Non-Local Context-Aware Attention for Object Detection in Remote
Sensing Images
Yassin Terraf
1 a
, El Mahdi Mercha
1 b
and Mohammed Erradi
HENCEFORTH, Rabat, Morocco
ENSIAS, Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco
Object Detection, Deep Learning, Attention, Remote Sensing Images.
Object detection in remote sensing images has been widely studied due to the valuable insights it provides for
different fields. Detecting objects in remote sensing images is a very challenging task due to the diverse range
of sizes, orientations, and appearances of objects within the images. Many approaches have been developed to
address these challenges, primarily focusing on capturing semantic information while missing out on contex-
tual details that can bring more insights to the analysis. In this work, we propose a Non-Local Context-Aware
Attention (NLCAA) approach for object detection in remote sensing images. NLCAA includes semantic and
contextual attention modules to capture both semantic and contextual information. Extensive experiments were
conducted on two publicly available datasets, namely NWPU VHR and DIOR, to evaluate the performance
of the proposed approach. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the NLCAA approach
against various state-of-the-art methods.
The rise and rapid development of Earth observa-
tion technology have resulted in the fast generation
of high-quality remote sensing images. These images
carry valuable information that can advance several
real-life applications such as intelligent monitoring,
urban planning, precision agriculture, and geographic
information system updating (Li et al., 2020). How-
ever, manually processing and analyzing these large
volumes of generated images to extract useful infor-
mation is extremely difficult. Therefore, considerable
efforts have been invested in developing automated
systems such as object detection. Object detection fo-
cuses on detecting, localizing, and identifying objects
in images. Given its significance in the analysis of
remote sensing images, numerous studies have been
carried out in this area. Nevertheless, these studies
face challenges, such as the lack of important visual
clues details which significantly constrain their per-
Earlier approaches often are based on traditional
methods with hand-crafted features like the histogram
of orientation gradient (Zhang et al., 2013), scale-
invariant feature transform (Cheng and Han, 2016),
and Hough transform (Xu et al., 2014). While these
methods are easy to use and computationally efficient,
they do not meet the desired accuracy. The main rea-
sons for this include their limitations in adapting to
varying conditions in remote sensing images and their
dependence on hand-crafted features, which may not
effectively capture the complex patterns of objects.
In recent years, deep learning techniques, espe-
cially convolutional neural networks (CNNs), have
made significant improvements in object detection. A
wide range of CNN-based object detection systems
(Ren et al., 2015; Redmon et al., 2016) have been de-
veloped and they showed promising results on vari-
ous datasets. Even though CNN-based methods have
made substantial progress, finding objects in remote
sensing images is still a big challenge due to the diffi-
culty in capturing the salient features that are key for
effective object detection. To tackle this challenge,
many researchers have intended to create better fea-
ture representations to improve the performance of
object detection in remote sensing. One of the com-
monly adopted techniques to obtain these features is
through attention mechanisms, which help the model
focus on important parts of the images. Most attention
mechanism-based works focus on capturing effective
features from objects based on semantic characteris-
Terraf, Y., Mercha, E. and Erradi, M.
Non-Local Context-Aware Attention for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images.
DOI: 10.5220/0012363700003660
In Proceedings of the 19th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2024) - Volume 2: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-679-8; ISSN: 2184-4321
Copyright © 2024 by Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
tics, such as object shape and color, but they often
overlook key clues, which are contextual information.
Contextual information is essential in object detection
as it highlights the interactions between objects and
their surroundings, which improves the performance
of object detection in remote sensing images (Perko
and Leonardis, 2010; Oliva and Torralba, 2007).
Given the importance of contextual information in
object detection, we introduce a new attention mech-
anism, Non-Local Context-Aware Attention (NL-
CAA). This mechanism effectively integrates both se-
mantic characteristics of the object as well as contex-
tual features within a unified framework. Our main
contributions are as follows:
We present a new attention mechanism that com-
bines both semantic and contextual information
into a unified framework to improve object detec-
tion in remote sensing images.
We integrate NLCAA into the existing YOLOv3
architecture to enhance its feature detection capa-
Extensive experiments have been conducted on
object detection in remote sensing images using
the DIOR and NWPU-VHR datasets.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section
II covers related works. Section III describes the pro-
posed method. Section IV presents the implementa-
tion details and experimental results. Section V con-
cludes the paper.
