Wildlife Species Classification on the Edge: A Deep Learning
Subodh Ingaleshwar
, Farid Tasharofi
, Mateo Avila Pava
, Harshit Vaishya
Yazan Tabak
, Juergen Ernst
, Ruben Portas
, Wanja Rast
, Joerg Melzheimer
Ortwin Aschenborn
, Theresa Goetz
1,3 k
and Stephan Goeb
Fraunhofer- Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS, Erlangen, Germany
Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, Berlin, Germany
Department of Industrial Engineering and Health, University of Applied Sciences Amberg-Weiden, Germany
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Animal Species, Applied Conservation, Deep Neural Networks,
Embedded Systems, Energy Efficient, Image Classification.
Abstract: Accurate and timely recognition of wild animal species is very important for various management processes
in nature conservation. In this article, we propose an energy-efficient way of classifying animal species in
real-time. Specifically, we present an image classification system on a low power Edge-AI device, which
embeds a deep neural network (DNN) in a microcontroller that accurately recognizes different animal species.
We evaluate the performance of the proposed system using a real-world dataset collected via a small handheld
camera from remote conservation regions of Africa. We implement different DNN models and deploy them
on the embedded device to perform real-time classification of animal species. The experimental results show
that the proposed animal species classification system is able to obtain a remarkable accuracy of 84.30% with
an energy efficiency of 0.885 𝑚J on an edge device. This work provides a new perspective toward low power,
energy-efficient, fast and accurate edge-AI technology to help in inhibiting wildlife-human conflicts.
The illegal trade in wildlife products is a global
problem. This is not only endangering animal species
that are already at risk of extinction but also affecting
the livelihoods and security of human lives residing in
the region (Wildlife Crime Report, 2022). It is a
recorded fact that in every 20 minutes, an animal is
poached or killed in human-wildlife conflict (Poaching
and Biodiversity Report, 2022). According to World
Wildlife Fund (WWF) for Nature, poaching of
Cheetahs has increased to 7,700% in last few years
(WWF Report, 2021). Zoologists are of the opinion,
the more we study the wild, better we can develop and
apply effective conservation measures. Artificial
Intelligence (AI) on edge devices is expanding to more
niche domains, for instance ecological understanding,
because of the wide range of advancement in the areas
of embedded systems design (Dominguez et.al., 2021)
(J. Bartels et.al., 2022). Areas of embedded systems
design include high-speed parallel processing
elements, ultra-lower boards, multi-level PCB design
and IDE’s with low-level debug features. These
advancements, from AI model development to
deployment, lead to a new set of tools and processes in
DNN powered embedded AI applications.
Ingaleshwar, S., Tasharofi, F., Pava, M., Vaishya, H., Tabak, Y., Ernst, J., Portas, R., Rast, W., Melzheimer, J., Aschenborn, O., Goetz, T. and Goeb, S.
Wildlife Species Classification on the Edge: A Deep Learning Perspective.
DOI: 10.5220/0012376700003636
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2024) - Volume 3, pages 600-608
ISBN: 978-989-758-680-4; ISSN: 2184-433X
Copyright © 2024 by Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
1.1 Challenges in AI
As the magnitude of the features in Neural Network’s
(NN) crosses one billion trainable parameters,
increment in storage & arithmetic operations prevents
them from being adopted in the battery powered
embedded environments. Embedded AI and Edge AI
are AI technologies related to the deployment of AI
models on Local/Edge devices, rather than relying on
centralized cloud-based solutions. However, they
have different focuses and use cases. Edge devices are
the devices with limited power capacity like
smartphones, smart sensors, wearables etc. Edge
devices are preferred over the cloud for certain
applications due to data privacy, less latency, limited
battery power and limited communication bandwidth
(Edge AI Technology Report, 2023). The main
difference between embedded AI and edge AI is the
scale and complexity of AI tasks that can be handled
and the types of devices to be deployed. Embedded
AI refers to specific functions within dedicated
hardware, whereas Edge AI is more versatile and can
be deployed on a broader range of devices for real-
time, local processing. The choice between them
depends on the specific use case and availability of
hardware resources.
1.2 Related Work
Several studies discuss the different deep learning
based methods for classifying different animal
species. Authors (S. Han et.al., 2021) proposed four
different methods of animal species classification
using Face HQ dataset. Two convolutional neural
network (CNN) based VGG16 and ResNet methods
achieved an accuracy of 84% and 87% respectively.
The remaining two unsupervised clustering with
variational auto-encoder and auto-encoder with SVM
records almost 94% of accuracy over the test data.
