The results could favour government agencies
over other vital service providers. Analysing only
NIS-organizations can ignore attack frequency with-
out consequence. Thus, “disruption bias” may af-
fect cyber threat landscape interpretation. Results are
based on incidents the reporting organisation consid-
ers reportable, which could cause disruption bias. Or-
ganisational reporting is autonomous. Second, inci-
dent taxonomies and data analysis are difficult. Con-
tent analysis was useful for studying IT incidents, but
the researcher’s subjective categorization hampered
the study. Researchers’ knowledge and interpretation
of events determine research results. A structured in-
cident classification could be beneficial, but this study
struggled to create a report taxonomy. An abstract
taxonomy is needed to classify IT-incident reports by
characteristics, including indirect impact.
AVOIDIT and Cyber Harm use high-level classi-
fiers to classify attacks, but the categories could be
too abstract and fail to distinguish attack character-
istics. The AVOIDIT taxonomy and categories may
be outdated since 2009. More could have been done
to represent relevant impact types. A weakness of this
study is that it classified impact within and outside the
cyberinfrastructure without measuring it. Although
disruption and economic impact are primary informa-
tional and indirect impacts, the study does not account
for total downtime or economic loss. Comparing cy-
berattack effectiveness is difficult.
The analysis of IT incident reports from Swedish ser-
vice providers to MSB indicates that denial-of-service
attacks and disruptions severely affect operations and
information. Many of the 254 cyberattacks studied
had no effect. Many social engineering attacks had
little direct impact. Social engineering for initial ac-
cess and user attacks is decreasing but still common.
Infection with malware is rare. Few malicious IT in-
cidents compromised critical service providers’ infor-
mation resources. The indirect impacts were mostly
economic. Supply chain incidents often impacted so-
ciety and the economy. By identifying cyberinfras-
tructure’s impact types on service providers and oth-
ers, this paper advances scientific understanding. This
study found that many critical service provider cyber-
attack reports show no impact.
RQ1 suggests many cyberattacks have no social
or organisational impact. This study supports pre-
vious findings on supply chain incidents and organ-
isational and societal impact.Cyberattack classifica-
tion and components could be studied. We lack in-
cident taxonomies by high-level characteristics and
affect. Methodological advances in cyberattack-
classification that focus on possibilities and limits
would benefit systematic analysis of cyber incidents
based on reports with varying levels of detail. Re-
search on incident severity using indirect impact in-
dicators is needed. It categorised incidents by com-
ponent. It would be important to study how DDoS
attacks prolong critical service downtime.
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ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy