Partial Tensorized Transformers for Natural Language Processing
Subhadra Vadlamannati
and Ryan Solgi
Mercer Island High School, 9100 SE 42nd St, Mercer Island, U.S.A.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, U.S.A.
Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, ALIGN, Tensor-Train Decomposition,
Vision-Language Modelling.
The transformer architecture has revolutionized Natural Language Processing (NLP) and other machine-
learning tasks, due to its unprecedented accuracy. However, their extensive memory and parameter require-
ments often hinder their practical applications. In this work, we study the effect of tensor-train decomposition
to improve the accuracy and compress transformer vision-language neural networks, namely BERT and ViT.
We focus both on embedding-layer compression and partial tensorization of neural networks (PTNN) through
an algorithmic approach. Our novel PTNN approach significantly improves the accuracy of existing models
by up to 5%, all without the need for post-training adjustments, breaking new ground in the field of tensor
The transformer architecture has been extremely in-
fluential in the field of Natural Language Process-
ing (NLP) by achieving state-of-the-art performance
in multiple downstream tasks (Brown et al., 2020).
Specifically, transformer-based models have achieved
state-of-the-art performance in machine translation,
sentence representation, and language generation
(Brown et al., 2020). However, due to the multi-head
self-attention layers present in such architectures and
the sheer number of parameters present in each layer
(upwards of a million parameters during each forward
pass of the model), transformers are computationally
demanding in terms of both memory and computation
time (Gu et al., 2022).
Effective network compression for convolutional
neural networks with fully-connected networks is
still an open research question. Therefore, com-
pressing Transformer networks is essential for their
use on edge devices and in low-resource environ-
ments. Tensor Decomposition works by represent-
ing higher-order tensors as a series of low-rank fac-
tors(Oseledets, 2011).
Tensor Decomposition (TD) works by represent-
ing higher-order tensors as a series of simpler, lower-
order tensors via elementary operations (Oseledets,
2011). There are a variety of methods proposed to
express tensors in a low-rank format factored form,
including CANDECOMP PARAFAC (CP), tucker,
and tensor-train decomposition (Bacciu and Mandic,
Several studies have explored the application of
tensor decomposition methods to reduce the size of
neural networks and improve their efficiency. For ex-
ample, CP decomposition has been utilized to factor-
ize weight matrices as the sum of rank-1 tensors, re-
ducing the model’s memory requirements and speed-
ing up inference time 8x (Maldonado-Chan et al.,
Techniques like tensorized training can be applied
to neural networks to achieve both faster model in-
ference and also a large reduction in the number of
parameters. More recently, tensorized training ap-
proaches have explored the possibility of updating the
factored tensors of the weights of deep neural net-
works during the forward pass instead of the model
weights directly (Bacciu and Mandic, 2020).
In the field of natural language processing, while
tensor decomposition methods have been extensively
studied for text-based neural networks, their appli-
cation to multimodal neural networks has received
limited attention. Multimodal neural networks such
as ALIGN (Jia et al., 2021b) and VisualBERT (Li
et al., 2019), have gained significant attention in re-
cent years due to their remarkable ability to process
both text and image data. These dual-encoder archi-
tectures require a larger number of parameters com-
Vadlamannati, S. and Solgi, R.
Partial Tensorized Transformers for Natural Language Processing.
DOI: 10.5220/0012366500003636
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2024) - Volume 3, pages 543-547
ISBN: 978-989-758-680-4; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
pared to traditional text-based models due to their
need to capture information from many modalities.
While there has been existing research on apply-
ing traditional tensor decomposition methods to re-
duce the size of neural networks, their application on
multimodal neural networks has been severely lim-
ited (Maldonado-Chan et al., 2021). Existing methods
have demonstrated that tensor decomposition meth-
ods can effectively reduce memory time and increase
efficiency on neural networks while maintaining min-
imal accuracy loss (Zhong 2019; Bacciu and Mandic
In this paper, we focus on vision-language
transformer-based models as prime candidates for
models that require compression, as these models em-
ploy a dual-encoder architecture that requires double
the amount of parameters traditional text-based mod-
els use. These models must encode both text and im-
age data and then generate a latent space that can be
employed on a variety of downstream tasks includ-
ing visual question-answering, visual common-sense
reasoning, natural language for visual reasoning, and
region-to-phrase grounding. Vision-language tasks
have a wide range of practical applications, including
closed-captioning for the hard-of-hearing and screen
reading capabilities (Morris et al., 2018).
