum have in-built pre-compiled con-
tracts optimized for elliptic curve pairings which are
executed on dedicated mining hardware when run
on-chain. The same operations on solver nodes, do
not have access to such optimizations and have im-
plementations typically running on general-purpose
hardware, thus resulting in longer execution times.
Given the threshold assumption as well as the draw-
back mentioned above, we use two different imple-
mentation approaches to reinforce the threshold off-
chain computation: 1) selective off-chaining for TAC,
and 2) empirical push-back off-chaining for TACO. In
selective off-chaining, we off-chain all the functions
we identify as resource-intensive, whereas in the em-
pirical push-back approach, we make use of both on-
chain and off-chain optimizations to achieve a balance
between gas costs and execution time.
Figure 2: Overview of threshold off-chain computation.
We introduce an on-chain threshold off-chain
computation (TOC) interface smart contract as an in-
terface to facilitate communication between the on-
chain components and the solver nodes. Figure 2 de-
picts the workflow. When a requester makes a request
to the blockchain for a function to be off-chained
(Step 1), the request is forwarded to the TOC inter-
face smart contract (Step 2). The interface ensures ac-
cess control, integrity, data synchronization, format-
ting and processing, error handling of the input and
output data between the original system and the off-
chain nodes as per specific requirements of the sys-
tem. After the request is validated, it is forwarded
to the solver nodes (Step 3) who independently exe-
cute the required functions for the same set of inputs
(Step 4.1) and generate the outputs (Step 4.2). The
solvers send the responses to the interface (Step 5)
and it checks whether the responses are valid (Step
6). The computation is deemed valid (Step 8) only
Off-Chaining Approaches for Cost-Efficiency in Threshold-Based Elliptic Curve Systems over Blockchains
if at least a threshold number of them responds. The
outputs from the solvers are sent to the on-chain sys-
tem by the interface for further computations (Step 9).
The interface can also track incentives by recording
the addresses of the off-chain nodes that respond. Fig-
ure 3 provides a high-level view of data propagation
and data reception in the proposed TOC approach.
Figure 3: Input-output data flow diagram of threshold off-
chain computation.
This work applies the threshold off-chain
computation (TOC) approach to a threshold-based
elliptic curve cryptographic system over blockchains
(TEB). For an instance of a TEB system, this work
chooses threshold anonymous credential system with
opening (TACO) as it has multiple on-chain elliptic
curve operations. As TEB systems using TAC and
TACO, Coconut (Sonnino et al., 2019) and DTRAC
(Naaz et al., 2022) can be considered as the base
systems, respectively. DTRAC (Naaz et al., 2022)
is used as a reference implementation of a TACO
scheme since it can be modified to operate in both
TAC and TACO modes. The major difference be-
tween TAC and TACO is in the issuance phase which
executes the credential request verification function
the credential issuers must verify the
correctness of the opening shares in a TACO system,
which they do not have to do in a TAC system. In the
TACO system, TOC is applied to credential request
verification, Credreq
and credential verification,
as they use several pairings and non-pairings
based elliptic curve operations, and therefore, are
resource-intensive. The off-chaining of a TEB system
with TOC happens in five phases: 1) the assessment
phase, to decide whether a TEB system is feasible for
threshold off-chaining, 2) the classification phase, to
classify the functions to be off-chained, 3) the design
phase, to formulate a new system with the identified
functions running on the solver nodes, 4) the security
analysis phase, to verify the security and consistency
of the new system, and 5) the implementation and
evaluation phase, to execute the new system on an
instantiation of a TEB system.