The proposed methods recorded good accuracy but
contain complex computations that make it hard to
synthesize. Authors (Sahil Faizal et.al., 2022)
provided a method for classifying animals mentioned
in IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. They
proposed a technique based on fine-tuning of the
InceptionResNet that has been trained using cloud
computing resources of Google Colab on animal
species from Kaggle dataset. The recorded test
accuracy is 95% with less number of epochs. The
network performs complex computations, which are
difficult to synthesize. Authors (Binta Islam, S. et.al.,
2023) proposed an AI-based automated classification
solution for camera-trap, herpetofaunal animals using
the pre-trained DNN models like ResNet and
VGG16. Authors (Zualkernan, I et.al.,2022)
introduced an IoT system for animal species
classification using pre-trained models like
InceptionV3, MobileNetV2, ResNet18,
EfficientNetB1, DenseNet121, and Xception neural
network models. They used a custom made camera-
trap image dataset of 66 thousands images and
deployed on different platforms. The latency time for
Jetson Nano is 0.276 sec with current consumption of
1665.21 mA and for Raspberry-pi is 838.99mA with
latency of 2.83sec. (Zhongqi Miao et.al.,2019)
suggested a DNN model using VGG16 and ResNet50
along with gradient weighted class-activation-
mapping (Grad-CAM) procedure to extract the most
salient features in the final convolution layer. The
proposed method reported an accuracy of 86%.
Authors (Ibrahim Mai et.al., 2020) recorded
accuracy of 96% on their CNN model, which is
trained using BCMOTI and Snapshot Wisconsin
datasets. The recorded an inference time is 9sec,
which is high, compared to the other controllers
(Arthur Moss et.al.,2022) (Mitchell Clay et.al.,2022)
like MAX 78000 with inference time varies from 3 to
26ms based on model and input size. Authors (A.
Reuther et.al., 2020 & 2022) provide an extensive list
of accelerators categorized as very low power,
autonomous, data center chips and cards, lastly data
center systems. Authors also provide the sorted list
based on different features like computation
precision, form factor, peak performance and power
consumption details. Similarly, author Weison Lin
et.al, not only lists pre-configured edge AI
accelerators but also coarse-grained reconfigurable
array (CGRA) technology accelerators, which
support dynamic reconfiguration (Lin, W. et al.,
2021). Author also mentions actual performance,
implementation, and productized examples of edge
AI accelerators with key performance metrics that can
be of significant information for Embedded AI
This paper demonstrates an entire framework of
the animal classification system starting from training
of CNN based classification model to its deployment
onto a low-power Edge device MAX 78000FTHR.
The system is specifically built for deep learning
based applications with an on-board CNN
accelerator. The main contributions of this work are
summarized as below,
a) Developing an end-to-end ultra-low powered
image classification system for recognizing
different animal species.
b) Perform a thorough experimental analysis of two
different DNN models that efficiently classify
different animal species on the edge device.
Wildlife Species Classification on the Edge: A Deep Learning Perspective
The remaining part of the paper is organized as
follows: Section II describes the materials like
datasets, components and methods used to build
model and selection of the AI hardware. Section III
presents and discusses the results obtained from the
proposed system. The paper ends with a conclusion
in Section IV.
2.1 Dataset
The image data used in this study are collected using
a range of available cameras including cell phone
cameras over the vast and remote regions of
Namibian savannah ecosystems. The dataset contains
6300 images of three different classes: Elephant,
Cheetah and landscape. Duplicate or similar images
were removed manually and only 5550 were
considered for experimentation. The experiment
dataset contains 1650 images of Elephants, 1650
images of Cheetahs and 1800 images of landscape, all
of which were labeled and examined by the
researchers of Leibniz-IZW. Figure 1 shows the
examples of images from each class used in our study.
2.2 Image Pre-Processing
The collected images had a resolution of 5472 
3648 pixels. All the images were down-sampled to a
resolution of 64 64 , 96  96 and 180  180
pixels. In order to increase the model’s
generalizability, data augmentation techniques were
applied. Random transformations such as horizontal
flip, rotation (90 degree), Gaussian blur and Color
augmentation were performed on each image. The
dataset is split into 90% training images and 10%
testing images. The test data is treated as unseen data
and only reserved for testing the model. We perform
5-fold cross-validation on the training dataset to fine-
tune each of the selected models. After achieving
satisfactory accuracy through the cross-validation
processes, the model with best performance was
selected as the final model and evaluated with unseen
test data.
