In this paper, we introduced PenGym, a framework
for creating real environments to support training
RL agents for penetration testing purposes. By en-
abling the execution of real actions with real obser-
vations, PenGym eliminates the need for the proba-
bilistic modeling of actions, resulting in a more ac-
curate representation of security dynamics compared
to simulation-based environments. Since PenGym
agents are trained in a cyber range, they experience
actual network conditions. This approach potentially
enhances the applicability of the trained agents when
they are deployed in a real-world infrastructure.
The framework has been validated and refined
through several experiments, demonstrating the cor-
rectness of the action implementation, as well as the
fact that PenGym can provide reliable results and rea-
sonable execution times for training. Although the
PenGym training times are longer than those of simu-
lation environments (e.g., 113.12 s versus 45.12 s on
average in our experiments when using the ‘tiny’ sce-
nario), we consider that this value is reasonable given
the actual cyber range and network use.
The PenGym framework was released on GitHub
(https://github.com/cyb3rlab/PenGym) as open
source. We plan to add support for more complex en-
vironments, thus enabling users to simulate more re-
alistic and larger scenarios that would make possible
more comprehensive testing and analysis.
In addition, we aim to improve the cyber range
creation method, which is currently mainly a manual
process that is time-consuming and cumbersome. Our
next goal is to automate cyber range creation by lever-
aging the functionality of the open-source CyTrONE
framework (Beuran et al., 2018), so that the creation
process is streamlined and more efficient.
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PenGym: Pentesting Training Framework for Reinforcement Learning Agents