5.1 Off-Chaining Approaches for TAC
and TACO
The asymptotic analysis for the number of elliptic
curve cryptographic operations for DTRAC is given
in Table 2. Bilinear pairings-based elliptic curve cryp-
tographic operations are more complex and have high
gas usage than other elliptic curve operations (Section
3.1). However, non-pairings-based operations still in-
cur a similar gas cost because they are more in num-
ber. Therefore, both pairings-based and non-pairings-
based elliptic curve operations are potential candi-
dates for off-chaining to reduce gas costs. Another
important observation in Table 2 is that for the open-
ing functionality, the number of pairings increases lin-
early with the number of openers, whereas for all the
other functionalities, it remains constant. As noted
before, since pairings have very limited optimizations
both on-chain and off-chain, off-chaining these oper-
ations to less powerful solver nodes can lead to in-
creased execution times. This will impact TACO sys-
tems more than TAC systems since the number of
pairings increases linearly with the number of open-
ers. To accommodate these differences, we introduce
two off-chain implementation approaches: 1) Selec-
tive off-chaining for TAC systems and 2) Empirical
push-back off-chaining for TACO systems.
Selective off-chaining approach for TAC. In this ap-
proach, we identify the two resource-intensive func-
tions that use elliptic curve operations – credential re-
quest verification, Credreq
and credential verifica-
tion function, Cred
– to off-chain.
Empirical push-back off-chaining approach for
TACO. Here also, Credreq
and Cred
are iden-
tified as functions to be off-chained for a TACO sys-
tem. However, even though it reduces the gas costs as
shown in Figure 7, a performance degradation is ob-
served as shown in Figure 11, due to pairings-based
operations that grow linearly in the number of open-
ers. The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) uses built-
in pre-compiled contracts for all elliptic curve opera-
tions including addition (alt bn128), scalar multipli-
cation (EIP-196) and pairings (EIP-197). All these
contracts are optimized to fit within the block gas
limit. However, the gas costs incurred by pairings
are still large due to their complex and non-trivial na-
ture. Also, the nature of the bilinear pairing operation,
which combines elements from two different groups,
limits its flexibility to be optimized in general. How-
ever, this is not the case with standard elliptic curve
operations, which can utilize compiler optimizations
and parallelizations run off-chain on a solver node.
The empirical data relating to execution time (Fig-
ure 11) indicates that, if off-chaining is limited to
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 2: Asymptotics of elliptic curve operations for on-chain verification operations in DTRAC.
Elliptic curve
Scalar multi-
Pairing G
Modular ex-
Gas cost per unit
100 6000 34000 ×
k +
150 200 28474
) O(n
) O(1) O(1) O(1)
of opening
) O(n
) O(n
Signature on
) O(n
) O(n
of attributes
) O(n
k is the no. of points on which pairing is done, n
is the total number of attributes, n
is the total number of credential
openers, n
is the number of private attributes, t
is the threshold value for credential openers and n
is the total
number of certificates.
non-pairing based elliptic curve cryptographic oper-
ations and pairings-based functions are pushed back
on-chain, the execution time improves. The pairings-
based operations benefit from running on the miner
nodes. This enables us to achieve the best of both
worlds at a slightly higher gas cost.
Using Table 2 as a reference, we off-chain the
non-pairing elliptic curve operations of Credreq
the TACO system, while keeping the pairing opera-
tions on-chain. That is, the verification of ZKPoKs
that proves the correctness of the commitments of the
user attributes and the signature verification of the
certificates issued by the certifiers are off-chained.
However, the verification of the ZKPoK that proves
the correctness of the encrypted opening shares is
pushed back on-chain. The execution time of the off-
chained Cred
is lesser than the average block time
of Ethereum because it has only very few (constant
number) pairings-based operations. It is therefore off-
chained as per the selective off-chaining approach.
5.2 Instantiation of TAC and TACO
DTRAC is a threshold anonymous credential sys-
tem over blockchains that extends Coconut to enable
threshold opening of the credential. To instantiate the
TACO system, we use DTRAC as-is, and to instanti-
ate the TAC system we disable the opening function-
ality. Using DTRAC for both TAC and TACO sys-
tems ensures consistency in our comparisons of the
performances over various benchmarks. Note that in
DTRAC, credential issuers of the TACO system are
referred to as validators and credential openers are
referred to as openers. The Credreq
operation in-
cludes both Verify Vcerts and Verify proofs functions
of DTRAC and Cred
is the same as VerifyCred in
Assessment Phase. The bottleneck estimation of
DTRAC (Table 3) reveals that the two on-chain pro-
cesses 1) Verify Vcerts and Verify proofs (Credreq
executed by the validators in the issuance phase
((Naaz et al., 2022, Figure 4)) and 2) VerifyCred
) executed by the service provider in the ver-
ification phase ((Naaz et al., 2022, Figure 5)) take up
94% of the gas cost and 80% of the execution time,
respectively. The elliptic curve cryptographic com-
putations in these smart contracts are the cause of
the performance bottleneck and since they are con-
tained in specific smart contracts with no architecture
or ecosystem-related dependency, off-chaining is a vi-
able option.
Classification Phase. The credential request verifica-
tion Credreq
(Step 4) and the credential verifica-
tion Cred
(Step 10) functions do not incur any ma-
jor communication overhead because they only have
data inputs typically in the range of tens of bytes and
the output of a verification function is either true or
false. These functions do not produce output data that
needs to be shared with other stakeholder nodes, and
thus they have minimal immutability requirements.
The functions Credreq
and Cred
do not use any
private code and thus can be shared with untrusted
entities for execution. The inputs to the function are
public parameters shared on-chain, and the output are
public values as they are verification functions out-
putting either true or false. We thus conclude that
Off-Chaining Approaches for Cost-Efficiency in Threshold-Based Elliptic Curve Systems over Blockchains
Table 3: Bottleneck Estimation of DTRAC.
Avg. gas
(in million) (in sec)
Verify Vcerts and Verify
proofs (Credreq
6 35.2
VerifyCred (Cred
) 1 5.3
Others 0.4 10.3
Total 7.4 50.8
and Cred
are viable candidates to be
Design Phase. Threshold off-chain computation
(TOC) is applied to Credreq
and direct off-
chaining which can be described as the TOC ap-
proach with the threshold value set to 1 – is applied to
off-chain Cred
. The reason for the TOC approach
is that the on-chain Credreq
function is performed
by issuers that follow the threshold trust assump-
tion. In the off-chain system, the issuers are extended
to additionally perform the role of the solver nodes.
The threshold trust assumption ensures the same trust
guarantees in the off-chain system. In Cred
, the
choice of providing the service or not is solely up to
the service provider regardless of it being performed
on-chain or off-chain. This is the case even if the cre-
dential is valid. Thus, the trust guarantee solely re-
lies on the service provider, and therefore, having the
service provider perform the function off-chain will
still ensure the same trust guarantees and computa-
tional availability. Figure 4 describes a TACO sys-
tem after off-chaining and the modified entities and
functionalities are marked with the ”Extended” pre-
fix. The two timeline charts compare and contrast
the chronological sequence of events in a threshold
anonymous credential system before (Figure 5) and
after off-chaining (Figure 6).
3. Requests
4. Forwards certificate
verification request
6. Issues
5.3 Sends
9. Sends
7. Forward
credentials to user
Credential Opener
Extended Service
8. Requests
1.1 Sends
for verification
1.3 Verification
9.1 Sends
for verification
9.3 Verification
5.1 Sends
for verification
10. Provides
smart contract
Credential Issuer
9.2 Verification
of user credentials
5.2 Credential
request verification
1.2 Verification
of user details
Figure 4: Threshold anonymous credentials after off-
Security Analysis Phase. Here, checks are made to
determine if the security requirements of the on-chain
Figure 5: Timeline of credential issuance and availing a ser-
vice before off-chaining.
Issuer (CI)
shares into
Verifies user
Avails service
Extended SC
chooses CIs
Blind signs
Figure 6: Timeline of credential issuance and availing a ser-
vice after off-chaining.
system are met off-chain. The off-chained TEB sys-
tem has no/minimal data immutability requirements
and uses on-chain storage which ensures data avail-
ability as blockchains are a highly available platform.
The privacy and trust guarantees of the system are
preserved as discussed in the design phases. The TOC
interface smart contract ensures access control.
Implementation and Evaluation Phase. TOC and
direct off-chaining approaches are implemented for
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
both TACO and TAC as per the design we finalized.
This is implemented on the same DTRAC system by
enabling and disabling the opening functionality.
We present the evaluation of the off-chained DTRAC
after implementing selective off-chaining for DTRAC
with and without opening, and empirical pushback
off-chaining for DTRAC with opening.
6.1 Experimental Setup
The specifications of the computation environment
and the number of entities are given in Table 5 and Ta-
ble 6, respectively. The experiments were performed
on a 64-bit Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS with AMD Ryzen
5 5600H CPU (6 core and 12 threads at 4.2 GHz)
and 16 GB RAM. The implementation was built us-
ing Python for the codebase and Solidity for the smart
contracts. The smart contracts were deployed on the
local blockchain, Ganache and to accurately reflect
the real-world execution time of a blockchain, we also
deploy the smart contracts on the public testnet, Sepo-
lia. We consider several combinations of the evalua-
tion setup which are summarized in Table 4.
6.2 Gas Costs
For selective off-chaining for TAC (Figure 8), the gas
cost for Credreq
improves by 5.65x and 5.15x for
Ganache and Sepolia, respectively. When using se-
lective off-chaining in TACO (Figure 7), the gas cost
reduces significantly for Credreq
25x in Ganache
and 23x in Sepolia. However, the execution time de-
grades (refer Section 5.1 and Figure 11) and there-
fore to balance that, we do empirical push-back for
TACO (Figure 9) where the gas cost for Credreq
still improves by 4.75x and 3.61x for Ganache and
Sepolia, respectively. This is as expected as less on-
chain computations result in lower gas costs. The gas
cost for the credential verification function, Cred
zero for both TAC and TACO systems since we by-
pass the blockchain completely.
6.3 Execution Time
Figure 10 depicts the execution time for TAC after
applying selective off-chaining to the Credreq
functions. In Ganache, the execution time
reduces drastically for Credreq
when off-chained.
However, in Sepolia, the off-chained Credreq
Gas cost (in million)
Credential request
verification on
verification on
Credential request
verification on
verification on
TACO DTRAC Selective off-chained TACO DTRAC
Figure 7: Gas costs of threshold anonymous credentials
with opening (TACO) using selective off-chaining.
Gas cost (in million)
on Ganache
on Ganache
on Ganache
on Sepolia
on Sepolia
on Sepolia
TAC DTRAC Selective off-chained TAC DTRAC
Figure 8: Gas costs of threshold anonymous credentials
without opening (TAC) using selective off-chaining.
Gas cost (in million)
on Ganache
on Ganache
on Ganache
on Sepolia
on Sepolia
on Sepolia
TACO DTRAC Empirical push-back off-chained TACO DTRAC
Figure 9: Gas costs of threshold anonymous creden-
tials with opening (TACO) using empirical push-back off-
for the data to be published on the blockchain to ini-
tiate the verification computations, making the execu-
tion time comparable with the on-chain case. The exe-
cution time for the off-chain Cred
for both Ganache
and Sepolia resulted in comparable outcomes to the
on-chain case. This is because 1) the optimizations
for pairings provided by pre-compiled on-chain con-
tracts and the optimizations for non-pairing opera-
tions offered by the off-chain nodes offset each other,
and 2) Cred
performs fewer elliptic curve opera-
tions, including pairings, compared to Credreq
ble 2).
Off-Chaining Approaches for Cost-Efficiency in Threshold-Based Elliptic Curve Systems over Blockchains
Table 4: Evaluation setup summarized.
Mode of
Selective off-chaining Empirical push-back
Considered in
all evaluation
Gas cost (Figure 8), Execution
time (Figure 10)
Gas cost (Figure 7), Execution
time (Figure 11)
Gas cost (Figure 9),
Execution time (Figure 12)
Table 5: Specifications of the computation environment.
Components Specification Version
Blockchain Ethereum 1
Ethereum emula-
Ganache 2.5.4
Sepolia 0x90000069
Smart contracts Solidity 0.8.19
py ecc 6.0.0
Table 6: Number of Entities.
Type No of entities
Certifiers 2
Validators (total, threshold) (3,2)
Openers (total, threshold) (3,2)
Execution time (in sec)
verification on
verification on
verification on
verification on
TAC DTRAC Selective off-chained TAC DTRAC
Figure 10: Execution times of threshold anonymous creden-
tials without opening (TAC) using selective off-chaining.
For a TACO system, Figure 11 depicts the exe-
cution time with selective off-chaining and Figure 12
depicts the execution time with empirical push-back
off-chaining. A significant degradation of the exe-
cution time for Credreq
is observed with selective
off-chaining, despite the substantial reduction of gas
cost (Figure 7), for both Ganache and Sepolia. As
discussed in Section 5.1, a solution to this is empiri-
Execution time (in sec)
Credential request
verification on
verification on
Credential request
verification on
verification on
TACO DTRAC Selective off-chained TACO DTRAC
Figure 11: Execution time of threshold anonymous creden-
tials with opening (TACO) using selective off-chaining.
Execution time (in sec)
verification on
verification on
verification on
verification on
TACO DTRAC Empirical push-back off-chained TACO DTRAC
Figure 12: Execution times of threshold anonymous cre-
dentials with opening (TACO) using empirical push-back
cal push-back off-chaining, which improves the exe-
cution time at the cost of slightly increased gas cost.
After the empirical push-back of TACO, the improve-
ment in execution time of Credreq
is significant for
Ganache, as shown in Figure 12. However, in Sepo-
lia, the execution time remains comparable to the on-
chain case. This is because the system waits one block
time for the on-chain verification of the correctness of
the opening shares and only after that do the off-chain
nodes fetch the data from the blockchain and perform
the efficient off-chain operations. The off-chaining of
in TACO is similar to that of TAC because
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
it has no opening operations, and therefore the ob-
servations and justifications are the same as that of
TAC, for both Ganache and Sepolia. The empirical
push-back off-chaining approach reduces the overall
gas costs while maintaining or improving the execu-
tion times as summarized in Figure 12.
This work addressed the problem of high gas con-
sumption of smart contracts when they are used in
threshold-based elliptic curve cryptographic systems
(TEB) such as anonymous credential systems over
blockchains. A new approach, threshold off-chain
computation (TOC), was introduced which offloads
on-chain functions from smart contracts to off-chain
solver nodes, that follow the threshold trust assump-
tion, thus reducing gas costs. The off-chained func-
tions preserve the trust guarantees and computation
correctness as long as at least a threshold number of
solver nodes are honest. This paper first described
a threshold-based anonymous credential system a)
with opening (TACO) and b) without opening (TAC)
over a blockchain as a base TEB system to illustrate
the proposed TOC approach. Both TACO and TAC
were instantiated using DTRAC. Two different TOC
approaches were adopted: 1) selective off-chaining
for TAC and 2) empirical push-back off-chaining for
TACO, based on the asymptotic analysis of the num-
ber of pairings to be off-chained. The performance
evaluation of both gas consumption and execution
time demonstrated the effectiveness of the solution.
A possible future direction is to explore whether
the non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs used in
these TACO systems can be replaced with the shorter
zk-SNARKS such Groth16 (Groth, 2016). This may
allow selective off-chaining for TACO without any
performance degradation. This will also allow the
batching of off-chain verifications, which will make
the system scalable. Rewarding off-chain comput-
ing nodes is also another direction to ensure compu-
tational correctness. A formal security analysis of the
off-chained system in the UC framework was skipped
since the work do not modify the underlying crypto-
graphic primitives. However, this can be attempted as
a future work.
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