2.3 Deep Neural Network (DNN)
In this study, two DNN models were trained and
tested on the collected dataset. The selected DNN
Figure 1: Example of the dataset. The wild animals are
shown in the top row (Elephant and Cheetah, respectively),
while landscape class for this experiment are displayed in
the bottom row.
models are inspired from popular VGG architecture
(Karen Simonyan and Andrew Zisserman, 2015) with
varying number of convolutional layers such as, six
layer VGG (VGG-6) and eight layer VGG (VGG-8).
VGG-6 consists of three convolutional layers and
three fully connected layers, whereas VGG-8 is made
up of five convolutional layers and three fully
connected layers. The last fully connected layer is a
softmax layer with three neurons for predicting the
corresponding classes. Both the models were trained
using Adam optimizer and cross-entropy loss
function. Furthermore, both the models were trained
using the PyTorch framework and then retrained with
2.4 Hardware/Deployment Platform
To evaluate the performance of the selected DNN
models in real-time, we deployed them onto the ultra-
low power edge device. We have analyzed seven
different recently launched ultra-low powered
embedded processors mainly used for neural network
inference and training purposes. These accelerators
are Maxim 78000 (Maxim User Guide, 2020), GAP8,
GAP9 (GAP Processors, 2020), Kendryte
(L.Gwennan, 2019), Perceive (J.McGregor, 2020),
AI storm, Gyrfalcon (SolidRun, 2020). All these AI
accelerators are on-chip devices intended for low
powered-low latency applications.
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 2: Pareto diagram for AI hardware selection.
Figure 2 shows the Pareto diagram used for the
selection of an efficient hardware model. The key
factors considered in this graph are peak performance
in terms of Giga operations per sec (GOPs/sec), Peak
power (w) and SRAM size of each AI processor.
Circle with varying radius is used to denote the
SRAM size. Larger the radius, higher the size of
SRAM and vice versa. After studying the Pareto
diagram shown in Figure 2, we choose the AI
accelerator with the best performance such as
MAX78000 CNN inference engine in this study.
Table 1: Main features of MAX78000.
Main features MAX78000
ARM Cortex M4
with FPU
Operating @100MHz
NN Accelerator
with 64 parallel
Operating @ 50MHz
RISC V as Smart
Operating @ 60MHz
Operating modes
of MAXIM 78000
Seven operating modes
(Active, Sleep. Low
power mode, Ultra-low
Power, Standby,
Backup, Power down)
Flash memor
NN Accelerator
Data RAM 512KB
Mask RAM 432KB
Bias RAM 2KB
Tornado RAM 384KB
The MAX78000FTHR is a new Artificial
Intelligence (AI) board with MAX78000
microcontroller that enables DNN models to operate
in real-time at ultra-low power (Maxim User Guide,
2020). This controller has an ARM Cortex-M4F core,
a RISC-V core, and a CNN accelerator, which
enables low-powered applications to run AI
inferences at high speed while consuming very low
energy. The main features of the MAX78000 are
summarized in Table 1. The selected VGG-6 and
VGG-8 models are deployed onto the
MAX78000FTHR using PyTorch checkpoints. Since
the PyTorch models are trained with floating-point
weights and biases, weights are quantized using
integer-arithmetic-only quantization during re-
training with MAXIM API’s. The model’s
performance is expected to be degraded due to weight
quantization. The quantized model is synthesized
using MAX78000 synthesizer via Maxim tools
(Maxim User Guide, 2020). The C code generated
from the MAX78000 synthesizer is then executed on
the MAX78000 to predict the class of unseen images
in real-time.
2.5 Maxim Micros SDK: Firmware
Development Using MaximSDK
The Maxim Micros SDK (Maxim User Guide, 2020)
is a multi-os installer used to install the Eclipse IDE,
examples, libraries and necessary tools required to
develop the firmware for Maxim Integrated’s
Microcontroller ICs. This installer is fully integrated
with Eclipse™ and MaximSDK. The Eclipse IDE is
used for C/C++ project development, with peripheral
configuration, code generation, code compilation and
low level debug features for MAXIM micro-
controllers. It also bundles setups for all the required
programs. The programs bundled in the setup consist
of GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors,
Eclipse CDT IDE for C/C++ Developers (Maxim
Integrated version), Maxim Integrated Bitmap
Converter, Maxim Integrated Secure Tools,
Minimalist GNU for Windows (MinGW), Open On-
Chip Debugger(OpenOCD), and Olimex ARM-USB-
TINY-H Drivers.
