Figure 5: Accuracy and F1 score of each ML algorithm for
showed the advantage of a multi-modal sensing
approach in improving HAR and PPC performances.
For the analysis with non-integrated data, we
ensured that the entire pipeline of analysis, including
standardization and feature selection, was
meticulously applied separately to the data from each
sensor before training the LSTM model. By applying
these steps independently to each sensor's data, we
aimed to assess the LSTM model's performance in
scenarios where data from only one sensor type was
available, thereby highlighting the benefits of our
multi-modal approach when all sensor data types are
The superior performance of the multi-modal
sensing approach, as evidenced by our findings,
underscores a pivotal aspect of HAR – the necessity
of capturing a comprehensive dataset that accounts
for both spatial and temporal dynamics of human
movements. The contrast in performance metrics
between single-mode and integrated data analysis
highlights the limitation of relying on isolated sensor
inputs. It demonstrates that individual sensor
modalities, while informative in their own right, may
not fully capture the complexity of human activities.
The integration of IL and IMU sensor data
complements the limitations of each modality. This
integrative approach mirrors the multifaceted nature
of human movements and provides a more accurate
representation of real-world scenarios.
In this paper, the feasibility of accurate HAR through
the integration of data taken from a wearable
actigraphy wristband and an RTLS was investigated.
The results affirm the efficacy of integrating location
features with posture features, resulting in enhanced
performance for both PPC and HAR. It was shown
that the proposed LSTM-based model outperformed
conventional machine learning methods, with higher
accuracies across all categories. Its superiority stems
from its ability to capture temporal dependencies in
HAR data. To improve the performance of the
proposed system, future work will aim to refine the
LSTM model and explore the effectiveness of our
approach for specific demographics, such as in senior
care, where accurate HAR can be particularly
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