Attention mechanisms have become increasingly
popular in the field of remote sensing object detection
to improve performance. Notably, several approaches
have developed specific attention modules to capture
relationships between different regions or pixels in
the image space, known as spatial dependencies, to
enhance the accuracy of object detection. CAD-Net
(Zhang et al., 2019) incorporated a spatial-and-scale-
aware attention module to capture spatial dependen-
cies by highlighting informative regions within the in-
put data. Similarly, SCRDet (Yang et al., 2019) used
a multi-dimensional attention network module to cap-
ture additional feature information, thereby enhanc-
ing the discriminative power of the model. FADet (Li
et al., 2019) focused on enhancing object-related rep-
resentations while suppressing background and noise
information to improve object detection performance.
MSA-Network (Zhang et al., 2021) integrates a mul-
tiscale module along with a channel and position at-
tention module to concentrate on important regions
by extracting attention-based features. Furthermore,
MTCNet (Wang et al., 2022b) employed the convolu-
tional block attention module (Woo et al., 2018) to de-
rive finer-grained features, thereby improving object
detection effectiveness. However, these methods pre-
dominantly employ simpler attention techniques that
focus on nearby features, learned through convolu-
tions with local receptive fields, and do not account
for relationships between distant regions. This limita-
tion results in a missed opportunity to include global
contextual information, thereby restricting their un-
derstanding of long-range dependencies.
To address existing limitations, a variety of non-
local attention mechanisms have been proposed,
drawing inspiration from the Non-Local Network
(Wang et al., 2018). These mechanisms excel in ex-
tracting relationships from remote sensing images.
In deep learning contexts, images are represented
as a series of feature maps, emphasizing distinct at-
tributes. These feature maps are further divided into
channels, each focusing on specific image character-
istics. While these attention mechanisms effectively
capture relationships within a single channel, they
face challenges in bridging interactions across dif-
ferent channels. Addressing this challenge, CGNL
(Yue et al., 2018) introduced a methodology that fa-
cilitates interactions across these channels. How-
ever, these non-local networks operate at the pixel-
to-pixel level, where each pixel is compared with ev-
ery other pixel, potentially introducing noise into the
feature representations. In response, (Zhang et al.,
2021) introduced the Non-local Pyramid Attention
(NP-Attention), which employs correlations between
patches instead of pixels. These patches are gener-
ated by partitioning the feature maps into multiple
subregions, typically achieved through pooling opera-
tions at varying scales. By focusing on patches rather
than individual pixels, NP-Attention efficiently cap-
tures feature representations while reducing computa-
tional complexity. Although NP-Attention is effective
in extracting features at the patch level, it primarily
relies on the semantic characteristics of objects.
To address this limitation, we introduce a novel
approach, NLCAA, that integrates both semantic
characteristics and contextual information at the patch
level. By including contextual information, our
method better understands the relationships between
objects and their surrounding environment, thereby
enhancing object detection performance.
Non-Local Context-Aware Attention for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images
Figure 1: The architecture of the proposed NLCAA approach. The symbolizes concatenation, while the denotes the dot
product operation.
In this section, we present the YOLOv3 architecture
along with its components and we provide a compre-
hensive understanding of its operational characteris-
tics and advantages. Furthermore, we describe the
proposed NLCAA approach and we provide details
about the methodology adopted to integrate it into the
YOLOv3 architecture to enhance object detection in
remote sensing images.
3.1 NLCAA: Yolov3-Based
In the domain of object detection in remote sensing
images, selecting an appropriate framework model
is crucial for validating and implementing new ap-
proaches. Widely acknowledged for its efficacy in
object detection, YOLOv3 has been extensively em-
ployed in several studies, including those by Zhang
et al. (Zhang et al., 2020), Wang et al. (Wang et al.,
2020), and Zhang et al. (Zhang et al., 2022). The
extensive use of YOLOv3 in these studies establishes
it as a standard benchmark. Therefore, to evaluate
the proposed NLCAA against several baseline mod-
els, we select YOLOv3 as a base framework model.
