existing commitment schemes: KZG
, aPlonK-PC
and Semi-AVID-PC. Then, these output shards can
be verified individually before trying to decode the
full data.
We implemented the KZG
, aPlonK-PC and
Semi-AVID-PC commitment schemes using the Ark-
works cryptographic libraries. Their performance in
terms of execution time (generating or verifying cryp-
tographic proofs) and storage space (size of trusted
setup and generated proofs and commits) was then
analysed. In most cases Semi-AVID-PC is the op-
timal solution, except when the input files are large
and when the verification time must be optimized. In
this case, aPlonK-PC is optimal.
For a designer of distributed storage systems, this
means that if a lot of individual shard verifications
must be done as compared to data addition and proofs
generation, aPlonK-PC should be considered as a
possible alternative to Semi-AVID-PC.
This can be the case for blockchains or their com-
panion rollups, where newly created blocks become
available only after numerous verifications are per-
formed by different nodes. This may also be the case
for systems where massive store-and-forward (gossip-
based protocols) is used for data dispersal, so that
only valid shards are stored on any node. In other
cases, Semi-AVID-PC is clearly the optimal solution.
Note, however, that it does not prove a Reed-Solomon
encoding, but simply a linear combination encoding,
which can be considered as weaker according to the
Moreover, the performance costs to enhance the
security is acceptable. This allows for distributed stor-
age systems where only verified shards are stored, and
corrupted shards can be easily detected and discarded.
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Performance Evaluation of Polynomial Commitments for Erasure Code Based Information Dispersal