In this section, we present the experimental results
obtained from the classification system using the
PyTorch framework, over two different DNN models
and different image resolutions. These experiments
were performed in two different testing scenarios: (1)
training and testing the DNN models using PyTorch
framework on a dedicated computer, and (2)
deploying the trained DNN models on MAX78000
using Maxim development tool and testing unseen
images in real-time. We further provide a thorough
analysis of a real-time image classification approach
that significantly influences the testing accuracy,
Wildlife Species Classification on the Edge: A Deep Learning Perspective
inference time, memory utilization and energy
consumption when deployed onto the edge device.
3.1 Model Evaluation Results
The results obtained from both DNN models for the
collected dataset after training and evaluating them on
unseen test data using PyTorch are presented in Table
2. A model’s performance can be assessed by how the
trained classifier predicts the unseen image. First, to
assess the effect of image resolution on validation
accuracy, input images are down-sampled to three
different sizes. These sizes include dimensions of
64  64, 96  96, and 180  180. This analysis
helps in understanding how down-sampling affects
the DNN model’s validation accuracy. Figure 3
demonstrates the validation accuracy of the VGG-8
model over 100 training epochs. It is observed that the
model has been converged around 40 epochs. From
Figure 3, it can be observed that down-sampling input
images to a resolution of 64  64 leads to
performance degradation, compared to using images
with a resolution of 180  180.
Figure 3: Validation accuracy for VGG-8 model to
investigate the effect of down-sampling on performance
during 100 training epochs.
We then evaluated the model’s performance with
a test dataset to measure the model’s generalizability.
The test results were calculated with commonly used
statistical metrics known as accuracy and F1 score.
The results obtained over the different image
resolutions for each of the DNN model configurations
are reported into Table 2. As expected, higher image
resolution (180  180) achieved higher accuracy of
84.45% and 88.12% for VGG-6 and VGG-8 models,
respectively. A higher resolution implies the
availability of more information in terms of more
pixels to classify the image. On the other hand, when
images were down-sampled to the dimensions of
64  64 , the classification performance of both
models degraded significantly. However, in order to
achieve the best classification performance, the
higher image resolution to be used which directly
affects the energy consumption of the edge device on
which models are deployed, as well as the total
inference time to perform prediction for each image.
Table 2: Classification results of VGG-6 and VGG-8 with
unseen test dataset.
Model Image Size
F1 score
64x64 82.88 80.05
96x96 83.12 82.4
180 x 180 84.45 82.67
64x64 81.55 79.67
96x96 86.67 85.93
180 x 180 88.12 86.53
3.2 Embedded AI Deployment Results
The already-trained DNN models obtained with
PyTorch were then quantized and synthesized using
the Maxim tool in order to integrate them onto the
hardware platform, MAX78000. Motivated by
(Dominguez et.al., 2021), we used X-accuracy as a
performance metric to demonstrate the performance
of DNN models on MAX78000. It represents the
difference in terms of accuracy with a model trained
in PyTorch framework before quantizing and
synthesizing it and after deploying it on MAX78000.
Figure 4: X-cross accuracy [%] and Accuracy [%]. of VGG-
6 and VGG-8 with unseen test dataset when deployed on
MAX78000. X-cross accuracy of 100% indicates that the
model deployed on MAX78000 observed the same
accuracy as the original model.
Therefore, 100% X-cross accuracy means the
model deployed on MAX78000 obtains same accuracy
64x64 96x96 180 x
64x64 96x96 180 x
Accuracy [%]
X-cross accuracy Accuracy
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
as the model before deployment. The classification
performance of each DNN model configuration
deployed on MAX78000 is reported in Figure 4. Figure
4 shows that both VGG-6 and VGG-8 models with
different image resolutions achieve almost the same
accuracy as their software counterparts. The bars in red
color indicate the actual accuracies obtained by each
model when deployed on MAX78000.
3.2.1 Inference Time
Figure 5 presents the effect of image resolution and
model size (in terms of number of convolutional
layers) on inference time when predicting a single
image on MAX78000. Figure 5 clearly shows that the
smaller size images provide faster inference when
deployed onto the edge device. As expected, the
deeper the model, the more time it needs for
prediction of an unseen image. For instance, the
VGG-8 model clearly requires more time to perform
prediction than that of VGG-6. Since the CNN
accelerator of MAX78000 has 64 processors and a
maximum 64 number of operations can be performed
in parallel, the inference time is shown to be increased
in a stepwise manner with different image
resolutions. This is a quite interesting fact about
Figure 5: Inference time by each studied DNN model to
perform a prediction for a single image on MAX78000.