This choice ensures that comparisons with the pro-
posed NLCAA approach are consistent, providing a
clear framework for evaluating the improvements of
the proposed approach.
YOLOv3 introduces significant improvements
over its predecessors. The key innovation lies in its
ability to divide an image into a grid and predict
bounding boxes and class probabilities directly, in a
single pass. It consists of several key components that
contribute to its object detection capabilities:
Backbone. The backbone of YOLOv3, based on the
Darknet-53 architecture, is integral in extracting com-
plex features from images. This functionality is cru-
cial for NLCAA, which depends on detailed feature
extraction to accurately detect and analyze objects in
remote sensing images. By providing an in-depth and
comprehensive analysis of image data, the Darknet-
53 backbone ensures that NLCAA has access to the
detailed features necessary for its advanced attention
Neck. The neck processes the features from the back-
bone at multiple scales, which is essential for detect-
ing objects of different sizes. This is in line with the
NLCAA objective to understand contextual relation-
ships in images, where the scale of features plays a
significant role in accurate object detection.
Head. The head of YOLOv3 is responsible for con-
verting processed features into the final object de-
tection outputs. This involves generating bounding
boxes, class labels, and confidence scores, which are
crucial for reliable detection in various remote sens-
ing scenarios.
3.2 Non-Local Context-Aware Attention
Drawing inspiration from the Non-Local Network
(Wang et al., 2018), we introduce the Non-Local
Context-Aware Attention (NLCAA) approach. We
start with a brief review of the original non-local op-
eration, which detects relationships between any two
positions in an image. Consider a remote sensing im-
age denoted by the feature map X R
, where C is
the number of channels and N = HW is the combina-
tion of the spatial dimensions of width W and height
H. The non-local operation’s primary goal is to dis-
cern relationships across the entire feature map, com-
puting the output Y R
as a weighted sum of fea-
tures from all positions.
Y = f (θ(X), φ(X))g(X) (1)
where θ(·), φ(·), and g(·) are learnable parameters,
typically implemented using 1 by 1 convolutions.
Figure 1 illustrates the global architecture of NLCAA
VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 2: YOLOv3 Architecture with NLCAA Attention: Feature Map representations : Backbone B
, Neck N
, and Head H
approach. NLCAA employs pyramid pooling with
varying kernel sizes k K = {3, 5, 7}. Smaller kernel
sizes capture fine-detail semantic information, while
larger kernels capture global semantic features. These
multi-scale semantic feature maps, denoted as P
are concatenated along the channel dimension:
(X) (2)
Additionally, NLCAA uses pyramid dilated convolu-
tion on the input feature map X. Different dilation
rates d D = {2, 4, 6} are used, expanding the con-
volution filters’ receptive field. This process captures
multi-scale contextual information, with smaller dila-
tion rates focusing on closer contexts and larger rates
encompassing broader contexts without compromis-
ing spatial resolution. The resulting feature maps,
, are also concatenated along the channel di-
(X) (3)
The feature maps P
and P
, incorporat-
ing multi-scale semantic and contextual information,
are combined to form the aggregated feature map
= Concatenate(P
, P
) (4)
To apply the non-local operation to X
, a 1 by
1 convolution is applied to extract three fundamental
components: the Query (θ), Key (φ), and Value (g).
They are represented as:
= vec(X
) R
= vec(X
) R
= vec(XW
) R
Following this extraction, X
is divided into sep-
arate groups using the same approach as in (Yue
et al., 2018). This division enables parallel process-
ing, thereby decreasing computational time. Each
divided group performs processing through the non-
local operation, generating individual outputs Y
= f (θ(X
, φ(X
, g(X)
) (8)
After processing, the individual outputs Y
are com-
bined. The resulting merged output is normalized and
then added to the original input X to generate the final
feature map Y .
Y = GroupNorm (Concatenate(Y
, Y
, . . . , Y
) + X )
The obtained Y , enriched with multi-scale semantic
and contextual features details.
To effectively integrate NLCAA into the YOLOv3
architecture and improve its object detection capabil-
ities, we have chosen a strategic approach. As shown
in Figure 2, instead of applying NLCAA to the ini-
tial or final feature maps, we incorporate it into the
intermediate feature maps for several reasons. In-
termediate feature maps inherently capture a higher
level of semantic information compared to initial fea-
ture maps, which is crucial for effective object de-
tection. Furthermore, applying NLCAA to the ini-
tial feature maps can be computationally expensive,
especially when dealing with high-dimensional input
Non-Local Context-Aware Attention for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images
data. Conversely, intermediate feature maps typically
have lower dimensionality, allowing for more efficient
computation of attention mechanisms. Additionally,
the final feature maps in a neural network often ex-
hibit high spatial resolution but may contain signif-
icant noise or irrelevant information. Applying NL-
CAA to these feature maps can lead to incorrect re-
sults, a loss of model stability, or overfitting. In com-
parison, intermediate feature maps are better poised to
contain relevant information without the interference
of excessive noise. By integrating NLCAA into these
intermediate feature maps, we enhance the YOLOv3
architecture’s contextual understanding, reduce com-
putational complexity, and prioritize pertinent infor-
mation, thereby improving its capabilities in object
detection in remote sensing images.
3.3 Loss Function
The loss function used in our object detection sys-
tem is a composite loss function, which is expressed
through the following equation:
= λ
where L
, L
, L
, L
represent respectively
the localization loss, objectness loss, no-objectness
loss, and the classification loss. L
is the localiza-
tion loss, this component evaluates the accuracy of
the predicted bounding boxes. For every detected ob-
ject, the predicted bounding box is characterized by
its center coordinates (x, y) and its dimensions (w, h).
The mathematical representation is:
i j
+ (y
+ (
+ (
Here, (x, y, w, h) denote the predictions, and ( ˆx, ˆy, ˆw,
are the actual values. The indicator 1
i j
confirms the
presence of an object in cell i for bounding box j. L
is the confidence of object presence loss, this compo-
nent measures the confidence regarding the presence
of objects within the bounding boxes. The formula is:
i j
where S represents the grid size, determining the
number of cells along each dimension in the image
grid, and B denotes the number of predicted bound-
ing boxes for each grid cell. For bounding boxes that
do not contain any objects, another no-objectness loss
is considered:
i j
In both equations, C
represents the predicted confi-
dence, while
denotes the true confidence. L
the classification loss that classifies the detected enti-
ties. The classification loss measures how accurately
the approach used to classify objects manages this. It
is represented as:
(c) ˆp
Here, p
(c) is the predicted probability of class c for
cell i, and ˆp
(c) is the true probability.
This section validates the effectiveness of the pro-
posed NLCAA approach through experiments on two
public remote sensing datasets. It demonstrates the
impact of incorporating contextual and semantic in-
formation in remote sensing object detection using
4.1 Datasets
4.1.1 NWPU-VHR10
The NWPU-VHR10 dataset (Cheng et al., 2014), con-
sists of a total of 800 very-high-resolution remote
sensing images, of which 650 are positive samples
containing various objects of interest, and 150 are
negative samples that do not contain any objects of in-
terest. The dataset provides annotations for ten types
of objects, namely plane, ship, storage tank, baseball
diamond, tennis court, basketball court, ground track
field, harbor, bridge, and vehicle. The objects of inter-
est are annotated using publicly accessible horizontal
bounding boxes (HBB).
4.1.2 DIOR
The DIOR dataset (Li et al., 2020), is a comprehen-
sive aerial image dataset designed for object detec-
tion, consisting of 23,463 images with 190,288 in-
stances. All images in the dataset have a size of 800 ×
800 pixels. The dataset is divided into three subsets:
5,862 images for training, 5,863 images for valida-
tion, and 11,738 images for testing. It encompasses
20 prevalent object categories: Airplane (c1), Airport
VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
(c2), Baseball field (c3), Basketball court (c4), Bridge
(c5), Chimney (c6), Dam (c7), Expressway service
area (c8), Expressway toll station (c9), Golf course
(c10), Ground track field (c11), Harbor (c12), Over-
pass (c13), Ship (c14), Stadium (c15), Storage tank
(c16), Tennis court (c17), Train station (c18), Vehicle
(c19), and Windmill (c20).
