Figure 2: Average PSNR on set5 across the GD iterations
for the solution of a noise-less completion problem with
90% of the pixels missing (see table 1).
ure 2 is reconstructed with a step-size of 0.025, which
is the largest step-size used in testing, while most of
the other problems use much smaller step-sizes and
do not exhibit the same phenomenon.
One big issue with any GD-based scheme so far
is that they are quite slow to test (and to train, if one
uses a DEQGD approach). The test we performed had
1500 forward iterations, as do the tests in (Fermanian
et al., 2023), meaning this is much slower than the
pnp ADMM used for the MTDEQ (hyper-parameters
for the pnp ADMM algorithm used can also be found
in (Fermanian et al., 2023)).
Further investigation of different hyper-
parameters for the training of a RERG could
provide even better performance on the tasks con-
sidered and improve convergence speed at testing.
There are procedures that can be used to speed up FP
calculations, like the method from (Bai et al., 2021)
or the correction terms from (Bai et al., 2022), that
could be incorporated to speed up inference and FP
estimation in training.
In this paper, we introduced an upper bound that can
be used for the training of a GD procedure as both a
training objective and a regularization. We compared
four different types of RGs on a range of different in-
verse problems and discussed some of the differences,
showing that the use of an upper bound for regulariza-
tion to create a RERG can mitigate some of the disad-
vantages of the DEQGD and the RG1.
So far, few investigations have been done on RGs
and we extended the theoretical framework intro-
duced in (Fermanian et al., 2023) while proposing
two novel ways of training RGs. We compared the
resulting RGs and demonstrated that the RERG that
combines both the upper bound and a DEQGD pro-
duces strong reconstruction results across all the in-
verse problems considered.
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VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications