Table 1: The features used to estimate the quality of walking
in our ML-based approach.
Aspect Aggregations
Walking speed Mean, SD
Number of strides Mean, SD
Paretic step ratio over all steps Mean, SD
Paretic propulsion Mean, SD
Paretic stride length Mean, SD
Non-paretic stride length Mean, SD
Paretic step length Mean, SD
Non-paretic step length Mean, SD
Norm. foot height for paretic side Mean, SD
Norm. foot height for non-paretic side Mean, SD
Walking Cycle
Left single support percentage //
Right single support percentage //
Left step length Mean
Right step length Mean
Left stride length Mean
Right stride length Mean
Paretic leg sagittal-plane angle Sum, Min, Max, Mean, SD
Non-paretic leg sagittal-plane angle Sum, Min, Max, Mean, SD
Paretic leg frontal-plane angle Sum, Min, Max, Mean, SD
Non-paretic leg frontal-plane angle Sum, Min, Max, Mean, SD
Paretic leg length Sum, Min, Max, Mean, SD
Non-paretic leg length Sum, Min, Max, Mean, SD
Normalized paretic leg length Sum, Min, Max, Mean, SD
Normalized non-paretic leg length Sum, Min, Max, Mean, SD
Paretic leg vertical-length Sum, Min, Max, Mean, SD
Non-paretic leg vertical-length Sum, Min, Max, Mean, SD
Normalized paretic leg vertical-length Sum, Min, Max, Mean, SD
Normalized non-paretic leg vertical-length Sum, Min, Max, Mean, SD
Normalized paretic foot height Sum, Min, Max, Mean, SD
Normalized non-paretic foot height Sum, Min, Max, Mean, SD
Non-paretic leg angle Sum, Min, Max, Mean, SD
Paretic foot height Sum, Min, Max, Mean, SD
Non-paretic foot height Sum, Min, Max, Mean, SD
Age //
Gender //
Affected side //
Trial condition //
a video recording of the patient’s gait, while the out-
put is a numerical estimation of the DGI.
Irrespective of the selected acquisition device, our
system comprises two key modules: a recorder mod-
ule responsible for translating gait data into a stan-
dardized format, and a calculator module designed to
extract features related to the acquired video. Once
acquired the gait data, we perfom a video analysis
procedure aiming to obtain a feature vector that rep-
resents a single gait session for a given patient.
The features extracted capture four distinct as-
pects of the gait: stride-related, walking cycle-
related, leg and feet-related, and demographics. In
the following we provide a detailed description of
each of these features, which are also succinctly sum-
marized in Table 1.
Stride-Related Aspects. These aspects focuses
on stride measurements and timing data. They of-
fer insight into the impact of pathology on the sub-
ject’s stride, which can be instrumental in assessing
overall gait quality. For patients with a paretic side
and a non-paretic side, we consider the following as-
pects: (i) walking speed, (ii) number of strides, where
a stride represents a complete gait cycle consisting of
two steps, starting with one foot making contact with
the ground and ending when the same foot repeats this
contact, (iii) paretic step ratio calculated as the aver-
age of (paretic step length) / (stride length) over all
strides in the trial, (iv) paretic propulsion, (v) paretic
and non-paretic stride length, (vi) paretic and non-
paretic step length, and (vii) normalized foot height
for both paretic and non-paretic sides. Mean and stan-
dard deviation are computed for these aspects to ex-
tract relevant features.
Walking Cycle-Related Aspects. This aspects
comprise metrics derived from the walking cycle,
which can help in assessing disparities between the
paretic and non-paretic sides, contributing to the esti-
mation of DGI. These aspects include: (i) single sup-
port percentages, representing the (total time in which
the subject is supported by a single leg on the chosen
side) / (total trial time) for both sides, and (ii) step and
stride length averages across the entire trial.
Legs and Feet-Related Aspects. The third set
of aspects encompasses measurements related to the
legs and feet, both paretic and non-paretic, providing
insights into how this gait differs from a normal one
in terms of movement. Specific aspects include: (i)
sagittal plane leg angle, measured from pelvic Cen-
ter Of Mass (COM) to foot COM, (ii) frontal plane
leg angle, measured from pelvic COM to foot COM,
(iii) leg length, defined as the distance between pelvis
COM and foot COM, (iv) normalized leg length, ex-
pressed as (leg length) / (height of pelvis COM from
the floor), (v) vertical-only leg length, representing
the difference between the vertical components of
pelvis COM and foot COM, (vi) normalized vertical
length, defined as (vertical-only length) / (height of
pelvis COM), and (vii) normalized foot height, calcu-
lated as (foot COM height) / (pelvis COM height). For
each of these seven aspects, measured for both sides,
we compute the sum, maximum, minimum, mean,
and standard deviation.
Demographic and Clinical Aspects. To enhance
the effectiveness of the evaluation system, we include
demographic information known to the patient. This
data, collected alongside gait analysis, consists of the
patient’s age, gender, the affected side expressed as
1/2 for left/right, and the trial condition, represented
by an integer from 0 to 4, addressing one of the five
trial conditions described in Section 4.
The above features are then used to estimate the
DGI. Given the numerical nature of DGI, estimating it
naturally falls under the category of regression prob-
lems. Thus, we employ machine learning techniques
to train a regression model capable of estimating DGI.
Further details regarding the algorithms used are pre-
sented in our description of the experimental design
(Section 4).
Machine Learning-Based Qualitative Analysis of Human Gait Through Video Features