4.2 Settings
For our experiments, two datasets were primarily con-
sidered: NWPU-VHR10 and DIOR. The NWPU-
VHR10 dataset does not come with a predefined train-
ing and testing split. To address this, we used a
random sampling technique. Specifically, 75% of
the positive images were allocated to the training
set, with the remainder reserved for testing. In the
case of the DIOR dataset, we conformed to its exist-
ing training/testing split. For training hyperparame-
ters, after performing fine-tuning, we obtained an ini-
tial learning rate of 1 ×10
, a final learning rate
of 1 ×10
, a cosine update strategy for the learn-
ing rate, a weight decay of 5 ×10
, a momentum
of 0.9, a maximum training epoch of 180, an Inter-
section over Union (IoU) threshold of 0.5, a confi-
dence threshold of 0.05, a Non-Maximum Suppres-
sion (NMS) threshold of 0.5, and pretraining on the
ImageNet dataset. By controlling aspects such as
the rate of parameter updates, regularization, con-
vergence, and post-processing, these hyperparameters
ensure consistency in the training process. All exper-
iments in this study were conducted on a computer
equipped with an Intel Xeon(R) CPU running at 2.20
GHz, 83.48 GB of memory, and an NVIDIA A100-
SXM4-40GB GPU with 40 GB of memory, facilitat-
ing accelerated computations.
4.3 Baseline
In our study, we adopted the YOLOv3 model (Red-
mon and Farhadi, 2018) as the foundational bench-
mark for assessments. YOLOv3, a notable one-stage
detector, stands as a reference in the object detec-
tion domain. The architecture’s backbone relies on
Darknet-53, a convolutional network designed specif-
ically for high-performance object detection tasks.
The strength of Darknet-53 lies in its ability to capture
hierarchical representations that are essential for de-
tailed object detection. Following the backbone, the
architecture employs the Feature Pyramid Network
(FPN) as its neck. FPN enhances the model’s capa-
bility by integrating high-level semantic features with
lower-level features, ensuring accurate object local-
ization across different scales. The head component
of YOLOv3 is responsible for final object classifica-
tion and bounding box regression, retaining the archi-
tecture’s inherent accuracy in object detection and lo-
4.4 Evaluation Metrics
To evaluate the effectiveness of our introduced archi-
tecture, we used the Mean Average Precision (mAP)
metric, a commonly used measure in object detection.
The mAP provides a comprehensive performance as-
sessment by combining the Average Precision (AP)
across various object categories. The mathematical
exposition is presented as:
Precision =
T P + FP
Recall =
T P + FN
AP =
precision(r) d(recall(r)) (17)
mAP =
In Equations (15) and (16), Precision and Recall
are detailed. Equation (17) delineates the AP, which
is essentially the area under the precision-recall curve.
Finally, Equation (18) computes the mAP by averag-
ing the AP over all object classes, where C denotes the
count of object classes. A high mAP score is indica-
tive of strong detection capabilities, signifying highly
effective performance across all object classes.
4.5 Experimental Results
After evaluating YOLOv3 with NLCAA on the
NWPU-VHR and DIOR datasets, we have summa-
rized the performance results in Table 1 and 2. Ta-
ble 1 presents the experimental results from the
DIOR dataset test set and offers a comparison with
state-of-the-art methods. The achieved results show
that the proposed NLCAA significantly exceeds the
vanilla YOLOv3 baseline with an improvement of
+21.2% in mAP. This notable gain underscores the ef-
ficacy of integrating NLCAA into the YOLOv3 base-
line, markedly enhancing its object detection perfor-
mance in remote sensing images. Moreover, NL-
CAA exceeds the performance of several state-of-the-
art methods: it achieves a +24.2% mAP compared to
Faster R-CNN, a +13.1% mAP against Mask R-CNN,
and outperforms NPMMR-De by +0.9% mAP.
A deeper dive into individual object performances
demonstrates that NLCAA exceeds other methods
Non-Local Context-Aware Attention for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images
Table 1: Comparative analysis on DIOR dataset.
