This paper introduced a system to monitor social
distancing in real-time videos based on a deep
learning technique, the system utilized the YOLOv5
model for human detection. In addition, the bird’s eye
view perspective assisted the Euclidean formula to
obtain more accurate results in the calculating
distance between two persons. According to the
outcomes of the testing, the distance between the
camera and the human has an impact on the accuracy
of the system. The accuracy of the system
performance was 100% by utilizing the camera to
human distance from 3 to 10 meters, While, if the
people were too far away from the camera, they
appear too tiny. Consequently, the human detection
accuracy decreased at a distance of 10 meters or more,
because they could not be detected by the model. As
a result, the social distancing system performance
declines as well.
In future work, simultaneous human detection and
tracking with multiple cameras could be added to this
system. For this reason, in order to undertake
pedestrian matching, features of detected bounding
boxes in successive frames would be extracted and
compared with data from other cameras.
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