Table 7: Fine-Tuning D
with Five Examples Per
Fine-Tuning UNSW
Class Support Precision (%) F1 (%) Recall (%)
Bulb 12 100 100 100
Camera 203 46.87 54.98 66.50
Computer 342 98.57 75.22 80.81
Mobile 101 59.00 72.51 94.05
Motion Sensor 134 91.66 15.06 8.20
Printer 22 95.65 97.77 100
Router 80 96.72 83.68 73.75
Speaker 70 100 93.95 88.60
Switch 50 33.89 47.61 80
Macro Avg 1023 72.23 64.08 67.19
Weighted Avg 1023 80.26 64.59 63.73
Total Accuracy 63.73
Table 8: Fine-Tuning D
with Five Examples Per Class.
Fine-Tuning ZBW
Class Support Precision (%) F1 (%) Recall (%)
Bulb 1 100 100 100
Camera 115 33.33 1.69 0.86
Computer 0 0 0 0
Mobile 23 90.90 58.82 43.47
Motion Sensor 0 0 0 0
Printer 0 0 0 0
Router 860 100 0.46 0.23
Speaker 9 5.14 9.65 77.77
Switch 4 0 0 0
Macro Avg 1012 36.58 18.95 24.70
Weighted Avg 1012 90.97 2.10 2.07
Total Accuracy 2.07
We successfully classify devices on these three
networking protocols; using prompt tuning, the LLM
successfully classified devices on a smaller dataset
reaching an accuracy of 79.44%. Through fine tuning,
the LLM successfully classified devices on a larger
dataset reaching an accuracy of 63.73%. The F1 score
for these two instances are also in-line with them, dif-
fering by no more than two. The LLM outperforms
the traditional models with the same data distribution.
For future work, we plan to transition to us-
ing LLMs entirely for this task by generating wider
datasets and further incorporating the knowledge em-
bedded in pre-trained language models. Furthermore,
we plan to evaluate this and similar tasks with other
LLMs (e.g., Llama 2) as the results of this work imply
feasibility in the use of LLMs for network classifica-
tion tasks, thus opening potential avenues for their use
in network security and privacy.
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