ology consisted of augmenting the dataset and fine-
tuning YOLOv5 and YOLOv8 models using the aug-
mented data. The experimental results showed that
both models effectively detected the olive fruit fly,
but YOLOv8 obtained superior results, in terms of the
evaluation metrics.
In the future, the fine-tuned models, which include
domain knowledge to help improve the methodolo-
gies, are going to be integrated on a web-based infor-
mation and management system, which will receive
the images collected from the field, by a robotic smart
trap developed by our team, and return the image
with the detection results, to aid farmers in making
informed decisions.
This work is co-financed by Component 5 - Capital-
ization and Business Innovation of core funding for
Technology and Innovation Centres (CTI), integrated
in the Resilience Dimension of the Recovery and Re-
silience Plan within the scope of the Recovery and
Resilience Mechanism (MRR) of the European Union
(EU), framed in the Next Generation EU, for the pe-
riod 2021 - 2026
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