Methods C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 mAP
Faster R-CNN (Ren et al., 2015) 53.6 53.2 78.8 66.2 28.0 70.9 62.3 69.0 55.2 68.0 56.9 50.2 50.1 27.7 73.0 39.8 75.2 38.6 23.6 45.4 54.1
Faster R-CNN with FPN(Lin et al., 2017a) 54.0 74.5 63.3 80.7 44.8 72.5 60.0 75.6 62.3 76.0 76.8 46.4 57.2 71.8 68.3 53.8 81.1 59.5 43.1 81.2 65.1
Mask-RCNN (He et al., 2017) 53.9 76.6 63.2 80.9 40.2 72.5 60.4 76.3 62.5 76.0 75.9 46.5 57.4 71.8 68.3 53.7 81.0 62.3 43.0 81.0 65.2
SSD (Liu et al., 2016) 53.9 76.6 63.2 80.9 40.2 72.5 60.4 76.3 62.5 76.0 75.9 46.5 57.4 71.8 68.3 53.7 81.0 62.3 43.0 81.0 65.2
YOLOv3 (Redmon and Farhadi, 2018) 72.2 29.2 74.0 78.6 31.2 69.7 26.9 48.6 54.4 31.1 61.1 44.9 49.7 87.4 70.6 68.7 87.3 29.4 48.3 78.7 57.1
RetinaNet (Lin et al., 2017b) 53.3 77.0 69.3 85.0 44.1 73.2 62.4 78.6 62.8 78.6 76.6 49.9 59.6 71.1 68.4 45.8 81.3 55.2 45.1 85.5 66.1
PANet (Wang et al., 2019) 60.2 72.0 70.6 80.5 43.6 72.3 61.4 72.1 66.7 72.0 73.4 45.3 56.9 71.7 70.4 62.0 80.9 57.0 47.2 84.5 66.1
CornetNet (Law and Deng, 2018) 58.8 84.2 72.0 80.8 46.4 75.3 64.3 81.6 76.3 79.5 79.5 26.1 60.6 37.6 70.7 45.2 84.0 57.1 43.0 75.9 64.9
CSFF (Law and Deng, 2018) 57.2 79.6 70.1 87.4 46.1 76.6 62.7 82.6 73.2 78.2 81.6 50.7 59.5 73.3 63.4 58.5 85.9 61.9 42.9 86.9 68.0
SCRDet++ (Yang et al., 2022) 71.9 85.0 79.5 88.9 52.3 79.1 77.6 89.5 77.8 84.2 83.1 64.2 65.6 71.3 76.5 64.5 88.0 70.9 47.1 85.1 75.1
NPMMR-Det (Huang et al., 2021) 88.1 87.1 82.0 92.6 49.6 80.6 73.4 83.7 70.5 85.0 84.8 64.8 63.3 91.6 71.3 76.1 92.0 69.1 58.6 83.6 77.4
Ours( NLCAA) 85.8 88.4 80.8 92.7 53.1 82.8 73.3 91.2 79.8 85.2 83.3 66.5 63.3 90.9 70.6 77.4 92.0 62.4 57.8 89.8 78.3
Class names: Airplane (C1), Airport (C2), Baseball field (C3), Basketball court (C4), Bridge (C5), Chimney (C6), Dam (C7), Expressway service area (C8), Expressway toll station (C9),
Golf course (C10), Ground track field (C11), Harbor (C12), Overpass (C13), Ship (C14), Stadium (C15), Storage tank (C16), Tennis court (C17), Train station (C18), Vehicle (C19),
Windmill (C20)
Table 2: Comparative analysis on NWPU-VHR dataset.
Methods PL ship ST BD TC BC GTF harbor bridge vehicle mAP
COPD (Cheng et al., 2014) 62.3 69.4 64.5 82.1 34.1 35.3 84.2 56.3 16.4 44.3 54.9
Faster RCNN(Ren et al., 2015) 90.9 86.3 90.5 98.2 89.7 69.6 100 80.1 61.5 78.1 84.5
Transferred CNN (Krizhevsky et al., 2012) 66.0 57.1 85.0 80.9 35.1 45.5 79.4 62.6 43.2 41.3 59.6
RICNN (Cheng et al., 2016) 88.7 78.3 86.3 89.1 42.3 56.9 87.7 67.5 62.3 72.0 73.1
YOLOv3 (Redmon and Farhadi, 2018) 95.4 87.1 70.9 99.1 73.2 81.2 96.2 85.6 60.6 56.1 80.5
Li et al. (Li et al., 2017) 99.7 90.8 90.6 92.2 90.3 80.1 90.8 80.3 68.5 97.1 87.1
CAD-Net (Zhang et al., 2019) 97.0 77.9 95.6 93.6 87.6 87.1 99.6 100 86.2 89.9 91.5
NPMMR-Det (Huang et al., 2021) 99.8 93.7 96.6 99.6 96.2 96.8 100 95.9 71.7 98.1 94.83
Ours( NLCAA) 99.78 94.5 96.7 99.0 96.0 91.0 100 97.6 89.1 97.7 96.15
Class names: PL (plane), ship, ST (storage tank), BD (baseball diamond), TC (tennis court), BC (basketball court), GTF (ground track field), harbor, bridge, vehicle.
across multiple categories, especially in detecting the
airport, basketball court, bridge, chimney, express-
way service area, expressway toll station, harbor, golf
course, overpass, storage tank, and tennis court. A
common thread among these objects is that they are
not only characterized by semantic features such as
shape, color, size, and texture but also by their con-
textual settings. For instance, bridges in the DIOR
dataset are often pictured with rivers below, harbors
are accompanied by seas, and airports often have air-
planes nearby. This underlines that these objects are
defined both by their semantic and contextual fea-
tures. The superior performance of NLCAA in de-
tecting these objects highlights its capability to cap-
ture both the semantic and contextual features, distin-
guishing it from other methods.
Table 2 continues this evaluation, detailing our
tests on the NWPU-VHR10 dataset and benchmark-
ing NLCAA against other state-of-the-art models.
The results in Table 2 further validate the effective-
ness of NLCAA. It outperforms the vanilla YOLOv3
baseline by +15.65% mAP, outdoes Faster R-CNN
by +11.65% mAP, and edges out NPMMR-De by
+1.31% mAP. Similar to its performance on the DIOR
dataset, NLCAA exhibits its effectiveness at detecting
and classifying several objects when benchmarked
against other leading methods. For example, it excels
in identifying ships, bridges, tennis courts, among
others. In this context, the ability of NLCAA to
capture both semantic and contextual features under-
scores its importance in the task of object detection in
remote sensing images. Some of the results obtained
by integrating NLCAA into the YOLOv3 architecture
are depicted in Figure 3.
However, while NLCAA is integrated into the
YOLOv3 architecture as the base model for our ap-
proach, facilitating benchmarking and comparisons
with state-of-the-art methodologies, its design is in-
herently modular. The pyramid pooling and dilated
convolution components of NLCAA are designed to
be compatible with various versions of YOLO ar-
chitectures, including YOLOv4 (Bochkovskiy et al.,
2020), YOLOv7 (Wang et al., 2022a), YOLOv8
(Reis et al., 2023), and YOLOX (Ge et al., 2021).
These versions demonstrate enhanced detection per-
formance compared to YOLOv3. Integrating NL-
CAA into these advanced architectures could further
augment their capabilities in detecting objects from
remote sensing images. Despite these advancements,
the NLCAA approach to object detection, with its fo-
cus on extracting both semantic and contextual fea-
tures, faces certain limitations. For example, in sce-
narios where objects such as vehicles are primarily
defined by their semantic attributes rather than con-
textual ones, NLCAA encounters specific challenges.
These challenges highlight areas for potential refine-
ment in NLCAA performance.
In conclusion, this study presents NLCAA, a novel
approach specifically designed for object detection in
remote sensing images. The evaluations on the DIOR
VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 3: Examples of object detection using YOLOv3 enhanced by NLCAA in diverse remote sensing images.
and NWPU VHR datasets revealed that NLCAA con-
sistently outperformed several existing methods. The
strength of NLCAA lies in its capability to inte-
grate both detailed and broader contextual features
of objects, enhancing its detection accuracy. As we
progress, our objective is to further refine the pro-
posed approach. Specifically, we will focus on op-
timizing the Neck and Head components of YOLOv3
to enrich its feature extraction ability.
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