This paper aims to advance the field of multi-
modal language processing by applying state-of-the-
art tensor decomposition techniques to compress pop-
ular networks such as ViT and BERT while maintain-
ing model accuracy. We additionally study the effect
of tensor size and hyperparameter values during ten-
sorized training.
2.1 Data
We use the ImageNet dataset to train ViT. ImageNet is
a collection of 80 million tiny images for image clas-
sification. Instead of using the entire dataset, we use
the standard 1000 image test set of ImageNet known
as CIFAR10 (Krizhevsky, 2009) to evaluate the com-
pressed model.
2.2 Tensor-Train Decomposition
We use tensor-train (TT) decomposition throughout
this paper to compress weight tensors. In the tensor
train (TT) format (Oseledets, 2011), a d-way tensor
is approximated with a set of d cores
G = {G
, G
, ..., G
} where G
, r
for j = 1, ..., d 1 are the ranks, r
= r
= 1, and each
element of Y is approximated by the following equa-
W [i
, ..., i
] =
, i
, l
, i
, l
With a prescribed error tolerance (ε), the fun-
damental components, denoted as G
, are obtained
through a sequence of (d 1) consecutive Singular
Value Decompositions (SVDs) performed on auxil-
iary matrices derived from the unfolding of the tensor
Y along various axes. This decomposition method,
referred to as TT-SVD, is detailed in Algorithm 1.
Input: d-way tensor Y , error bound ε.
G = {G
, G
, ..., G
σ =
= 1, r
= 1, W = reshape(Y , (n
|Y |
for j = 1 to j = d 1 do
W = reshape(W, (r
Compute σ-truncated SVD:
+ E, where E
= the rank of matrix W based on
σ-truncated SVD
= reshape(U, (r
, n
, r
W = SV
= reshape(W, (r
, n
, r
G = {G
, G
, ..., G
Algorithm 1: TT-SVD.
2.3 Models and Pretraining
2.3.1 Models
We perform an analysis on the effects of various mod-
els to encode both visual and textual data. For the text
encoder, we focus on BERT (Liu et al., 2019) which
applies the bi-directional training of the Transformer
to create in-context word embeddings. To test BERT
on image classification, we pair it with EfficientNet
for the visual encoding, which is consistent with the
implementation in the dual-encoder network ALIGN
(Jia et al., 2021a). BERT has 12 layers, a hidden layer
size of 768, and around 120 million parameters.
For the visual encoder we focus on ViT (Dosovit-
skiy et al., 2021). ViT is an image processor based on
the Transformer architecture.
2.3.2 Pre-Compression Training
We fine-tune the image encoder ViT as it’s trained on
a much larger, more general dataset ImageNet. Ad-
ditionally, this fine-tuning improves baseline model
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: Bimodal Space-saving distribution for the two models.
accuracy which ensures that our post-training adjust-
ments truly improve model accuracy. Specifically, we
fine-tune ViT on the CIFAR10 train set with 50,000
images and hyperparameters as outlined in Section 4.
Post fine-tuning, we achieve an accuracy of 97.89%, a
validation loss of 0.2564 and a training loss of 0.4291.
2.4 Embedding Layer Tensorization
Due to the relatively large size of the embedding
layer, comprising around 28% of BERT’s total param-
eters, and around 40% of ViT’s total parameters, we
first explore the effects of embedding layer tensoriza-
tion. Following the aforementioned approach in 2.2,
we compress the embedding layers of the model and
study the effects on model accuracy.
2.5 Partially Tensorized Neural
Network (PTNN)
As the compression of the embedding layer caused
the accuracy of the network to increase, as men-
tioned in 3.1, we continue exploring this accuracy
improvement for the rest of the model using our
method in 2.4. In this case, we do not perform post-
training adjustments (like retraining). Initially, we ex-
tract model weights from all relevant encoders. We
compress every layer by initially transforming the
weight’s 2D matrix into a tensor of higher dimension
with the same volume as the original matrix. Tensor-
train decomposition is then used to decompose model
weights with a given error bound. Lastly, we re-
shape the tensor back into the original dimensions of
the 2D weight matrix. To perform this iteratively as
described in Algorithm 2, we re-initialize the model
with the decomposed weights and perform the same
process to compress the remaining model weights.
while not at the end of the model do
compress layers 0 to n using TT decomp;
if model accuracy 5% of the original
accuracy then
proceed to layer n + 1;
leave layer n uncompressed;
move to layer n + 1;
Algorithm 2: Iterative model tensorization.
2.6 Decomposition Evaluation
We evaluate the effectiveness of the decomposition
using commonly known metrics like compression ra-
tio and space saving, as described in Equation (1).
We additionally evaluate the memory saved and
time complexity of our decomposed models. For
memory reduction, we simply multiply the percent-
age space saving with the total number of parameters
in the non-decomposed matrix. Then, we divide this
over the total number of parameters in the model.
For time complexity, we use a standard approach
to find the O(n) based on the rank of the Tensor-
Train decomposed matrices as outlined in (Oseledets,
We evaluate both models on both the train (50,000)
and test (10,000) image split of the CIFAR10 dataset.
The ViT model has 98 weight tensors while BERT
Partial Tensorized Transformers for Natural Language Processing
Figure 2: BERT and ViT model iterative compression with exclusion of low-accuracy layers. Lighter color corresponding
dashed lines indicate baseline accuracy.
Table 1: Embedding Layer Decomposition Results.
Model Train Test Space-saving
Decomposed ViT 0.986 0.966 0.267
Base ViT 0.960 0.960 NA
Tensorized BERT (ALIGN) 0.767 0.833 0.269
Base BERT (ALIGN) 0.750 0.746 NA
contains 99 weight tensors. All layers are compressed
with an epsilon of 0.5 and 3D projections are con-
structed with lowest norms.
3.1 Embedding Layer Decomposition
The results of embedding layer decomposition are
presented in Table 1. Embedding layer decomposi-
tion results in an accuracy increase of around 2% and
still provides us with a noticeable parameter reduc-
tion. Even though we are not able to achieve high
space-saving on these layers (i.e. only around 26%),
the success of this approach in maintaining or even
improving accuracy leads us to apply this technique
to compress more layers of the model.
As seen in 3.1, decomposing the embedding layer
of BERT provides an accuracy gain over baseline
comparisons. Following these promising results, we
follow the methodology in Algorithm 2 to determine
the amount of BERT that can be compressed whilst
still maintaining overall accuracy.
3.2 Iterative and Individual
We first individually compressed ViT’s weight ten-
sors, but did not saw decreases in model accuracy af-
ter the embedding layer (results found in 4). There-
fore, individual decomposition was not tested exten-
sively on BERT due to computational limitations. In-
stead, we rather focused on the synergistic effects be-
tween layers of the model as mentioned in 2.5.
After compressing both models utilizing the pro-
cess described in Algorithm 2, the results are seen in
2. In general, we see accuracy improvements even
while compressing around half of the model’s pa-
rameters (53% in BERT and around 49% in ViT).
This is achieved all without post-training adjustments.
Most notably, more layers in BERT tend to have an
improved accuracy, however in ViT, compression of
many layers does not change the baseline accuracy,
while still resulting in a parameter reduction.
TT-decomposition can be an effective way to
improve the accuracy of transformer-based models.
While some layers vastly decrease the accuracy of the
model, we can still achieve a high compression even
when not including such layers in the overall decom-
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
This paper introduces a novel approach to compress-
ing transformer-based vision-language neural net-
works using TensorTrain decomposition. By applying
this method to popular models like ViT and BERT, we
achieved significant improvements in accuracy, up to
5%, without the need for post-training adjustments.
The iterative compression of model layers, coupled
with retraining, enables us to preserve model accu-
racy while reducing up to 53% of the model’s pa-
rameters. In the future, we would like to general-
ize our approach to other dual encoder models and
test our approach on other multimodal tasks like vi-
sual question answering and caption generation. This
work represents a valuable advancement in the field
of multimodal language processing and contributes to
our broader goal of making transformer-based mod-
els more efficient and practical for real-world appli-
The first author would like to extend her gratitude to
Dr. Lina Kim and the Research Mentorship Program
Cohort for their support throughout the research pro-
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ViT Fine-Tuning Hyperparameters
Learning Rate: 5
Train/Evaluation Batch Size: 32
Optimizer: Adam, linear learning rate
Epoch(s): 1
Individual Compression
Figure 3: ViT Individual Compression.
Partial Tensorized Transformers for Natural Language Processing