3.2.2 Mops/S per Watt for Each of the DNN
Models on MAX78000
Figure 6 indicates the performance of each studied
model in terms of Mops/s/Watt (10
operations per
second per watt) when deployed on MAX78000. This
measure is the most commonly used to depict the
performance of an embedded platform. As expected,
a deeper model needs more operations to execute per
demanded watt. Moreover, bigger images require a
large number of operations to execute per demanded
watt. On the other hand, a smaller image size and less
deep model seem to be more efficient. An image with
higher resolution entails the device must analyze
more pixels in order to perform a prediction.
Figure 6: Mops/s per watt for each of the studied DNN
3.2.3 Memory Usage
Figure 7 compares the memory usage for both VGG-
6 and VGG-8 in terms of flash, weight and bias
memories. The reported results show that, in
comparison to the higher resolution, smaller size
images reduce the total required memory utilization
(or usage) during inference. Higher resolution means
an increase in the number of pixels, which in turn
increases the memory consumption and prediction
latency. Increasing the memory usage and the
prediction latency directly increases the energy
consumption that can be confirmed in the following
Subsection 3.2.4. Bias memory utilized by VGG-6 is
2 bytes, whereas VGG-8 utilizes 514 bytes of bias
memory during inference. The bias memory usage is
not displayed in Figure 7 because of the scale of Y-
Figure 7: Memory usage for each of the studied DNN
models on MAX78000.
64x64 96x96 180x180
Inference time [ms]
Size of the image
64x64 96x96 180x180
Mops/s per watt
Size of the image
64x64 96x96 180 x
64x64 96x96 180 x
Memory usage [KB]
Flash memory usage Weight memory usage
Bias memory usage
Wildlife Species Classification on the Edge: A Deep Learning Perspective
3.2.4 Energy Consumption
Energy consumption is a crucial factor when
deploying the DNN model onto an AI edge device. It
indicates the capability of running DNN models using
mJ’s means of energy. We calculated the energy
consumption of each model by measuring the current
drawn while running each model. A simple setup used
for the measurement of energy consumption is shown
in Figure 8. Another crucial metric for measuring the
energy consumption is inference execution time.
Executing an inference on an AI device involves
different operations such as setting it up, loading
weights and data, executing the model, and offloading
any result to the microcontroller unit. Figure 9 shows
the current profile of VGG-8 model for an image size
of 96  96. Total energy consumption is calculated
by multiplying applied voltage, current drawn during
inference, and inference execution time. Table 3
displays the execution time for each of the operations
and current drawn during each operation.
Figure 8: Experimental setup for inference energy
measurement of AI device.
Figure 9: Current profile of the VGG-8 model for an image
size of 96×96 (Note: The noise in the signal is due to
onboard voltage regulator).
Figure 10 represents the energy consumed during an
inference for each model on MAX78000. As
expected VGG-6 with an image size of 64  64
consumed the least amount of energy. Overall, VGG-
6 at all sizes consumes less energy than VGG-8 since
it is a smaller model and needs fewer operations to
execute on MAX78000. Higher image resolution
based models consumed more energy, from 2.84 mJ
to 4.275 mJ. This clearly indicates the influence of
image resolution on energy consumption when the
model is deployed on MAX78000.
Figure 10: Energy consumption for each of the studied
DNN models on MAX78000.
Table 3: Current drawn during and execution time of each
operation to measure the energy consumption of VGG-8
model with an image size of 96×96.
Region Operation Current
time [ms]
A ARM Cortex
(CNN idle)
8 --
B CNN enable 8 - 12 4
12 14
D Inference 19 9
E Post Inference 12 5
F CNN disable 8 3
Inference energy 𝐸𝑉𝐼𝐼𝑛𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒
5𝑉  19𝑚𝐴  9𝑚𝑠 0.855 𝑚J
In this paper, we performed the classification of
animal species using an ultra-low power edge AI
device named as MAX78000FTHR board. We have
provided thorough analysis pertaining to animal
species classification performance and real time
performance implications for wildlife monitoring.
We investigated the performance degradation
exhibited when down-sampling input images, and
demonstrated that significantly reducing the image
resolution has a marginal effect on validation as well
test accuracy, inference time, memory utilization and
most importantly energy consumption. The
64x64 96x96 180x180
Energy consumption[m J]
Size of the image
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
experimental findings imply that the selected edge
device, MAX78000 specific model optimization,
need to be done to enhance the acceleration benefits.
The AI device used here represents a suitable
platform for future low power implementations in
edge computing devices.
The authors would like to thank the Fraunhofer
Institute for Integrated Circuits (IIS) for providing
infrastructure for carrying out this research work and
the European Research Consortium for Informatics
and Mathematics (ERCIM) for the award of Research
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ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence