Table 2: Performance of the best 5 models on Fashion MNIST dataset.
Best Model Accuracy F1-Score Memory Footprint(MB) Inference Time
Fashion MNIST
M1 0.895 0.850 28 10:22:35
M2 0.906 0.887 25 6:53:43
M3 0.914 0.890 21 7:10:12
M4 0.946 0.902 25.7 24:21:52
M5 0.961 0.941 22.3 17:15:25
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Algorithm Performance
SH-EMOA ≈ 0.92 /15.3
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MS-EHVI ≈ 0.90 /9.5
MO-BANANAS-SH ≈ 0.93 /19.3
BULK & CUT ≈ 0.94 /15.3
Random Search ≈ 0.92 /38.1
MOCA 0.96/22.3
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Agent Based Model for AUTODL Optimisation